* feat: add WebFrameMain detached property fix: throw instead of returning null senderFrame test: detached frames fix: ensure IPCs of pending deletion RFHs are dispatched fix: lookup WFM by FTN ID to dispatch IPCs feat: add frame.isDestroyed() return null fix: return undefined docs: add null to all frame properties refactor: option c, return null and emit warning refactor: add routingId & processId to navigation events test: null frame property docs: clarify warning message better wording clarify null frame fix: browserwindow spec * maybe fix 🤷 * fix: use updated util #43722 * docs: add notice for frame change of behavior * docs: clarify why frame properties may be null * lint * wip * fix: content::FrameTreeNodeId lookup and converter * refactor: avoid holey array deoptimization --------- Co-authored-by: John Kleinschmidt <jkleinsc@electronjs.org>
355 lines
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355 lines
13 KiB
import { ipcMainInternal } from '@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal';
import * as ipcMainUtils from '@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal-utils';
import { parseWebViewWebPreferences } from '@electron/internal/browser/parse-features-string';
import { webViewEvents } from '@electron/internal/browser/web-view-events';
import { IPC_MESSAGES } from '@electron/internal/common/ipc-messages';
import { syncMethods, asyncMethods, properties, navigationHistorySyncMethods } from '@electron/internal/common/web-view-methods';
import { webContents } from 'electron/main';
interface GuestInstance {
elementInstanceId: number;
visibilityState?: DocumentVisibilityState;
embedder: Electron.WebContents;
guest: Electron.WebContents;
const webViewManager = process._linkedBinding('electron_browser_web_view_manager');
const netBinding = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_net');
const supportedWebViewEvents = Object.keys(webViewEvents);
const guestInstances = new Map<number, GuestInstance>();
const embedderElementsMap = new Map<string, number>();
function makeWebPreferences (embedder: Electron.WebContents, params: Record<string, any>) {
// parse the 'webpreferences' attribute string, if set
// this uses the same parsing rules as window.open uses for its features
const parsedWebPreferences =
typeof params.webpreferences === 'string'
? parseWebViewWebPreferences(params.webpreferences)
: null;
const webPreferences: Electron.WebPreferences = {
nodeIntegration: params.nodeintegration ?? false,
nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: params.nodeintegrationinsubframes ?? false,
plugins: params.plugins,
zoomFactor: embedder.zoomFactor,
disablePopups: !params.allowpopups,
webSecurity: !params.disablewebsecurity,
enableBlinkFeatures: params.blinkfeatures,
disableBlinkFeatures: params.disableblinkfeatures,
partition: params.partition,
if (params.preload) {
webPreferences.preload = netBinding.fileURLToFilePath(params.preload);
// Security options that guest will always inherit from embedder
const inheritedWebPreferences = new Map([
['contextIsolation', true],
['javascript', false],
['nodeIntegration', false],
['sandbox', true],
['nodeIntegrationInSubFrames', false],
['enableWebSQL', false]
// Inherit certain option values from embedder
const lastWebPreferences = embedder.getLastWebPreferences()!;
for (const [name, value] of inheritedWebPreferences) {
if (lastWebPreferences[name as keyof Electron.WebPreferences] === value) {
(webPreferences as any)[name] = value;
return webPreferences;
function makeLoadURLOptions (params: Record<string, any>) {
const opts: Electron.LoadURLOptions = {};
if (params.httpreferrer) {
opts.httpReferrer = params.httpreferrer;
if (params.useragent) {
opts.userAgent = params.useragent;
return opts;
// Create a new guest instance.
const createGuest = function (embedder: Electron.WebContents, embedderFrameId: number, elementInstanceId: number, params: Record<string, any>) {
const webPreferences = makeWebPreferences(embedder, params);
const event = {
sender: embedder,
preventDefault () {
this.defaultPrevented = true;
defaultPrevented: false
const { instanceId } = params;
embedder.emit('will-attach-webview', event, webPreferences, params);
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
return -1;
const guest = (webContents as typeof ElectronInternal.WebContents).create({
type: 'webview',
const guestInstanceId = guest.id;
guestInstances.set(guestInstanceId, {
// Clear the guest from map when it is destroyed.
guest.once('destroyed', () => {
if (guestInstances.has(guestInstanceId)) {
detachGuest(embedder, guestInstanceId);
// Init guest web view after attached.
guest.once('did-attach' as any, function (this: Electron.WebContents, event: Electron.Event) {
const previouslyAttached = this.viewInstanceId != null;
this.viewInstanceId = instanceId;
// Only load URL and set size on first attach
if (previouslyAttached) {
if (params.src) {
this.loadURL(params.src, makeLoadURLOptions(params));
embedder.emit('did-attach-webview', event, guest);
const sendToEmbedder = (channel: string, ...args: any[]) => {
if (!embedder.isDestroyed()) {
embedder._sendInternal(`${channel}-${guest.viewInstanceId}`, ...args);
const makeProps = (eventKey: string, args: any[]) => {
const props: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const [index, prop] of webViewEvents[eventKey].entries()) {
props[prop] = args[index];
return props;
// Dispatch events to embedder.
for (const event of supportedWebViewEvents) {
guest.on(event as any, function (_, ...args: any[]) {
sendToEmbedder(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_EVENT, event, makeProps(event, args));
// Dispatch guest's IPC messages to embedder.
guest.on('ipc-message-host' as any, function (event: Electron.IpcMainEvent, channel: string, args: any[]) {
frameId: [event.processId, event.frameId],
// Dispatch guest's frame navigation event to embedder.
guest.on('will-frame-navigate', function (event: Electron.WebContentsWillFrameNavigateEventParams) {
sendToEmbedder(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_EVENT, 'will-frame-navigate', {
url: event.url,
isMainFrame: event.isMainFrame,
frameProcessId: event.processId,
frameRoutingId: event.routingId
// Notify guest of embedder window visibility when it is ready
// FIXME Remove once https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/6828 is fixed
guest.on('dom-ready', function () {
const guestInstance = guestInstances.get(guestInstanceId);
if (guestInstance != null && guestInstance.visibilityState != null) {
guest._sendInternal(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, guestInstance.visibilityState);
// Destroy the old guest when attaching.
const key = `${embedder.id}-${elementInstanceId}`;
const oldGuestInstanceId = embedderElementsMap.get(key);
if (oldGuestInstanceId != null) {
const oldGuestInstance = guestInstances.get(oldGuestInstanceId);
if (oldGuestInstance) {
embedderElementsMap.set(key, guestInstanceId);
webViewManager.addGuest(guestInstanceId, embedder, guest, webPreferences);
guest.attachToIframe(embedder, embedderFrameId);
return guestInstanceId;
// Remove an guest-embedder relationship.
const detachGuest = function (embedder: Electron.WebContents, guestInstanceId: number) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances.get(guestInstanceId);
if (!guestInstance) return;
if (embedder !== guestInstance.embedder) {
webViewManager.removeGuest(embedder, guestInstanceId);
const key = `${embedder.id}-${guestInstance.elementInstanceId}`;
// Once an embedder has had a guest attached we watch it for destruction to
// destroy any remaining guests.
const watchedEmbedders = new Set<Electron.WebContents>();
const watchEmbedder = function (embedder: Electron.WebContents) {
if (watchedEmbedders.has(embedder)) {
// Forward embedder window visibility change events to guest
const onVisibilityChange = function (visibilityState: DocumentVisibilityState) {
for (const guestInstance of guestInstances.values()) {
guestInstance.visibilityState = visibilityState;
if (guestInstance.embedder === embedder) {
guestInstance.guest._sendInternal(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, visibilityState);
embedder.on('-window-visibility-change', onVisibilityChange);
embedder.once('will-destroy' as any, () => {
// Usually the guestInstances is cleared when guest is destroyed, but it
// may happen that the embedder gets manually destroyed earlier than guest,
// and the embedder will be invalid in the usual code path.
for (const [guestInstanceId, guestInstance] of guestInstances) {
if (guestInstance.embedder === embedder) {
detachGuest(embedder, guestInstanceId);
// Clear the listeners.
embedder.removeListener('-window-visibility-change', onVisibilityChange);
const isWebViewTagEnabledCache = new WeakMap();
const isWebViewTagEnabled = function (contents: Electron.WebContents) {
if (!isWebViewTagEnabledCache.has(contents)) {
const webPreferences = contents.getLastWebPreferences() || {};
isWebViewTagEnabledCache.set(contents, !!webPreferences.webviewTag);
return isWebViewTagEnabledCache.get(contents);
const makeSafeHandler = function<Event extends { sender: Electron.WebContents }> (channel: string, handler: (event: Event, ...args: any[]) => any) {
return (event: Event, ...args: any[]) => {
if (isWebViewTagEnabled(event.sender)) {
return handler(event, ...args);
} else {
console.error(`<webview> IPC message ${channel} sent by WebContents with <webview> disabled (${event.sender.id})`);
throw new Error('<webview> disabled');
const handleMessage = function (channel: string, handler: (event: Electron.IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMainInternal.handle(channel, makeSafeHandler(channel, handler));
const handleMessageSync = function (channel: string, handler: (event: ElectronInternal.IpcMainInternalEvent, ...args: any[]) => any) {
ipcMainUtils.handleSync(channel, makeSafeHandler(channel, handler));
handleMessage(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CREATE_AND_ATTACH_GUEST, function (event, embedderFrameId: number, elementInstanceId: number, params) {
return createGuest(event.sender, embedderFrameId, elementInstanceId, params);
handleMessageSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_DETACH_GUEST, function (event, guestInstanceId: number) {
return detachGuest(event.sender, guestInstanceId);
// this message is sent by the actual <webview>
ipcMainInternal.on(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_FOCUS_CHANGE, function (event: ElectronInternal.IpcMainInternalEvent, focus: boolean) {
event.sender.emit('-focus-change', {}, focus);
handleMessage(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL, function (event, guestInstanceId: number, method: string, args: any[]) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!asyncMethods.has(method)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return (guest as any)[method](...args);
handleMessageSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL, function (event, guestInstanceId: number, method: string, args: any[]) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!syncMethods.has(method)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
// Redirect history methods to updated navigationHistory property on webContents. See issue #42879.
if (navigationHistorySyncMethods.has(method)) {
let navigationMethod = method;
if (method === 'clearHistory') {
navigationMethod = 'clear';
return (guest as any).navigationHistory[navigationMethod](...args);
return (guest as any)[method](...args);
handleMessageSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_GET, function (event, guestInstanceId: number, property: string) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!properties.has(property)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property: ${property}`);
return (guest as any)[property];
handleMessageSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_SET, function (event, guestInstanceId: number, property: string, val: any) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!properties.has(property)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property: ${property}`);
(guest as any)[property] = val;
// Returns WebContents from its guest id hosted in given webContents.
const getGuestForWebContents = function (guestInstanceId: number, contents: Electron.WebContents) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances.get(guestInstanceId);
if (!guestInstance) {
throw new Error(`Invalid guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
if (guestInstance.guest.hostWebContents !== contents) {
throw new Error(`Access denied to guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
return guestInstance.guest;