Charles Kerr 22970f573b
perf: use flat_set, flat_map for small, trivially-moved containers ()
* refactor: use base::flat_map in ElectronMenuModel

* refactor: use base::flat_map in BuildSubmenuFromModel()

* refactor: use base::flat_map in GetDialogsMap()

* refactor: use base::flat_map in DesktopCapturer

* refactor: use base::flat_map, flat_set in ElectronBrowserClient

* refactor: use base::flat_map in ProxyingURLLoaderFactory

* refactor: use base::flat_map in MapToCommonId()

* refactor: use base::flat_map for g_map_id

* refactor: use base::flat_map for ViewsDelegate::AppbarAutohideEdgeMap

* refactor: use base::flat_map for App::app_metrics_

* refactor: use base::flat_map for PowerSaveBlocker::wake_lock_types_

* refactor: use base::flat_map for NativeImage::hicons_

* refactor: use base::flat_map for MenuViews::menu_runners_

* refactor: use base::flat_map for WebViewManager::web_contents_embedder_map_

* refactor: use base::flat_map for InspectableWebContents::extensions_api_

* refactor: use base::flat_set for libnotify GetServerCapabilities()

* refactor: use base::flat_set for InspectableWebContents::loaders_

* refactor: use base::flat_set for ElectronRendererClient::environments_

refactor: use base::flat_set for ElectronRendererClient::injected_frames_

* refactor: use base::flat_set for WebWorkerObserver::environments_
2024-01-05 12:18:31 +01:00

153 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE-CHROMIUM file.
#include "shell/browser/ui/views/electron_views_delegate.h"
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
namespace {
bool MonitorHasAutohideTaskbarForEdge(UINT edge, HMONITOR monitor) {
APPBARDATA taskbar_data = {sizeof(APPBARDATA), nullptr, 0, edge};
taskbar_data.hWnd = ::GetForegroundWindow();
// MSDN documents an ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAREX, which supposedly takes a monitor
// rect and returns autohide bars on that monitor. This sounds like a good
// idea for multi-monitor systems. Unfortunately, it appears to not work at
// least some of the time (erroneously returning nullptr) and there's almost
// no online documentation or other sample code using it that suggests ways to
// address this problem. We do the following:-
// 1. Use the ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR message. If it works, i.e. returns a valid
// window we are done.
// 2. If the ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR message does not work we query the auto hide
// state of the taskbar and then retrieve its position. That call returns
// the edge on which the taskbar is present. If it matches the edge we
// are looking for, we are done.
// NOTE: This call spins a nested run loop.
HWND taskbar = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(
SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, &taskbar_data));
if (!::IsWindow(taskbar)) {
APPBARDATA new_taskbar_data = {sizeof(APPBARDATA), 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int taskbar_state =
SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, &new_taskbar_data);
if (!(taskbar_state & ABS_AUTOHIDE))
return false;
new_taskbar_data.hWnd = ::FindWindow(L"Shell_TrayWnd", nullptr);
if (!::IsWindow(new_taskbar_data.hWnd))
return false;
SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, &new_taskbar_data);
if (new_taskbar_data.uEdge == edge)
taskbar = new_taskbar_data.hWnd;
// There is a potential race condition here:
// 1. A maximized chrome window is fullscreened.
// 2. It is switched back to maximized.
// 3. In the process the window gets a WM_NCCALCSIZE message which calls us to
// get the autohide state.
// 4. The worker thread is invoked. It calls the API to get the autohide
// state. On Windows versions earlier than Windows 7, taskbars could
// easily be always on top or not.
// This meant that we only want to look for taskbars which have the topmost
// bit set. However this causes problems in cases where the window on the
// main thread is still in the process of switching away from fullscreen.
// In this case the taskbar might not yet have the topmost bit set.
// 5. The main thread resumes and does not leave space for the taskbar and
// hence it does not pop when hovered.
// To address point 4 above, it is best to not check for the WS_EX_TOPMOST
// window style on the taskbar, as starting from Windows 7, the topmost
// style is always set. We don't support XP and Vista anymore.
if (::IsWindow(taskbar)) {
if (MonitorFromWindow(taskbar, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) == monitor)
return true;
// In some cases like when the autohide taskbar is on the left of the
// secondary monitor, the MonitorFromWindow call above fails to return the
// correct monitor the taskbar is on. We fallback to MonitorFromPoint for
// the cursor position in that case, which seems to work well.
POINT cursor_pos = {0};
if (MonitorFromPoint(cursor_pos, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) == monitor)
return true;
return false;
int GetAppbarAutohideEdgesOnWorkerThread(HMONITOR monitor) {
int edges = 0;
if (MonitorHasAutohideTaskbarForEdge(ABE_LEFT, monitor))
edges |= views::ViewsDelegate::EDGE_LEFT;
if (MonitorHasAutohideTaskbarForEdge(ABE_TOP, monitor))
edges |= views::ViewsDelegate::EDGE_TOP;
if (MonitorHasAutohideTaskbarForEdge(ABE_RIGHT, monitor))
edges |= views::ViewsDelegate::EDGE_RIGHT;
if (MonitorHasAutohideTaskbarForEdge(ABE_BOTTOM, monitor))
edges |= views::ViewsDelegate::EDGE_BOTTOM;
return edges;
} // namespace
namespace electron {
HICON ViewsDelegate::GetDefaultWindowIcon() const {
// Use current exe's icon as default window icon.
return LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(nullptr),
HICON ViewsDelegate::GetSmallWindowIcon() const {
return GetDefaultWindowIcon();
int ViewsDelegate::GetAppbarAutohideEdges(HMONITOR monitor,
base::OnceClosure callback) {
// Initialize the map with EDGE_BOTTOM. This is important, as if we return an
// initial value of 0 (no auto-hide edges) then we'll go fullscreen and
// windows will automatically remove WS_EX_TOPMOST from the appbar resulting
// in us thinking there is no auto-hide edges. By returning at least one edge
// we don't initially go fullscreen until we figure out the real auto-hide
// edges.
if (!appbar_autohide_edge_map_.contains(monitor))
appbar_autohide_edge_map_[monitor] = EDGE_BOTTOM;
// We use the SHAppBarMessage API to get the taskbar autohide state. This API
// spins a modal loop which could cause callers to be reentered. To avoid
// that we retrieve the taskbar state in a worker thread.
if (monitor && !in_autohide_edges_callback_) {
// TODO(robliao): Annotate this task with .WithCOM() once supported.
// https://crbug.com/662122
FROM_HERE, {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::USER_BLOCKING},
base::BindOnce(&GetAppbarAutohideEdgesOnWorkerThread, monitor),
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(callback), monitor,
return appbar_autohide_edge_map_[monitor];
void ViewsDelegate::OnGotAppbarAutohideEdges(base::OnceClosure callback,
HMONITOR monitor,
int returned_edges,
int edges) {
appbar_autohide_edge_map_[monitor] = edges;
if (returned_edges == edges)
base::AutoReset<bool> in_callback_setter(&in_autohide_edges_callback_, true);
} // namespace electron