* feat: Implement password delegate for NSS (#41188) Introduce an app event client-certificate-request-password. It allows the user to display a UI to prompt for the password. An alternative would have been to implement a class similar to CryptoModulePasswordDialogView, to provide the UI. This might have been simpler for the user, comparing to letting them implement the UI. But it seems like electron does not have an i18n framework, so it's not possible to provide a locale aware UI. * fix lint:markdown error * address review comments * use a trampoline handler in JS. The api exposed is now app.setClientCertRequestPasswordHandler * use properties on the Event object instead of positional parameters * remove ChromeNSSCryptoModuleDelegate::OnPassword in favor of args->GetNext(&password_) * address review comments second round - backslash escape parametrized TypeScript - rename hostName param to hostname - use base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesForTesting - and then, rename ChromeNSSCryptoModuleDelegate to ElectronNSSCryptoModuleDelegate * Update docs/api/app.md Co-authored-by: Sam Maddock <samuel.maddock@gmail.com> * Update docs/api/app.md Co-authored-by: Erick Zhao <erick@hotmail.ca> --------- Co-authored-by: Arno Renevier <arnaud@switchboard.app> Co-authored-by: Sam Maddock <samuel.maddock@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Erick Zhao <erick@hotmail.ca>
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/// <reference path="../electron.d.ts" />
* This file augments the Electron TS namespace with the internal APIs
* that are not documented but are used by Electron internally
declare namespace Electron {
enum ProcessType {
browser = 'browser',
renderer = 'renderer',
worker = 'worker',
utility = 'utility'
interface App {
setVersion(version: string): void;
setDesktopName(name: string): void;
setAppPath(path: string | null): void;
_clientCertRequestPasswordHandler: ((params: ClientCertRequestParams) => Promise<string>) | null;
on(event: '-client-certificate-request-password', listener: (event: Event<ClientCertRequestParams>, callback: (password: string) => void) => Promise<void>): this;
interface AutoUpdater {
isVersionAllowedForUpdate?(currentVersion: string, targetVersion: string): boolean;
type TouchBarItemType = NonNullable<Electron.TouchBarConstructorOptions['items']>[0];
interface BaseWindow {
_init(): void;
interface BrowserWindow {
_init(): void;
_touchBar: Electron.TouchBar | null;
_setTouchBarItems: (items: TouchBarItemType[]) => void;
_setEscapeTouchBarItem: (item: TouchBarItemType | {}) => void;
_refreshTouchBarItem: (itemID: string) => void;
_getWindowButtonVisibility: () => boolean;
_getAlwaysOnTopLevel: () => string;
devToolsWebContents: WebContents;
frameName: string;
on(event: '-touch-bar-interaction', listener: (event: Event, itemID: string, details: any) => void): this;
removeListener(event: '-touch-bar-interaction', listener: (event: Event, itemID: string, details: any) => void): this;
_browserViews: BrowserView[];
interface BrowserView {
ownerWindow: BrowserWindow | null
webContentsView: WebContentsView
interface BrowserWindowConstructorOptions {
webContents?: WebContents;
interface ContextBridge {
internalContextBridge?: {
contextIsolationEnabled: boolean;
overrideGlobalValueFromIsolatedWorld(keys: string[], value: any): void;
overrideGlobalValueWithDynamicPropsFromIsolatedWorld(keys: string[], value: any): void;
overrideGlobalPropertyFromIsolatedWorld(keys: string[], getter: Function, setter?: Function): void;
isInMainWorld(): boolean;
interface TouchBar {
_removeFromWindow: (win: BrowserWindow) => void;
interface WebContents {
_loadURL(url: string, options: ElectronInternal.LoadURLOptions): void;
getOwnerBrowserWindow(): Electron.BrowserWindow | null;
getLastWebPreferences(): Electron.WebPreferences | null;
_getProcessMemoryInfo(): Electron.ProcessMemoryInfo;
_getPreloadPaths(): string[];
equal(other: WebContents): boolean;
browserWindowOptions: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions;
_windowOpenHandler: ((details: Electron.HandlerDetails) => any) | null;
_callWindowOpenHandler(event: any, details: Electron.HandlerDetails): {browserWindowConstructorOptions: Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions | null, outlivesOpener: boolean, createWindow?: Electron.CreateWindowFunction};
_setNextChildWebPreferences(prefs: Partial<Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions['webPreferences']> & Pick<Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, 'backgroundColor'>): void;
_send(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any): boolean;
_sendInternal(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void;
_printToPDF(options: any): Promise<Buffer>;
_print(options: any, callback?: (success: boolean, failureReason: string) => void): void;
_getPrintersAsync(): Promise<Electron.PrinterInfo[]>;
_init(): void;
_getNavigationEntryAtIndex(index: number): Electron.EntryAtIndex | null;
_getActiveIndex(): number;
_historyLength(): number;
_canGoBack(): boolean;
_canGoForward(): boolean;
_canGoToOffset(): boolean;
_goBack(): void;
_goForward(): void;
_goToOffset(index: number): void;
_goToIndex(index: number): void;
canGoToIndex(index: number): boolean;
destroy(): void;
// <webview>
attachToIframe(embedderWebContents: Electron.WebContents, embedderFrameId: number): void;
detachFromOuterFrame(): void;
setEmbedder(embedder: Electron.WebContents): void;
viewInstanceId: number;
_setOwnerWindow(w: BaseWindow | null): void;
interface WebFrameMain {
_send(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any): void;
_sendInternal(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void;
_postMessage(channel: string, message: any, transfer?: any[]): void;
interface WebFrame {
_isEvalAllowed(): boolean;
interface WebPreferences {
disablePopups?: boolean;
embedder?: Electron.WebContents;
type?: 'backgroundPage' | 'window' | 'browserView' | 'remote' | 'webview' | 'offscreen';
type CreateWindowFunction = (options: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions) => WebContents;
interface Menu {
_init(): void;
_isCommandIdChecked(id: string): boolean;
_isCommandIdEnabled(id: string): boolean;
_shouldCommandIdWorkWhenHidden(id: string): boolean;
_isCommandIdVisible(id: string): boolean;
_getAcceleratorForCommandId(id: string, useDefaultAccelerator: boolean): Accelerator | undefined;
_shouldRegisterAcceleratorForCommandId(id: string): boolean;
_getSharingItemForCommandId(id: string): SharingItem | null;
_callMenuWillShow(): void;
_executeCommand(event: KeyboardEvent, id: number): void;
_menuWillShow(): void;
commandsMap: Record<string, MenuItem>;
groupsMap: Record<string, MenuItem[]>;
getItemCount(): number;
popupAt(window: BaseWindow, x: number, y: number, positioning: number, sourceType: Required<Electron.PopupOptions>['sourceType'], callback: () => void): void;
closePopupAt(id: number): void;
setSublabel(index: number, label: string): void;
setToolTip(index: number, tooltip: string): void;
setIcon(index: number, image: string | NativeImage): void;
setRole(index: number, role: string): void;
insertItem(index: number, commandId: number, label: string): void;
insertCheckItem(index: number, commandId: number, label: string): void;
insertRadioItem(index: number, commandId: number, label: string, groupId: number): void;
insertSeparator(index: number): void;
insertSubMenu(index: number, commandId: number, label: string, submenu?: Menu): void;
delegate?: any;
_getAcceleratorTextAt(index: number): string;
interface MenuItem {
overrideReadOnlyProperty(property: string, value: any): void;
groupId: number;
getDefaultRoleAccelerator(): Accelerator | undefined;
getCheckStatus(): boolean;
acceleratorWorksWhenHidden?: boolean;
interface ReplyChannel {
sendReply(value: any): void;
interface IpcMainEvent {
_replyChannel: ReplyChannel;
interface IpcMainInvokeEvent {
_replyChannel: ReplyChannel;
// Deprecated / undocumented BrowserWindow methods
interface BrowserWindow {
getURL(): string;
send(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void;
openDevTools(options?: Electron.OpenDevToolsOptions): void;
closeDevTools(): void;
isDevToolsOpened(): void;
isDevToolsFocused(): void;
toggleDevTools(): void;
inspectElement(x: number, y: number): void;
inspectSharedWorker(): void;
inspectServiceWorker(): void;
getBackgroundThrottling(): void;
setBackgroundThrottling(allowed: boolean): void;
interface Protocol {
registerProtocol(scheme: string, handler: any): boolean;
interceptProtocol(scheme: string, handler: any): boolean;
declare namespace ElectronInternal {
interface DesktopCapturer {
startHandling(captureWindow: boolean, captureScreen: boolean, thumbnailSize: Electron.Size, fetchWindowIcons: boolean): void;
_onerror?: (error: string) => void;
_onfinished?: (sources: Electron.DesktopCapturerSource[], fetchWindowIcons: boolean) => void;
interface GetSourcesOptions {
captureWindow: boolean;
captureScreen: boolean;
thumbnailSize: Electron.Size;
fetchWindowIcons: boolean;
interface GetSourcesResult {
id: string;
name: string;
thumbnail: Electron.NativeImage;
display_id: string;
appIcon: Electron.NativeImage | null;
interface IpcRendererInternal extends NodeJS.EventEmitter, Pick<Electron.IpcRenderer, 'send' | 'sendSync' | 'invoke'> {
invoke<T>(channel: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>;
interface IpcMainInternalEvent extends Omit<Electron.IpcMainEvent, 'reply'> {
interface IpcMainInternal extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
handle(channel: string, listener: (event: Electron.IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[]) => Promise<any> | any): void;
on(channel: string, listener: (event: IpcMainInternalEvent, ...args: any[]) => void): this;
once(channel: string, listener: (event: IpcMainInternalEvent, ...args: any[]) => void): this;
interface LoadURLOptions extends Electron.LoadURLOptions {
reloadIgnoringCache?: boolean;
interface WebContentsPrintOptions extends Electron.WebContentsPrintOptions {
mediaSize?: MediaSize;
type MediaSize = {
name: string,
custom_display_name: string,
height_microns: number,
width_microns: number,
imageable_area_left_microns?: number,
imageable_area_bottom_microns?: number,
imageable_area_right_microns?: number,
imageable_area_top_microns?: number,
is_default?: 'true',
type PageSize = {
width: number,
height: number,
type ModuleLoader = () => any;
interface ModuleEntry {
name: string;
loader: ModuleLoader;
interface UtilityProcessWrapper extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
readonly pid: (number) | (undefined);
kill(): boolean;
postMessage(message: any, transfer?: any[]): void;
interface ParentPort extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
start(): void;
pause(): void;
postMessage(message: any): void;
class WebViewElement extends HTMLElement {
static observedAttributes: Array<string>;
public contentWindow: Window;
public connectedCallback?(): void;
public attributeChangedCallback?(): void;
public disconnectedCallback?(): void;
// Created in web-view-impl
public getWebContentsId(): number;
public capturePage(rect?: Electron.Rectangle): Promise<Electron.NativeImage>;
class WebContents extends Electron.WebContents {
static create(opts?: Electron.WebPreferences): Electron.WebContents;
declare namespace Chrome {
namespace Tabs {
// https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/tabs#method-executeScript
interface ExecuteScriptDetails {
code?: string;
file?: string;
allFrames?: boolean;
frameId?: number;
matchAboutBlank?: boolean;
runAt?: 'document-start' | 'document-end' | 'document_idle';
cssOrigin: 'author' | 'user';
type ExecuteScriptCallback = (result: Array<any>) => void;
// https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/tabs#method-sendMessage
interface SendMessageDetails {
frameId?: number;
type SendMessageCallback = (result: any) => void;
interface Global extends NodeJS.Global {
require: NodeRequire;
module: NodeModule;
__filename: string;
__dirname: string;