559 lines
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559 lines
22 KiB
assert = require 'assert'
child_process = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
{nativeImage, remote} = require 'electron'
{ipcMain, BrowserWindow} = remote.require 'electron'
describe 'asar package', ->
fixtures = path.join __dirname, 'fixtures'
describe 'node api', ->
describe 'fs.readFileSync', ->
it 'does not leak fd', ->
for i in [1..10000]
fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'atom.asar', 'renderer', 'api', 'lib', 'ipc.js'))
it 'reads a normal file', ->
file1 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(file1).toString().trim(), 'file1'
file2 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file2'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(file2).toString().trim(), 'file2'
file3 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file3'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(file3).toString().trim(), 'file3'
it 'reads from a empty file', ->
file = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'empty.asar', 'file1'
buffer = fs.readFileSync(file)
assert.equal buffer.length, 0
assert.equal buffer.toString(), ''
it 'reads a linked file', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link1'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim(), 'file1'
it 'reads a file from linked directory', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'file1'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim(), 'file1'
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim(), 'file1'
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
throws = -> fs.readFileSync p
assert.throws throws, /ENOENT/
it 'passes ENOENT error to callback when can not find file', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
async = false
fs.readFile p, (e) ->
assert async
assert /ENOENT/.test e
async = true
it 'reads a normal file with unpacked files', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'
assert.equal fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim(), 'a'
describe 'fs.readFile', ->
it 'reads a normal file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
fs.readFile p, (err, content) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal String(content).trim(), 'file1'
it 'reads from a empty file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'empty.asar', 'file1'
fs.readFile p, (err, content) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal String(content), ''
it 'reads a linked file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link1'
fs.readFile p, (err, content) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal String(content).trim(), 'file1'
it 'reads a file from linked directory', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'
fs.readFile p, (err, content) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal String(content).trim(), 'file1'
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
fs.readFile p, (err, content) ->
assert.equal err.code, 'ENOENT'
describe 'fs.lstatSync', ->
it 'handles path with trailing slash correctly', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'
fs.lstatSync p
fs.lstatSync p + '/'
it 'returns information of root', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
stats = fs.lstatSync p
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), true
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a normal file', ->
for file in ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', path.join('dir1', 'file1'), path.join('link2', 'file1')]
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
stats = fs.lstatSync p
assert.equal stats.isFile(), true
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 6
it 'returns information of a normal directory', ->
for file in ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3']
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
stats = fs.lstatSync p
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), true
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a linked file', ->
for file in ['link1', path.join('dir1', 'link1'), path.join('link2', 'link2')]
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
stats = fs.lstatSync p
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), true
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a linked directory', ->
for file in ['link2', path.join('dir1', 'link2'), path.join('link2', 'link2')]
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
stats = fs.lstatSync p
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), true
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', ->
for file in ['file4', 'file5', path.join('dir1', 'file4')]
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
throws = -> fs.lstatSync p
assert.throws throws, /ENOENT/
describe 'fs.lstat', ->
it 'handles path with trailing slash correctly', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'
fs.lstat p + '/', done
it 'returns information of root', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), true
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a normal file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'file1'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal stats.isFile(), true
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 6
it 'returns information of a normal directory', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'dir1'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), true
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), false
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a linked file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), true
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'returns information of a linked directory', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal stats.isFile(), false
assert.equal stats.isDirectory(), false
assert.equal stats.isSymbolicLink(), true
assert.equal stats.size, 0
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file4'
stats = fs.lstat p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err.code, 'ENOENT'
describe 'fs.realpathSync', ->
it 'returns real path root', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = 'a.asar'
r = fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a normal file', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'file1'
r = fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a normal directory', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'dir1'
r = fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a linked file', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'
r = fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')
it 'returns real path of a linked directory', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'
r = fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
throws = -> fs.realpathSync path.join(parent, p)
assert.throws throws, /ENOENT/
describe 'fs.realpath', ->
it 'returns real path root', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = 'a.asar'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, r) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a normal file', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'file1'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, r) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a normal directory', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'dir1'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, r) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, p)
it 'returns real path of a linked file', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, r) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')
it 'returns real path of a linked directory', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, r) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal r, path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', (done) ->
parent = fs.realpathSync path.join(fixtures, 'asar')
p = path.join 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
fs.realpath path.join(parent, p), (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err.code, 'ENOENT'
describe 'fs.readdirSync', ->
it 'reads dirs from root', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
dirs = fs.readdirSync p
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']
it 'reads dirs from a normal dir', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'dir1'
dirs = fs.readdirSync p
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']
it 'reads dirs from a linked dir', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'
dirs = fs.readdirSync p
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
throws = -> fs.readdirSync p
assert.throws throws, /ENOENT/
describe 'fs.readdir', ->
it 'reads dirs from root', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
dirs = fs.readdir p, (err, dirs) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']
it 'reads dirs from a normal dir', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'dir1'
dirs = fs.readdir p, (err, dirs) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']
it 'reads dirs from a linked dir', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'
dirs = fs.readdir p, (err, dirs) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.deepEqual dirs, ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
fs.readdir p, (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err.code, 'ENOENT'
describe 'fs.openSync', ->
it 'opens a normal/linked/under-linked-directory file', ->
for file in ['file1', 'link1', path.join('link2', 'file1')]
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', file
fd = fs.openSync p, 'r'
buffer = new Buffer(6)
fs.readSync fd, buffer, 0, 6, 0
assert.equal String(buffer).trim(), 'file1'
fs.closeSync fd
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
throws = -> fs.openSync p
assert.throws throws, /ENOENT/
describe 'fs.open', ->
it 'opens a normal file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
fs.open p, 'r', (err, fd) ->
assert.equal err, null
buffer = new Buffer(6)
fs.read fd, buffer, 0, 6, 0, (err) ->
assert.equal err, null
assert.equal String(buffer).trim(), 'file1'
fs.close fd, done
it 'throws ENOENT error when can not find file', (done) ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'not-exist'
fs.open p, 'r', (err, stats) ->
assert.equal err.code, 'ENOENT'
describe 'child_process.fork', ->
child_process = require 'child_process'
it 'opens a normal js file', (done) ->
child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'ping.js')
child.on 'message', (msg) ->
assert.equal msg, 'message'
child.send 'message'
it 'supports asar in the forked js', (done) ->
file = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'asar.js')
child.on 'message', (content) ->
assert.equal content, fs.readFileSync(file).toString()
child.send file
describe 'child_process.execFile', ->
return unless process.platform is 'darwin'
{execFile, execFileSync} = require 'child_process'
echo = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'echo.asar', 'echo'
it 'executes binaries', (done) ->
child = execFile echo, ['test'], (error, stdout) ->
assert.equal error, null
assert.equal stdout, 'test\n'
# execFileSync makes the test flaky after a refresh.
xit 'execFileSync executes binaries', ->
output = execFileSync echo, ['test']
assert.equal String(output), 'test\n'
describe 'internalModuleReadFile', ->
internalModuleReadFile = process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile
it 'read a normal file', ->
file1 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
assert.equal internalModuleReadFile(file1).toString().trim(), 'file1'
file2 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file2'
assert.equal internalModuleReadFile(file2).toString().trim(), 'file2'
file3 = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file3'
assert.equal internalModuleReadFile(file3).toString().trim(), 'file3'
it 'reads a normal file with unpacked files', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'
assert.equal internalModuleReadFile(p).toString().trim(), 'a'
describe 'process.noAsar', ->
errorName = if process.platform is 'win32' then 'ENOENT' else 'ENOTDIR'
beforeEach ->
process.noAsar = true
afterEach ->
process.noAsar = false
it 'disables asar support in sync API', ->
file = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
dir = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'dir1'
assert.throws (-> fs.readFileSync file), new RegExp(errorName)
assert.throws (-> fs.lstatSync file), new RegExp(errorName)
assert.throws (-> fs.realpathSync file), new RegExp(errorName)
assert.throws (-> fs.readdirSync dir), new RegExp(errorName)
it 'disables asar support in async API', (done) ->
file = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
dir = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'dir1'
fs.readFile file, (error) ->
assert.equal error.code, errorName
fs.lstat file, (error) ->
assert.equal error.code, errorName
fs.realpath file, (error) ->
assert.equal error.code, errorName
fs.readdir dir, (error) ->
assert.equal error.code, errorName
it 'treats *.asar as normal file', ->
originalFs = require 'original-fs'
asar = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
content1 = fs.readFileSync asar
content2 = originalFs.readFileSync asar
assert.equal content1.compare(content2), 0
assert.throws (-> fs.readdirSync asar), /ENOTDIR/
describe 'asar protocol', ->
url = require 'url'
it 'can request a file in package', (done) ->
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
$.get "file://#{p}", (data) ->
assert.equal data.trim(), 'file1'
it 'can request a file in package with unpacked files', (done) ->
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'
$.get "file://#{p}", (data) ->
assert.equal data.trim(), 'a'
it 'can request a linked file in package', (done) ->
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'
$.get "file://#{p}", (data) ->
assert.equal data.trim(), 'file1'
it 'can request a file in filesystem', (done) ->
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'file'
$.get "file://#{p}", (data) ->
assert.equal data.trim(), 'file'
it 'gets 404 when file is not found', (done) ->
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'no-exist'
url: "file://#{p}"
error: (err) ->
assert.equal err.status, 404
it 'sets __dirname correctly', (done) ->
after ->
ipcMain.removeAllListeners 'dirname'
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400)
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'web.asar', 'index.html'
u = url.format protocol: 'file', slashed: true, pathname: p
ipcMain.once 'dirname', (event, dirname) ->
assert.equal dirname, path.dirname(p)
w.loadURL u
it 'loads script tag in html', (done) ->
after ->
ipcMain.removeAllListeners 'ping'
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400)
p = path.resolve fixtures, 'asar', 'script.asar', 'index.html'
u = url.format protocol: 'file', slashed: true, pathname: p
w.loadURL u
ipcMain.once 'ping', (event, message) ->
assert.equal message, 'pong'
describe 'original-fs module', ->
originalFs = require 'original-fs'
it 'treats .asar as file', ->
file = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar'
stats = originalFs.statSync file
assert stats.isFile()
it 'is available in forked scripts', (done) ->
child = child_process.fork path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'original-fs.js')
child.on 'message', (msg) ->
assert.equal msg, 'object'
child.send 'message'
describe 'graceful-fs module', ->
gfs = require 'graceful-fs'
it 'recognize asar archvies', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'a.asar', 'link1'
assert.equal gfs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim(), 'file1'
it 'does not touch global fs object', ->
assert.notEqual fs.readdir, gfs.readdir
describe 'native-image', ->
it 'reads image from asar archive', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'logo.asar', 'logo.png'
logo = nativeImage.createFromPath p
assert.deepEqual logo.getSize(), {width: 55, height: 55}
it 'reads image from asar archive with unpacked files', ->
p = path.join fixtures, 'asar', 'unpack.asar', 'atom.png'
logo = nativeImage.createFromPath p
assert.deepEqual logo.getSize(), {width: 1024, height: 1024}