* build: add zip manifest for Windows on Arm * ci: add Windows On Arm testing (cherry picked from commit 4064e1f4874ff7a37c52c2ad974f92418c7e71c4) * Fix path to invoke CI on WOA hardware * Explicitly call 7z.exe to unzip files * Make sure GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS set for WOA builds get prepended on release build * set proper arch for npm * Try using Compress-Archive/Expand-Archive * Revert "Try using Compress-Archive/Expand-Archive" * disable woa hardware test for now
242 lines
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242 lines
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if (!process.env.CI) require('dotenv-safe').load()
const assert = require('assert')
const request = require('request')
const buildAppVeyorURL = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api/builds'
const vstsURL = 'https://github.visualstudio.com/electron/_apis/build'
const appVeyorJobs = {
'electron-x64': 'electron-x64-release',
'electron-ia32': 'electron-ia32-release'
const circleCIJobs = [
const vstsArmJobs = [
async function makeRequest (requestOptions, parseResponse) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request(requestOptions, (err, res, body) => {
if (!err && res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300) {
if (parseResponse) {
const build = JSON.parse(body)
} else {
} else {
console.error('Error occurred while requesting:', requestOptions.url)
if (parseResponse) {
try {
console.log('Error: ', `(status ${res.statusCode})`, err || JSON.parse(res.body))
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error: ', `(status ${res.statusCode})`, res.body)
} else {
console.log('Error: ', `(status ${res.statusCode})`, err || res.body)
async function circleCIcall (buildUrl, targetBranch, job, options) {
console.log(`Triggering CircleCI to run build job: ${job} on branch: ${targetBranch} with release flag.`)
const buildRequest = {
'build_parameters': {
if (!options.ghRelease) {
buildRequest.build_parameters.UPLOAD_TO_S3 = 1
const circleResponse = await makeRequest({
method: 'POST',
url: buildUrl,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(buildRequest)
}, true).catch(err => {
console.log('Error calling CircleCI:', err)
console.log(`CircleCI release build request for ${job} successful. Check ${circleResponse.build_url} for status.`)
function buildAppVeyor (targetBranch, options) {
const validJobs = Object.keys(appVeyorJobs)
if (options.job) {
assert(validJobs.includes(options.job), `Unknown AppVeyor CI job name: ${options.job}. Valid values are: ${validJobs}.`)
callAppVeyor(targetBranch, options.job, options)
} else {
validJobs.forEach((job) => callAppVeyor(targetBranch, job, options))
async function callAppVeyor (targetBranch, job, options) {
console.log(`Triggering AppVeyor to run build job: ${job} on branch: ${targetBranch} with release flag.`)
const environmentVariables = {
if (!options.ghRelease) {
environmentVariables.UPLOAD_TO_S3 = 1
const requestOpts = {
url: buildAppVeyorURL,
auth: {
bearer: process.env.APPVEYOR_CLOUD_TOKEN
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
accountName: 'electron-bot',
projectSlug: appVeyorJobs[job],
branch: targetBranch,
method: 'POST'
const appVeyorResponse = await makeRequest(requestOpts, true).catch(err => {
console.log('Error calling AppVeyor:', err)
const buildUrl = `https://ci.appveyor.com/project/electron-bot/${appVeyorJobs[job]}/build/${appVeyorResponse.version}`
console.log(`AppVeyor release build request for ${job} successful. Check build status at ${buildUrl}`)
function buildCircleCI (targetBranch, options) {
const circleBuildUrl = `https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/electron/electron/tree/${targetBranch}?circle-token=${process.env.CIRCLE_TOKEN}`
if (options.job) {
assert(circleCIJobs.includes(options.job), `Unknown CircleCI job name: ${options.job}. Valid values are: ${circleCIJobs}.`)
circleCIcall(circleBuildUrl, targetBranch, options.job, options)
} else {
circleCIJobs.forEach((job) => circleCIcall(circleBuildUrl, targetBranch, job, options))
async function buildVSTS (targetBranch, options) {
if (options.armTest) {
assert(vstsArmJobs.includes(options.job), `Unknown VSTS CI arm test job name: ${options.job}. Valid values are: ${vstsArmJobs}.`)
console.log(`Triggering VSTS to run build on branch: ${targetBranch} with release flag.`)
const environmentVariables = {
if (options.armTest) {
if (options.circleBuildNum) {
environmentVariables.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM = options.circleBuildNum
} else if (options.appveyorJobId) {
environmentVariables.APPVEYOR_JOB_ID = options.appveyorJobId
} else {
if (!options.ghRelease) {
environmentVariables.UPLOAD_TO_S3 = 1
const requestOpts = {
url: `${vstsURL}/definitions?api-version=4.1`,
auth: {
user: '',
password: process.env.VSTS_TOKEN
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const vstsResponse = await makeRequest(requestOpts, true).catch(err => {
console.log('Error calling VSTS to get build definitions:', err)
const buildsToRun = vstsResponse.value.filter(build => build.name === options.job)
buildsToRun.forEach((build) => callVSTSBuild(build, targetBranch, environmentVariables))
async function callVSTSBuild (build, targetBranch, environmentVariables) {
const buildBody = {
definition: build,
sourceBranch: targetBranch,
priority: 'high'
if (Object.keys(environmentVariables).length !== 0) {
buildBody.parameters = JSON.stringify(environmentVariables)
const requestOpts = {
url: `${vstsURL}/builds?api-version=4.1`,
auth: {
user: '',
password: process.env.VSTS_TOKEN
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(buildBody),
method: 'POST'
const vstsResponse = await makeRequest(requestOpts, true).catch(err => {
console.log(`Error calling VSTS for job ${build.name}`, err)
console.log(`VSTS release build request for ${build.name} successful. Check ${vstsResponse._links.web.href} for status.`)
function runRelease (targetBranch, options) {
if (options.ci) {
switch (options.ci) {
case 'CircleCI': {
buildCircleCI(targetBranch, options)
case 'AppVeyor': {
buildAppVeyor(targetBranch, options)
case 'VSTS': {
buildVSTS(targetBranch, options)
default: {
console.log(`Error! Unknown CI: ${options.ci}.`)
} else {
buildCircleCI(targetBranch, options)
buildAppVeyor(targetBranch, options)
buildVSTS(targetBranch, options)
module.exports = runRelease
if (require.main === module) {
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ['ghRelease', 'armTest']
const targetBranch = args._[0]
if (args._.length < 1) {
console.log(`Trigger CI to build release builds of electron.
Usage: ci-release-build.js [--job=CI_JOB_NAME] [--ci=CircleCI|AppVeyor|VSTS]
[--ghRelease] [--armTest] [--circleBuildNum=xxx] [--appveyorJobId=xxx] TARGET_BRANCH
runRelease(targetBranch, args)