* Remove the race condition between new process creation and old process releasing remote context Previously there was a race condition where the getId() method would return the new context ID even though the release was for the old context. This changes it to send the "initial" context ID with the release message to ensure there is no race. * fetch context ID from remote in sandbox mode
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// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "atom/common/options_switches.h"
namespace atom {
namespace options {
const char kTitle[] = "title";
const char kIcon[] = "icon";
const char kFrame[] = "frame";
const char kShow[] = "show";
const char kCenter[] = "center";
const char kX[] = "x";
const char kY[] = "y";
const char kWidth[] = "width";
const char kHeight[] = "height";
const char kMinWidth[] = "minWidth";
const char kMinHeight[] = "minHeight";
const char kMaxWidth[] = "maxWidth";
const char kMaxHeight[] = "maxHeight";
const char kResizable[] = "resizable";
const char kMovable[] = "movable";
const char kMinimizable[] = "minimizable";
const char kMaximizable[] = "maximizable";
const char kFullScreenable[] = "fullscreenable";
const char kClosable[] = "closable";
const char kFullscreen[] = "fullscreen";
// Whether the window should show in taskbar.
const char kSkipTaskbar[] = "skipTaskbar";
// Start with the kiosk mode, see Opera's page for description:
// http://www.opera.com/support/mastering/kiosk/
const char kKiosk[] = "kiosk";
const char kSimpleFullScreen[] = "simpleFullscreen";
// Make windows stays on the top of all other windows.
const char kAlwaysOnTop[] = "alwaysOnTop";
// Enable the NSView to accept first mouse event.
const char kAcceptFirstMouse[] = "acceptFirstMouse";
// Whether window size should include window frame.
const char kUseContentSize[] = "useContentSize";
// Whether window zoom should be to page width.
const char kZoomToPageWidth[] = "zoomToPageWidth";
// Whether always show title text in full screen is enabled.
const char kFullscreenWindowTitle[] = "fullscreenWindowTitle";
// The requested title bar style for the window
const char kTitleBarStyle[] = "titleBarStyle";
// Tabbing identifier for the window if native tabs are enabled on macOS.
const char kTabbingIdentifier[] = "tabbingIdentifier";
// The menu bar is hidden unless "Alt" is pressed.
const char kAutoHideMenuBar[] = "autoHideMenuBar";
// Enable window to be resized larger than screen.
const char kEnableLargerThanScreen[] = "enableLargerThanScreen";
// Forces to use dark theme on Linux.
const char kDarkTheme[] = "darkTheme";
// Whether the window should be transparent.
const char kTransparent[] = "transparent";
// Window type hint.
const char kType[] = "type";
// Disable auto-hiding cursor.
const char kDisableAutoHideCursor[] = "disableAutoHideCursor";
// Use the macOS' standard window instead of the textured window.
const char kStandardWindow[] = "standardWindow";
// Default browser window background color.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "backgroundColor";
// Whether the window should have a shadow.
const char kHasShadow[] = "hasShadow";
// Browser window opacity
const char kOpacity[] = "opacity";
// Whether the window can be activated.
const char kFocusable[] = "focusable";
// The WebPreferences.
const char kWebPreferences[] = "webPreferences";
// Add a vibrancy effect to the browser window
const char kVibrancyType[] = "vibrancy";
// The factor of which page should be zoomed.
const char kZoomFactor[] = "zoomFactor";
// Script that will be loaded by guest WebContents before other scripts.
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
// Like --preload, but the passed argument is an URL.
const char kPreloadURL[] = "preloadURL";
// Enable the node integration.
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "nodeIntegration";
// Enable context isolation of Electron APIs and preload script
const char kContextIsolation[] = "contextIsolation";
// Instance ID of guest WebContents.
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guestInstanceId";
// Web runtime features.
const char kExperimentalFeatures[] = "experimentalFeatures";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeatures[] = "experimentalCanvasFeatures";
// Opener window's ID.
const char kOpenerID[] = "openerId";
// Enable the rubber banding effect.
const char kScrollBounce[] = "scrollBounce";
// Enable blink features.
// TODO(kevinsawicki) Rename to enableBlinkFeatures in 2.0
const char kBlinkFeatures[] = "blinkFeatures";
// Disable blink features.
const char kDisableBlinkFeatures[] = "disableBlinkFeatures";
// Enable the node integration in WebWorker.
const char kNodeIntegrationInWorker[] = "nodeIntegrationInWorker";
// Enable the web view tag.
const char kWebviewTag[] = "webviewTag";
const char kCustomArgs[] = "additionalArguments";
} // namespace options
namespace switches {
// Enable chromium sandbox.
const char kEnableSandbox[] = "enable-sandbox";
// Enable sandbox in only remote content windows.
const char kEnableMixedSandbox[] = "enable-mixed-sandbox";
// Enable plugins.
const char kEnablePlugins[] = "enable-plugins";
// Ppapi Flash path.
const char kPpapiFlashPath[] = "ppapi-flash-path";
// Ppapi Flash version.
const char kPpapiFlashVersion[] = "ppapi-flash-version";
// Disable HTTP cache.
const char kDisableHttpCache[] = "disable-http-cache";
// The list of standard schemes.
const char kStandardSchemes[] = "standard-schemes";
// Register schemes to handle service worker.
const char kRegisterServiceWorkerSchemes[] = "register-service-worker-schemes";
// Register schemes as secure.
const char kSecureSchemes[] = "secure-schemes";
// The browser process app model ID
const char kAppUserModelId[] = "app-user-model-id";
// The application path
const char kAppPath[] = "app-path";
// The context ID for this process
const char kContextId[] = "context-id";
// The command line switch versions of the options.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "background-color";
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
const char kPreloadURL[] = "preload-url";
const char kPreloadScripts[] = "preload-scripts";
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "node-integration";
const char kContextIsolation[] = "context-isolation";
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guest-instance-id";
const char kOpenerID[] = "opener-id";
const char kScrollBounce[] = "scroll-bounce";
const char kHiddenPage[] = "hidden-page";
const char kNativeWindowOpen[] = "native-window-open";
const char kWebviewTag[] = "webview-tag";
// Command switch passed to renderer process to control nodeIntegration.
const char kNodeIntegrationInWorker[] = "node-integration-in-worker";
// Widevine options
// Path to Widevine CDM binaries.
const char kWidevineCdmPath[] = "widevine-cdm-path";
// Widevine CDM version.
const char kWidevineCdmVersion[] = "widevine-cdm-version";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace atom