* refactor: prevent consistent early exception * Use _linkedBinding where possible * Remove dead electronBinding
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declare var internalBinding: any;
declare var binding: { get: (name: string) => any; process: NodeJS.Process; createPreloadScript: (src: string) => Function };
declare const BUILDFLAG: (flag: boolean) => boolean;
declare const ENABLE_DESKTOP_CAPTURER: boolean;
declare const ENABLE_REMOTE_MODULE: boolean;
declare const ENABLE_VIEWS_API: boolean;
declare namespace NodeJS {
interface FeaturesBinding {
isBuiltinSpellCheckerEnabled(): boolean;
isDesktopCapturerEnabled(): boolean;
isOffscreenRenderingEnabled(): boolean;
isRemoteModuleEnabled(): boolean;
isPDFViewerEnabled(): boolean;
isRunAsNodeEnabled(): boolean;
isFakeLocationProviderEnabled(): boolean;
isViewApiEnabled(): boolean;
isTtsEnabled(): boolean;
isPrintingEnabled(): boolean;
isPictureInPictureEnabled(): boolean;
isExtensionsEnabled(): boolean;
isComponentBuild(): boolean;
interface IpcRendererBinding {
send(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): void;
sendSync(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): any;
sendToHost(channel: string, args: any[]): void;
sendTo(internal: boolean, sendToAll: boolean, webContentsId: number, channel: string, args: any[]): void;
invoke<T>(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): Promise<{ error: string, result: T }>;
postMessage(channel: string, message: any, transferables: MessagePort[]): void;
interface V8UtilBinding {
getHiddenValue<T>(obj: any, key: string): T;
setHiddenValue<T>(obj: any, key: string, value: T): void;
deleteHiddenValue(obj: any, key: string): void;
requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(): void;
weaklyTrackValue(value: any): void;
clearWeaklyTrackedValues(): void;
getWeaklyTrackedValues(): any[];
addRemoteObjectRef(contextId: string, id: number): void;
type DataPipe = {
write: (buf: Uint8Array) => Promise<void>;
done: () => void;
type BodyFunc = (pipe: DataPipe) => void;
type CreateURLLoaderOptions = {
method: string;
url: string;
extraHeaders?: Record<string, string>;
useSessionCookies?: boolean;
body: Uint8Array | BodyFunc;
session?: Electron.Session;
partition?: string;
referrer?: string;
type ResponseHead = {
statusCode: number;
statusMessage: string;
httpVersion: { major: number, minor: number };
rawHeaders: { key: string, value: string }[];
type RedirectInfo = {
statusCode: number;
newMethod: string;
newUrl: string;
newSiteForCookies: string;
newReferrer: string;
insecureSchemeWasUpgraded: boolean;
isSignedExchangeFallbackRedirect: boolean;
interface URLLoader extends EventEmitter {
cancel(): void;
on(eventName: 'data', listener: (event: any, data: ArrayBuffer) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'response-started', listener: (event: any, finalUrl: string, responseHead: ResponseHead) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'complete', listener: (event: any) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'error', listener: (event: any, netErrorString: string) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'login', listener: (event: any, authInfo: Electron.AuthInfo, callback: (username?: string, password?: string) => void) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'redirect', listener: (event: any, redirectInfo: RedirectInfo, headers: Record<string, string>) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'upload-progress', listener: (event: any, position: number, total: number) => void): this;
on(eventName: 'download-progress', listener: (event: any, current: number) => void): this;
interface Process {
_linkedBinding(name: string): any;
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_renderer_ipc'): { ipc: IpcRendererBinding };
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_v8_util'): V8UtilBinding;
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_features'): FeaturesBinding;
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_app'): { app: Electron.App, App: Function };
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_command_line'): Electron.CommandLine;
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_desktop_capturer'): {
createDesktopCapturer(): ElectronInternal.DesktopCapturer;
getMediaSourceIdForWebContents(requestWebContentsId: number, webContentsId: number): string;
_linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_net'): {
isValidHeaderName: (headerName: string) => boolean;
isValidHeaderValue: (headerValue: string) => boolean;
Net: any;
net: any;
createURLLoader(options: CreateURLLoaderOptions): URLLoader;
log: NodeJS.WriteStream['write'];
activateUvLoop(): void;
// Additional events
once(event: 'document-start', listener: () => any): this;
once(event: 'document-end', listener: () => any): this;
// Additional properties
_firstFileName?: string;
helperExecPath: string;
isRemoteModuleEnabled: boolean;
declare module NodeJS {
interface Global {
require: NodeRequire;
module: NodeModule;
__filename: string;
__dirname: string;
interface ContextMenuItem {
id: number;
label: string;
type: 'normal' | 'separator' | 'subMenu' | 'checkbox';
checked: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
subItems: ContextMenuItem[];
declare interface Window {
InspectorFrontendHost?: {
showContextMenuAtPoint: (x: number, y: number, items: ContextMenuItem[]) => void
DevToolsAPI?: {
contextMenuItemSelected: (id: number) => void;
contextMenuCleared: () => void
UI?: {
createFileSelectorElement: (callback: () => void) => HTMLSpanElement
Persistence?: {
FileSystemWorkspaceBinding: {
completeURL: (project: string, path: string) => string;
ResizeObserver: ResizeObserver;
* The ResizeObserver interface is used to observe changes to Element's content
* rect.
* It is modeled after MutationObserver and IntersectionObserver.
declare class ResizeObserver {
constructor (callback: ResizeObserverCallback);
* Adds target to the list of observed elements.
observe: (target: Element) => void;
* Removes target from the list of observed elements.
unobserve: (target: Element) => void;
* Clears both the observationTargets and activeTargets lists.
disconnect: () => void;
* This callback delivers ResizeObserver's notifications. It is invoked by a
* broadcast active observations algorithm.
interface ResizeObserverCallback {
(entries: ResizeObserverEntry[], observer: ResizeObserver): void;
interface ResizeObserverEntry {
* @param target The Element whose size has changed.
new (target: Element): ResizeObserverEntry;
* The Element whose size has changed.
readonly target: Element;
* Element's content rect when ResizeObserverCallback is invoked.
readonly contentRect: DOMRectReadOnly;