Use a single synchronous IPC call to retrieve data required by early sandbox scripts. This has two purposes: - Optimize preload script initialization by: - Using one synchronous IPC call to retrieve preload script, webContentsId (more on that later), process.{platform,execPath,env} - Lazy loading as many modules as possible. - Fix #12316 for sandbox. @MarshallOfSound addressed the issue in #12342, but it was still present in sandbox mode. By loading webContentsId very early and skipping remote module at early startup, we fix it for sandbox.
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/* eslint no-eval: "off" */
/* global binding, preloadPath, Buffer */
const events = require('events')
const electron = require('electron')
process.atomBinding = require('../common/atom-binding-setup')(binding.get, 'renderer')
const v8Util = process.atomBinding('v8_util')
// Expose browserify Buffer as a hidden value. This is used by C++ code to
// deserialize Buffer instances sent from browser process.
v8Util.setHiddenValue(global, 'Buffer', Buffer)
// The `lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.js` module looks for the ipc object in the
// "ipc" hidden value
v8Util.setHiddenValue(global, 'ipc', new events.EventEmitter())
// The process object created by browserify is not an event emitter, fix it so
// the API is more compatible with non-sandboxed renderers.
for (let prop of Object.keys(events.EventEmitter.prototype)) {
if (process.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
delete process[prop]
Object.setPrototypeOf(process, events.EventEmitter.prototype)
const remoteModules = new Set([
const loadedModules = new Map([
['electron', electron],
['events', events],
['timers', require('timers')],
['url', require('url')]
const {
preloadSrc, preloadError, webContentsId, platform, execPath, env
} = electron.ipcRenderer.sendSync('ELECTRON_BROWSER_SANDBOX_LOAD', preloadPath)
Object.defineProperty(process, 'webContentsId', {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: webContentsId
// Pass different process object to the preload script(which should not have
// access to things like `process.atomBinding`).
const preloadProcess = new events.EventEmitter()
preloadProcess.crash = () => binding.crash()
preloadProcess.hang = () => binding.hang()
preloadProcess.getProcessMemoryInfo = () => binding.getProcessMemoryInfo()
preloadProcess.getSystemMemoryInfo = () => binding.getSystemMemoryInfo()
preloadProcess.argv = binding.getArgv()
preloadProcess.platform = process.platform = platform
preloadProcess.execPath = process.execPath = execPath
preloadProcess.env = process.env = env
process.on('exit', () => preloadProcess.emit('exit'))
// This is the `require` function that will be visible to the preload script
function preloadRequire (module) {
if (loadedModules.has(module)) {
return loadedModules.get(module)
if (remoteModules.has(module)) {
return require(module)
throw new Error('module not found')
if (window.location.protocol === 'chrome-devtools:') {
// Override some inspector APIs.
// Wrap the script into a function executed in global scope. It won't have
// access to the current scope, so we'll expose a few objects as arguments:
// - `require`: The `preloadRequire` function
// - `process`: The `preloadProcess` object
// - `Buffer`: Browserify `Buffer` implementation
// - `global`: The window object, which is aliased to `global` by browserify.
// Browserify bundles can make use of an external require function as explained
// in https://github.com/substack/node-browserify#multiple-bundles, so electron
// apps can use multi-module preload scripts in sandboxed renderers.
// For example, the user can create a bundle with:
// $ browserify -x electron preload.js > renderer.js
// and any `require('electron')` calls in `preload.js` will work as expected
// since browserify won't try to include `electron` in the bundle, falling back
// to the `preloadRequire` function above.
if (preloadSrc) {
const preloadWrapperSrc = `(function(require, process, Buffer, global, setImmediate, clearImmediate) {
// eval in window scope:
// http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-10.4.2
const geval = eval
const preloadFn = geval(preloadWrapperSrc)
const {setImmediate, clearImmediate} = require('timers')
preloadFn(preloadRequire, preloadProcess, Buffer, global, setImmediate, clearImmediate)
} else if (preloadError) {