The `vendor` directory is a remnant of times long since gone when we had brightray and libchromiumcontent (never forget). It is currently the hope to a single header file that afaics we do not need anymore and randomly pyyaml gets cloned there but that is easily movable. This commit removes all references to the vendor directory from scripts, docs, helpers, etc. and removes the directory itself.
631 lines
19 KiB
631 lines
19 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite');
const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest');
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN
const { ELECTRON_DIR } = require('../../lib/utils');
const MAX_FAIL_COUNT = 3;
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 5000;
const TROP_LOGIN = 'trop[bot]';
const NO_NOTES = 'No notes';
const docTypes = new Set(['doc', 'docs']);
const featTypes = new Set(['feat', 'feature']);
const fixTypes = new Set(['fix']);
const otherTypes = new Set(['spec', 'build', 'test', 'chore', 'deps', 'refactor', 'tools', 'perf', 'style', 'ci']);
const knownTypes = new Set([...docTypes.keys(), ...featTypes.keys(), ...fixTypes.keys(), ...otherTypes.keys()]);
const getCacheDir = () => process.env.NOTES_CACHE_PATH || path.resolve(__dirname, '.cache');
// link to a GitHub item, e.g. an issue or pull request
class GHKey {
constructor (owner, repo, number) {
this.owner = owner;
this.repo = repo;
this.number = number;
static NewFromPull (pull) {
const owner = pull.base.repo.owner.login;
const repo = pull.base.repo.name;
const number = pull.number;
return new GHKey(owner, repo, number);
class Commit {
constructor (hash, owner, repo) {
this.hash = hash; // string
this.owner = owner; // string
this.repo = repo; // string
this.isBreakingChange = false;
this.note = null; // string
// A set of branches to which this change has been merged.
// '8-x-y' => GHKey { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', number: 23714 }
this.trops = new Map(); // Map<string,GHKey>
this.prKeys = new Set(); // GHKey
this.revertHash = null; // string
this.semanticType = null; // string
this.subject = null; // string
class Pool {
constructor () {
this.commits = []; // Array<Commit>
this.processedHashes = new Set();
this.pulls = {}; // GHKey.number => octokit pull object
const runGit = async (dir, args) => {
const response = await GitProcess.exec(args, dir);
if (response.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(response.stderr.trim());
return response.stdout.trim();
const getCommonAncestor = async (dir, point1, point2) => {
return runGit(dir, ['merge-base', point1, point2]);
const getNoteFromClerk = async (ghKey) => {
const comments = await getComments(ghKey);
if (!comments || !comments.data) return;
const CLERK_LOGIN = 'release-clerk[bot]';
const CLERK_NO_NOTES = '**No Release Notes**';
const PERSIST_LEAD = '**Release Notes Persisted**\n\n';
const QUOTE_LEAD = '> ';
for (const comment of comments.data.reverse()) {
if (comment.user.login !== CLERK_LOGIN) {
if (comment.body === CLERK_NO_NOTES) {
return NO_NOTES;
if (comment.body.startsWith(PERSIST_LEAD)) {
let lines = comment.body
.slice(PERSIST_LEAD.length).trim() // remove PERSIST_LEAD
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(line => line.trim())
.filter(line => line.startsWith(QUOTE_LEAD)) // notes are quoted
.map(line => line.slice(QUOTE_LEAD.length)); // unquote the lines
const firstLine = lines.shift();
// indent anything after the first line to ensure that
// multiline notes with their own sub-lists don't get
// parsed in the markdown as part of the top-level list
// (example: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/25216)
lines = lines.map(line => ' ' + line);
return [firstLine, ...lines]
.join('\n') // join the lines
* Looks for our project's conventions in the commit message:
* 'semantic: some description' -- sets semanticType, subject
* 'some description (#99999)' -- sets subject, pr
* 'Merge pull request #99999 from ${branchname}' -- sets pr
* 'This reverts commit ${sha}' -- sets revertHash
* line starting with 'BREAKING CHANGE' in body -- sets isBreakingChange
* 'Backport of #99999' -- sets pr
const parseCommitMessage = (commitMessage, commit) => {
const { owner, repo } = commit;
// split commitMessage into subject & body
let subject = commitMessage;
let body = '';
const pos = subject.indexOf('\n');
if (pos !== -1) {
body = subject.slice(pos).trim();
subject = subject.slice(0, pos).trim();
// if the subject ends in ' (#dddd)', treat it as a pull request id
let match;
if ((match = subject.match(/^(.*)\s\(#(\d+)\)$/))) {
commit.prKeys.add(new GHKey(owner, repo, parseInt(match[2])));
subject = match[1];
// if the subject begins with 'word:', treat it as a semantic commit
if ((match = subject.match(/^(\w+):\s(.*)$/))) {
const semanticType = match[1].toLocaleLowerCase();
if (knownTypes.has(semanticType)) {
commit.semanticType = semanticType;
subject = match[2];
// Check for GitHub commit message that indicates a PR
if ((match = subject.match(/^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/))) {
commit.prKeys.add(new GHKey(owner, repo, parseInt(match[1])));
// Check for a comment that indicates a PR
const backportPattern = /(?:^|\n)(?:manual |manually )?backport.*(?:#(\d+)|\/pull\/(\d+))/im;
if ((match = commitMessage.match(backportPattern))) {
// This might be the first or second capture group depending on if it's a link or not.
const backportNumber = match[1] ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : parseInt(match[2], 10);
commit.prKeys.add(new GHKey(owner, repo, backportNumber));
// https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/
if (body.match(/\b(?:close|closes|closed|fix|fixes|fixed|resolve|resolves|resolved|for)\s#(\d+)\b/i)) {
commit.semanticType = commit.semanticType || 'fix';
// https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en
if (commitMessage
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(line => line.trim())
.some(line => line.startsWith('BREAKING CHANGE'))) {
commit.isBreakingChange = true;
// Check for a reversion commit
if ((match = body.match(/This reverts commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\./))) {
commit.revertHash = match[1];
commit.subject = subject.trim();
return commit;
const parsePullText = (pull, commit) => parseCommitMessage(`${pull.data.title}\n\n${pull.data.body}`, commit);
const getLocalCommitHashes = async (dir, ref) => {
const args = ['log', '--format=%H', ref];
return (await runGit(dir, args))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(hash => hash.trim());
// return an array of Commits
const getLocalCommits = async (module, point1, point2) => {
const { owner, repo, dir } = module;
const fieldSep = ',';
const format = ['%H', '%s'].join(fieldSep);
const args = ['log', '--cherry-pick', '--right-only', '--first-parent', `--format=${format}`, `${point1}..${point2}`];
const logs = (await runGit(dir, args))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(field => field.trim());
const commits = [];
for (const log of logs) {
if (!log) {
const [hash, subject] = log.split(fieldSep, 2).map(field => field.trim());
commits.push(parseCommitMessage(subject, new Commit(hash, owner, repo)));
return commits;
const checkCache = async (name, operation) => {
const filename = path.resolve(getCacheDir(), name);
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
const response = await operation();
if (response) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(response));
return response;
// helper function to add some resiliency to volatile GH api endpoints
async function runRetryable (fn, maxRetries) {
let lastError;
for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
try {
return await fn();
} catch (error) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, CHECK_INTERVAL));
lastError = error;
// Silently eat 404s.
// Silently eat 422s, which come from "No commit found for SHA"
if (lastError.status !== 404 && lastError.status !== 422) throw lastError;
const getPullCacheFilename = ghKey => `${ghKey.owner}-${ghKey.repo}-pull-${ghKey.number}`;
const getCommitPulls = async (owner, repo, hash) => {
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-commit-${hash}`;
const retryableFunc = () => octokit.repos.listPullRequestsAssociatedWithCommit({ owner, repo, commit_sha: hash });
let ret = await checkCache(name, () => runRetryable(retryableFunc, MAX_FAIL_COUNT));
// only merged pulls belong in release notes
if (ret && ret.data) {
ret.data = ret.data.filter(pull => pull.merged_at);
// cache the pulls
if (ret && ret.data) {
for (const pull of ret.data) {
const cachefile = getPullCacheFilename(GHKey.NewFromPull(pull));
const payload = { ...ret, data: pull };
await checkCache(cachefile, () => payload);
// ensure the return value has the expected structure, even on failure
if (!ret || !ret.data) {
ret = { data: [] };
return ret;
const getPullRequest = async (ghKey) => {
const { number, owner, repo } = ghKey;
const name = getPullCacheFilename(ghKey);
const retryableFunc = () => octokit.pulls.get({ pull_number: number, owner, repo });
return checkCache(name, () => runRetryable(retryableFunc, MAX_FAIL_COUNT));
const getComments = async (ghKey) => {
const { number, owner, repo } = ghKey;
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-issue-${number}-comments`;
const retryableFunc = () => octokit.issues.listComments({ issue_number: number, owner, repo, per_page: 100 });
return checkCache(name, () => runRetryable(retryableFunc, MAX_FAIL_COUNT));
const addRepoToPool = async (pool, repo, from, to) => {
const commonAncestor = await getCommonAncestor(repo.dir, from, to);
// mark the old branch's commits as old news
for (const oldHash of await getLocalCommitHashes(repo.dir, from)) {
// get the new branch's commits and the pulls associated with them
const commits = await getLocalCommits(repo, commonAncestor, to);
for (const commit of commits) {
const { owner, repo, hash } = commit;
for (const pull of (await getCommitPulls(owner, repo, hash)).data) {
// add the pulls
for (const commit of commits) {
let prKey;
for (prKey of commit.prKeys.values()) {
const pull = await getPullRequest(prKey);
if (!pull || !pull.data) continue; // couldn't get it
pool.pulls[prKey.number] = pull;
parsePullText(pull, commit);
// @return Map<string,GHKey>
// where the key is a branch name (e.g. '7-1-x' or '8-x-y')
// and the value is a GHKey to the PR
async function getMergedTrops (commit, pool) {
const branches = new Map();
for (const prKey of commit.prKeys.values()) {
const pull = pool.pulls[prKey.number];
const mergedBranches = new Set(
((pull && pull.data && pull.data.labels) ? pull.data.labels : [])
.map(label => ((label && label.name) ? label.name : '').match(/merged\/([0-9]+-[x0-9]-[xy0-9])/))
.filter(match => match)
.map(match => match[1])
if (mergedBranches.size > 0) {
const isTropComment = (comment) => comment && comment.user && comment.user.login === TROP_LOGIN;
const ghKey = GHKey.NewFromPull(pull.data);
const backportRegex = /backported this PR to "(.*)",\s+please check out #(\d+)/;
const getBranchNameAndPullKey = (comment) => {
const match = ((comment && comment.body) ? comment.body : '').match(backportRegex);
return match ? [match[1], new GHKey(ghKey.owner, ghKey.repo, parseInt(match[2]))] : null;
const comments = await getComments(ghKey);
((comments && comments.data) ? comments.data : [])
.filter(pair => pair)
.filter(([branch]) => mergedBranches.has(branch))
.forEach(([branch, key]) => branches.set(branch, key));
return branches;
// @return the shorthand name of the branch that `ref` is on,
// e.g. a ref of '10.0.0-beta.1' will return '10-x-y'
async function getBranchNameOfRef (ref, dir) {
return (await runGit(dir, ['branch', '--all', '--contains', ref, '--sort', 'version:refname']))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.shift() // we sorted by refname and want the first result
.match(/(?:\s?\*\s){0,1}(.*)/)[1] // if present, remove leading '* ' in case we're currently in that branch
.match(/(?:.*\/)?(.*)/)[1] // 'remote/origins/10-x-y' -> '10-x-y'
**** Main
const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef, newVersion) => {
const cacheDir = getCacheDir();
if (!fs.existsSync(cacheDir)) {
const pool = new Pool();
const toBranch = await getBranchNameOfRef(toRef, ELECTRON_DIR);
console.log(`Generating release notes between '${fromRef}' and '${toRef}' for version '${newVersion}' in branch '${toBranch}'`);
// get the electron/electron commits
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: ELECTRON_DIR };
await addRepoToPool(pool, electron, fromRef, toRef);
// remove any old commits
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !pool.processedHashes.has(commit.hash));
// if a commmit _and_ revert occurred in the unprocessed set, skip them both
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
const revertHash = commit.revertHash;
if (!revertHash) {
const revert = pool.commits.find(commit => commit.hash === revertHash);
if (!revert) {
commit.note = NO_NOTES;
revert.note = NO_NOTES;
// ensure the commit has a note
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
for (const prKey of commit.prKeys.values()) {
if (commit.note) {
commit.note = await getNoteFromClerk(prKey);
// remove non-user-facing commits
pool.commits = pool.commits
.filter(commit => commit && commit.note)
.filter(commit => commit.note !== NO_NOTES)
.filter(commit => commit.note.match(/^[Bb]ump v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) === null);
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
commit.trops = await getMergedTrops(commit, pool);
pool.commits = removeSupercededStackUpdates(pool.commits);
const notes = {
breaking: [],
docs: [],
feat: [],
fix: [],
other: [],
unknown: [],
name: newVersion,
pool.commits.forEach(commit => {
const str = commit.semanticType;
if (commit.isBreakingChange) {
} else if (!str) {
} else if (docTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (featTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (fixTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (otherTypes.has(str)) {
} else {
return notes;
const removeSupercededStackUpdates = (commits) => {
const updateRegex = /^Updated ([a-zA-Z.]+) to v?([\d.]+)/;
const notupdates = [];
const newest = {};
for (const commit of commits) {
const match = (commit.note || commit.subject).match(updateRegex);
if (!match) {
const [, dep, version] = match;
if (!newest[dep] || newest[dep].version < version) {
newest[dep] = { commit, version };
return [...notupdates, ...Object.values(newest).map(o => o.commit)];
**** Render
// @return the pull request's GitHub URL
const buildPullURL = ghKey => `https://github.com/${ghKey.owner}/${ghKey.repo}/pull/${ghKey.number}`;
const renderPull = ghKey => `[#${ghKey.number}](${buildPullURL(ghKey)})`;
// @return the commit's GitHub URL
const buildCommitURL = commit => `https://github.com/${commit.owner}/${commit.repo}/commit/${commit.hash}`;
const renderCommit = commit => `[${commit.hash.slice(0, 8)}](${buildCommitURL(commit)})`;
// @return a markdown link to the PR if available; otherwise, the git commit
function renderLink (commit) {
const maybePull = commit.prKeys.values().next();
return maybePull.value ? renderPull(maybePull.value) : renderCommit(commit);
// @return a terser branch name,
// e.g. '7-2-x' -> '7.2' and '8-x-y' -> '8'
const renderBranchName = name => name.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]/g, '').replace('-', '.');
const renderTrop = (branch, ghKey) => `[${renderBranchName(branch)}](${buildPullURL(ghKey)})`;
// @return markdown-formatted links to other branches' trops,
// e.g. "(Also in 7.2, 8, 9)"
function renderTrops (commit, excludeBranch) {
const body = [...commit.trops.entries()]
.filter(([branch]) => branch !== excludeBranch)
.sort(([branchA], [branchB]) => parseInt(branchA) - parseInt(branchB)) // sort by semver major
.map(([branch, key]) => renderTrop(branch, key))
.join(', ');
return body ? `<span style="font-size:small;">(Also in ${body})</span>` : body;
// @return a slightly cleaned-up human-readable change description
function renderDescription (commit) {
let note = commit.note || commit.subject || '';
note = note.trim();
// release notes bullet point every change, so if the note author
// manually started the content with a bullet point, that will confuse
// the markdown renderer -- remove the redundant bullet point
// (example: https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/25216)
if (note.startsWith('*')) {
note = note.slice(1).trim();
if (note.length !== 0) {
note = note[0].toUpperCase() + note.substr(1);
if (!note.endsWith('.')) {
note = note + '.';
const commonVerbs = {
Added: ['Add'],
Backported: ['Backport'],
Cleaned: ['Clean'],
Disabled: ['Disable'],
Ensured: ['Ensure'],
Exported: ['Export'],
Fixed: ['Fix', 'Fixes'],
Handled: ['Handle'],
Improved: ['Improve'],
Made: ['Make'],
Removed: ['Remove'],
Repaired: ['Repair'],
Reverted: ['Revert'],
Stopped: ['Stop'],
Updated: ['Update'],
Upgraded: ['Upgrade']
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(commonVerbs)) {
for (const value of values) {
const start = `${value} `;
if (note.startsWith(start)) {
note = `${key} ${note.slice(start.length)}`;
return note;
// @return markdown-formatted release note line item,
// e.g. '* Fixed a foo. #12345 (Also in 7.2, 8, 9)'
const renderNote = (commit, excludeBranch) =>
`* ${renderDescription(commit)} ${renderLink(commit)} ${renderTrops(commit, excludeBranch)}\n`;
const renderNotes = (notes) => {
const rendered = [`# Release Notes for ${notes.name}\n\n`];
const renderSection = (title, commits) => {
if (commits.length > 0) {
`## ${title}\n\n`,
...(commits.map(commit => renderNote(commit, notes.toBranch)).sort())
renderSection('Breaking Changes', notes.breaking);
renderSection('Features', notes.feat);
renderSection('Fixes', notes.fix);
renderSection('Other Changes', notes.other);
if (notes.docs.length) {
const docs = notes.docs.map(commit => renderLink(commit)).sort();
rendered.push('## Documentation\n\n', ` * Documentation changes: ${docs.join(', ')}\n`, '\n');
renderSection('Unknown', notes.unknown);
return rendered.join('');
**** Module
module.exports = {
get: getNotes,
render: renderNotes