* Don't use JSON to send the result of `ipcRenderer.sendSync`. - Change the return type of AtomViewHostMsg_Message_Sync from `base::string16` to `base::ListValue` - Adjust lib/browser/api/web-contents.js and /lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.js to wrap/unwrap return values to/from array, instead of serializing/deserializing JSON. This change can greatly improve `ipcRenderer.sendSync` calls where the return value contains Buffer instances, because those are converted to Array before being serialized to JSON(which has no efficient way of representing byte arrays). A simple benchmark where remote.require('fs') was used to read a 16mb file got at least 5x faster, not to mention it used a lot less memory. This difference tends increases with larger buffers. * Don't base64 encode Buffers * Don't allocate V8ValueConverter on the heap * Replace hidden global.sandbox with NodeBindings::IsInitialized() * Refactoring: check NodeBindings::IsInitialized() in V8ValueConverter * Refactor problematic test to make it more reliable * Add tests for NaN and Infinity
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// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "uv.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace base {
class MessageLoop;
namespace node {
class Environment;
class MultiIsolatePlatform;
} // namespace node
namespace atom {
class NodeBindings {
enum BrowserEnvironment {
static NodeBindings* Create(BrowserEnvironment browser_env);
static void RegisterBuiltinModules();
static bool IsInitialized();
virtual ~NodeBindings();
// Setup V8, libuv.
void Initialize();
// Create the environment and load node.js.
node::Environment* CreateEnvironment(
v8::Handle<v8::Context> context,
node::MultiIsolatePlatform* platform = nullptr);
// Load node.js in the environment.
void LoadEnvironment(node::Environment* env);
// Prepare for message loop integration.
void PrepareMessageLoop();
// Do message loop integration.
virtual void RunMessageLoop();
// Gets/sets the environment to wrap uv loop.
void set_uv_env(node::Environment* env) { uv_env_ = env; }
node::Environment* uv_env() const { return uv_env_; }
uv_loop_t* uv_loop() const { return uv_loop_; }
explicit NodeBindings(BrowserEnvironment browser_env);
// Called to poll events in new thread.
virtual void PollEvents() = 0;
// Run the libuv loop for once.
void UvRunOnce();
// Make the main thread run libuv loop.
void WakeupMainThread();
// Interrupt the PollEvents.
void WakeupEmbedThread();
// Which environment we are running.
BrowserEnvironment browser_env_;
// Current thread's MessageLoop.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Current thread's libuv loop.
uv_loop_t* uv_loop_;
// Thread to poll uv events.
static void EmbedThreadRunner(void* arg);
// Whether the libuv loop has ended.
bool embed_closed_ = false;
// Loop used when constructed in WORKER mode
uv_loop_t worker_loop_;
// Dummy handle to make uv's loop not quit.
uv_async_t dummy_uv_handle_;
// Thread for polling events.
uv_thread_t embed_thread_;
// Semaphore to wait for main loop in the embed thread.
uv_sem_t embed_sem_;
// Environment that to wrap the uv loop.
node::Environment* uv_env_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NodeBindings> weak_factory_;
} // namespace atom