It's possible that the object has been added to weak map before and then erased, so having an id property doesn't mean it's added in the weak map.
81 lines
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81 lines
2.3 KiB
IDWeakMap = require 'id_weak_map'
class ObjectsStore
@stores = {}
constructor: ->
@nextId = 0
@objects = []
getNextId: ->
add: (obj) ->
id = @getNextId()
@objects[id] = obj
has: (id) ->
remove: (id) ->
throw new Error("Invalid key #{id} for ObjectsStore") unless @has id
delete @objects[id]
get: (id) ->
throw new Error("Invalid key #{id} for ObjectsStore") unless @has id
@forRenderView: (processId, routingId) ->
key = "#{processId}_#{routingId}"
@stores[key] = new ObjectsStore unless @stores[key]?
@releaseForRenderView: (processId, routingId) ->
key = "#{processId}_#{routingId}"
delete @stores[key]
# Objects in weak map will be not referenced (so we won't leak memory), and
# every object created in browser will have a unique id in weak map.
objectsWeakMap = new IDWeakMap
objectsWeakMap.add = (obj) ->
id = IDWeakMap::add.call this, obj
Object.defineProperty obj, 'id',
enumerable: true, writable: false, value: id
windowsWeakMap = new IDWeakMap
process.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_INTERNAL_NEW', (obj) ->
# It's possible that user created a object in browser side and then want to
# get it in renderer via remote.getObject. So we must add every native object
# created in browser to the weak map even it may not be referenced by the
# renderer.
objectsWeakMap.add obj
# Also remember all windows.
windowsWeakMap.add obj if obj.constructor.name is 'Window'
exports.add = (processId, routingId, obj) ->
# Some native objects may already been added to objectsWeakMap, be care not
# to add it twice.
objectsWeakMap.add obj unless obj.id? and objectsWeakMap.has obj.id
# Store and reference the object, then return the storeId which points to
# where the object is stored. The caller can later dereference the object
# with the storeId.
store = ObjectsStore.forRenderView processId, routingId
store.add obj
exports.get = (id) ->
objectsWeakMap.get id
exports.getAllWindows = () ->
keys = windowsWeakMap.keys()
windowsWeakMap.get key for key in keys
exports.remove = (processId, routingId, storeId) ->
ObjectsStore.forRenderView(processId, routingId).remove storeId
exports.clear = (processId, routingId) ->
ObjectsStore.releaseForRenderView processId, routingId