Cheng Zhao 863199348f Make process.exit() quit gracefully
Instead of abrupting the whole program immediately, we should close all
windows and release all native resources gracefully on exit. This avoids
possible crashes.

Fix .
2015-11-06 20:25:20 +08:00

191 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "atom/browser/browser_observer.h"
#include "atom/browser/window_list_observer.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace ui {
class MenuModel;
namespace atom {
class LoginHandler;
// This class is used for control application-wide operations.
class Browser : public WindowListObserver {
static Browser* Get();
// Try to close all windows and quit the application.
void Quit();
// Exit the application immediately and set exit code.
void Exit(int code);
// Cleanup everything and shutdown the application gracefully.
void Shutdown();
// Focus the application.
void Focus();
// Returns the version of the executable (or bundle).
std::string GetVersion() const;
// Overrides the application version.
void SetVersion(const std::string& version);
// Returns the application's name, default is just Atom-Shell.
std::string GetName() const;
// Overrides the application name.
void SetName(const std::string& name);
// Add the |path| to recent documents list.
void AddRecentDocument(const base::FilePath& path);
// Clear the recent documents list.
void ClearRecentDocuments();
// Set the application user model ID.
void SetAppUserModelID(const base::string16& name);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Bounce the dock icon.
enum BounceType {
int DockBounce(BounceType type);
void DockCancelBounce(int request_id);
// Set/Get dock's badge text.
void DockSetBadgeText(const std::string& label);
std::string DockGetBadgeText();
// Hide/Show dock.
void DockHide();
void DockShow();
// Set docks' menu.
void DockSetMenu(ui::MenuModel* model);
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
struct UserTask {
base::FilePath program;
base::string16 arguments;
base::string16 title;
base::string16 description;
base::FilePath icon_path;
int icon_index;
// Add a custom task to jump list.
void SetUserTasks(const std::vector<UserTask>& tasks);
// Returns the application user model ID, if there isn't one, then create
// one from app's name.
// The returned string managed by Browser, and should not be modified.
PCWSTR GetAppUserModelID();
// Tell the application to open a file.
bool OpenFile(const std::string& file_path);
// Tell the application to open a url.
void OpenURL(const std::string& url);
// Tell the application that application is activated with visible/invisible
// windows.
void Activate(bool has_visible_windows);
// Tell the application the loading has been done.
void WillFinishLaunching();
void DidFinishLaunching();
// Called when client certificate is required.
void ClientCertificateSelector(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info,
scoped_ptr<content::ClientCertificateDelegate> delegate);
// Request basic auth login.
void RequestLogin(LoginHandler* login_handler);
void AddObserver(BrowserObserver* obs) {
void RemoveObserver(BrowserObserver* obs) {
bool is_shutting_down() const { return is_shutdown_; }
bool is_quiting() const { return is_quiting_; }
bool is_ready() const { return is_ready_; }
// Returns the version of application bundle or executable file.
std::string GetExecutableFileVersion() const;
// Returns the name of application bundle or executable file.
std::string GetExecutableFileProductName() const;
// Send the will-quit message and then shutdown the application.
void NotifyAndShutdown();
// Send the before-quit message and start closing windows.
bool HandleBeforeQuit();
bool is_quiting_;
// WindowListObserver implementations:
void OnWindowCloseCancelled(NativeWindow* window) override;
void OnWindowAllClosed() override;
// Observers of the browser.
base::ObserverList<BrowserObserver> observers_;
// Whether "ready" event has been emitted.
bool is_ready_;
// The browse is being shutdown.
bool is_shutdown_;
std::string version_override_;
std::string name_override_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
base::string16 app_user_model_id_;
} // namespace atom