78 lines
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78 lines
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ipc = require 'ipc'
webContents = require 'web-contents'
webViewManager = null # Doesn't exist in early initialization.
supportedWebViewEvents = [
nextInstanceId = 0
guestInstances = {}
# Generate guestInstanceId.
getNextInstanceId = (webContents) ->
# Create a new guest instance.
createGuest = (embedder, params) ->
webViewManager ?= process.atomBinding 'web_view_manager'
id = getNextInstanceId embedder
guest = webContents.create
isGuest: true
guestInstanceId: id
storagePartitionId: params.storagePartitionId
guestInstances[id] = guest
webViewManager.addGuest id, embedder, guest
# Destroy guest when the embedder is gone.
embedder.once 'render-view-deleted', ->
destroyGuest id
# Init guest web view after attached.
guest.once 'did-attach', (event, params) ->
@viewInstanceId = params.instanceId
min = width: params.minwidth, height: params.minheight
max = width: params.maxwidth, height: params.maxheight
@setAutoSize params.autosize, min, max
if params.src
@loadUrl params.src
if params.allowtransparency?
@setAllowTransparency params.allowtransparency
# Dispatch events to embedder.
for event in supportedWebViewEvents
do (event) ->
guest.on event, (_, args...) ->
embedder.send "ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_VIEW_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_EVENT-#{guest.viewInstanceId}", event, args...
# Destroy an existing guest instance.
destroyGuest = (id) ->
webViewManager.removeGuest id
delete guestInstances[id]
ipc.on 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CREATE_GUEST', (event, type, params, requestId) ->
event.sender.send "ATOM_SHELL_RESPONSE_#{requestId}", createGuest(event.sender, params)
destroyGuest id
ipc.on 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_SET_AUTO_SIZE', (event, id, params) ->
guestInstances[id]?.setAutoSize params.enableAutoSize, params.min, params.max
ipc.on 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_SET_ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY', (event, id, allowtransparency) ->
guestInstances[id]?.setAllowTransparency allowtransparency
# Returns WebContents from its guest id.
exports.getGuest = (id) ->