In the GN build, libchromiumcontent is no longer a distinct library, but merely a container for a set of scripts and patches. Maintaining those patches in a separate repository is tedious and error-prone, so merge them into the main repo. Once this is merged and GN is the default way to build Electron, the libchromiumcontent repository can be archived.
15 lines
586 B
15 lines
586 B
repo: src/third_party/ffmpeg
author: Ales Pergl <alpergl@microsoft.com>
file: build_gn.patch
description: |
Chromium's Mac toolchain sets the "install_name" linker parameter only
when "is_component_build" is true, but we want to set even if it's false,
because we are making a dylib which will be distributed inside a bundle.
author: Aleksei Kuzmin <alkuzmin@microsoft.com>
file: fix_build_on_linux_x86.patch
description: |
Builds on Linux x86 fail with a clang error. See https://crbug.com/796379.
Once it's fixed the patch can be removed.