// Copyright (c) 2016 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "shell/browser/api/electron_api_web_contents.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/cocoa/event_dispatching_window.h" #include "shell/browser/web_contents_preferences.h" #include "ui/base/cocoa/command_dispatcher.h" #include "ui/base/cocoa/nsmenu_additions.h" #include "ui/base/cocoa/nsmenuitem_additions.h" #include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface NSWindow (EventDispatchingWindow) - (void)redispatchKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event; @end namespace electron::api { bool WebContents::IsFocused() const { auto* view = web_contents()->GetRenderWidgetHostView(); if (!view) return false; if (type() != Type::kBackgroundPage) { auto window = [web_contents()->GetNativeView().GetNativeNSView() window]; // On Mac the render widget host view does not lose focus when the window // loses focus so check if the top level window is the key window. if (window && ![window isKeyWindow]) return false; } return view->HasFocus(); } bool WebContents::PlatformHandleKeyboardEvent( content::WebContents* source, const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { if (event.skip_if_unhandled || event.GetType() == content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent::Type::kChar) return false; // Check if the webContents has preferences and to ignore shortcuts auto* web_preferences = WebContentsPreferences::From(source); if (web_preferences && web_preferences->ShouldIgnoreMenuShortcuts()) return false; NSEvent* ns_event = event.os_event.Get(); // Send the event to the menu before sending it to the window if (ns_event.type == NSEventTypeKeyDown) { // If the keyboard event is a system shortcut, it's already sent to the // NSMenu instance in // content/app_shim_remote_cocoa/render_widget_host_view_cocoa.mm via // keyEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent wasKeyEquivalent:(BOOL)equiv. If we let the // NSMenu handle it here as well, it'll be sent twice with unexpected side // effects. bool is_a_keyboard_shortcut_event = [[NSApp mainMenu] cr_menuItemForKeyEquivalentEvent:ns_event] != nil; bool is_a_system_shortcut_event = is_a_keyboard_shortcut_event && (ui::cocoa::ModifierMaskForKeyEvent(ns_event) & NSEventModifierFlagFunction) != 0; if (is_a_system_shortcut_event) return false; if ([[NSApp mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:ns_event]) return true; } // Let the window redispatch the OS event if (ns_event.window && [ns_event.window isKindOfClass:[EventDispatchingWindow class]]) { [ns_event.window redispatchKeyEvent:ns_event]; // FIXME(nornagon): this isn't the right return value; we should implement // devtools windows as Widgets in order to take advantage of the // preexisting redispatch code in bridged_native_widget. return false; } else if (ns_event.window && [ns_event.window conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CommandDispatchingWindow)]) { NSObject<CommandDispatchingWindow>* window = static_cast<NSObject<CommandDispatchingWindow>*>(ns_event.window); [[window commandDispatcher] redispatchKeyEvent:ns_event]; // FIXME(clavin): Not exactly sure what to return here, likely the same // situation as the branch above. If a future refactor removes // |EventDispatchingWindow| then only this branch will need to remain. return false; } return false; } } // namespace electron::api