assert = require 'assert' ChildProcess = require 'child_process' path = require 'path' {remote} = require 'electron' {app, BrowserWindow} = remote.require 'electron' describe 'app module', -> describe 'app.getVersion()', -> it 'returns the version field of package.json', -> assert.equal app.getVersion(), '0.1.0' describe 'app.setVersion(version)', -> it 'overrides the version', -> assert.equal app.getVersion(), '0.1.0' app.setVersion 'test-version' assert.equal app.getVersion(), 'test-version' app.setVersion '0.1.0' describe 'app.getName()', -> it 'returns the name field of package.json', -> assert.equal app.getName(), 'Electron Test' describe 'app.setName(name)', -> it 'overrides the name', -> assert.equal app.getName(), 'Electron Test' app.setName 'test-name' assert.equal app.getName(), 'test-name' app.setName 'Electron Test' describe 'app.getLocale()', -> it 'should not be empty', -> assert.notEqual app.getLocale(), '' describe 'app.exit(exitCode)', -> appProcess = null afterEach -> appProcess?.kill() it 'emits a process exit event with the code', (done) -> appPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'quit-app') electronPath = remote.getGlobal('process').execPath appProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(electronPath, [appPath]) output = '' appProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> output += data appProcess.on 'close', (code) -> assert.notEqual output.indexOf('Exit event with code: 123'), -1 assert.equal code, 123 done() describe 'BrowserWindow events', -> w = null afterEach -> w.destroy() if w? w = null it 'should emit browser-window-focus event when window is focused', (done) -> app.once 'browser-window-focus', (e, window) -> assert.equal, done() w = new BrowserWindow(show: false) w.emit 'focus' it 'should emit browser-window-blur event when window is blured', (done) -> app.once 'browser-window-blur', (e, window) -> assert.equal, done() w = new BrowserWindow(show: false) w.emit 'blur' it 'should emit browser-window-created event when window is created', (done) -> app.once 'browser-window-created', (e, window) -> setImmediate -> assert.equal, done() w = new BrowserWindow(show: false) w.emit 'blur'