import("npm.gni") template("typescript_build") { assert(defined(invoker.tsconfig), "Need tsconfig name to run") assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need tsc sources to run") assert(defined(invoker.output_dir_name), "Need output_dir_name to run, should be 'lib' or other top level dir") assert(defined(invoker.output_gen_dir), "Need output_gen_dir to run, should be relative to the root gen dir") npm_action(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps", "public_deps", "outputs", ]) script = "tsc" sources = invoker.sources inputs = [ invoker.tsconfig, "//electron/tsconfig.json", "//electron/package-lock.json", "//electron/typings/internal-ambient.d.ts", "//electron/typings/internal-electron.d.ts", "//electron/typings/internal-helpers.d.ts", ] type_roots = "node_modules/@types,typings" if (defined(invoker.type_root)) { type_roots += "," + invoker.type_root } base_out_path = invoker.output_gen_dir + "/electron/" args = [ "-p", rebase_path(invoker.tsconfig), "--outDir", rebase_path("$base_out_path" + invoker.output_dir_name), "--typeRoots", type_roots, ] outputs = [] foreach(invoker_source, invoker.sources) { # The output of TSC is all inputs but with JS instead of TS as the extension outputs += [ "$base_out_path" + get_path_info(invoker_source, "dir") + "/" + get_path_info(invoker_source, "name") + ".js" ] } } }