// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// <code>chrome.cryptotokenPrivate</code> API that provides hooks to Chrome to
// be used by cryptotoken component extension.
// <p>In the context of this API, an AppId is roughly an origin and is formally
// defined in
// <a href="https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.2-ps-20170411/fido-appid-and-facets-v1.2-ps-20170411.html">
// the FIDO spec</a></p>
namespace cryptotokenPrivate {

  callback BooleanCallback = void(boolean result);
  callback VoidCallback = void();

  dictionary CanAppIdGetAttestationOptions {
    // The AppId (see definition, above) that was used in the registration
    // request and which has been authenticated by |canOriginAssertAppId|.
    DOMString appId;
    // The origin of the caller.
    DOMString origin;
    // Identifies the tab in which the registration is occuring so that any
    // permissions prompt is correctly located.
    long tabId;

  interface Functions {
    // Checks whether the origin is allowed to assert the appId, according to
    // the same origin policy defined at
    // http://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.0-ps-20141009/
    //     fido-appid-and-facets-ps-20141009.html
    // |securityOrigin| is the origin as seen by the extension, and |appIdUrl|
    // is the appId being asserted by the origin.
    static void canOriginAssertAppId(DOMString securityOrigin,
                                     DOMString appIdUrl,
                                     BooleanCallback callback);

    // Checks whether the given appId is specified in the
    // SecurityKeyPermitAttestation policy. This causes a signal to be sent to
    // the token that informs it that an individually-identifying attestation
    // certificate may be used. Without that signal, the token is required to
    // use its batch attestation certificate.
    static void isAppIdHashInEnterpriseContext(ArrayBuffer appIdHash,
                                               BooleanCallback callback);

    // Checks whether the given appId may receive attestation data that
    // identifies the token. If not, the attestation from the token must be
    // substituted with a randomly generated certificate since webauthn and U2F
    // require that some attestation be provided.
    static void canAppIdGetAttestation(CanAppIdGetAttestationOptions options,
                                       BooleanCallback callback);

    // Increments the WebFeature::kU2FCryptotokenRegister UseCounter for the
    // main frame associated with |tabId|.
    static void recordRegisterRequest(long tabId, long frameId,
                                      optional VoidCallback callback);

    // Increments the WebFeature::kU2FCryptotokenSign UseCounter for the
    // main frame associated with |tabId|.
    static void recordSignRequest(long tabId, long frameId,
                                  optional VoidCallback callback);