const assert = require('assert') const chai = require('chai') const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai') const path = require('path') const http = require('http') const url = require('url') const {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron') const {app, session, getGuestWebContents, ipcMain, BrowserWindow, webContents} = remote const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {emittedOnce, waitForEvent} = require('./events-helpers') const {expect} = chai chai.use(dirtyChai) const isCI = remote.getGlobal('isCi') const nativeModulesEnabled = remote.getGlobal('nativeModulesEnabled') /* Most of the APIs here don't use standard callbacks */ /* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */ describe(' tag', function () { this.timeout(3 * 60 * 1000) const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') let webview = null let w = null const openTheWindow = async (...args) => { await closeTheWindow() w = new BrowserWindow(...args) return w } const closeTheWindow = async () => { await closeWindow(w) w = null } const loadWebView = async (webview, attributes = {}) => { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) { webview.setAttribute(name, value) } document.body.appendChild(webview) await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-finish-load') return webview } const startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage = async (webview, attributes = {}) => { loadWebView(webview, attributes) // Don't wait for load to be finished. const event = await waitForEvent(webview, 'console-message') return event.message } beforeEach(() => { webview = new WebView() }) afterEach(() => { if (!document.body.contains(webview)) { document.body.appendChild(webview) } webview.remove() return closeTheWindow() }) // TODO(codebytere): re-enable this test xit('works without script tag in page', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({show: false}) w.loadURL('file://' + fixtures + '/pages/webview-no-script.html') await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'pong') }) it('is disabled when nodeIntegration is disabled', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: false, preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-webview.js') } }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-no-script.html`) const [, type] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview') expect(type).to.equal('undefined', 'WebView still exists') }) it('is enabled when the webviewTag option is enabled and the nodeIntegration option is disabled', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: false, preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-webview.js'), webviewTag: true } }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-no-script.html`) const [, type] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview') expect(type).to.not.equal('undefined', 'WebView is not created') }) describe('src attribute', () => { it('specifies the page to load', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) expect(message).to.equal('a') }) it('navigates to new page when changed', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/b.html` const {message} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'console-message') expect(message).to.equal('b') }) it('resolves relative URLs', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: '../fixtures/pages/e.html' }) assert.equal(message, 'Window script is loaded before preload script') }) it('ignores empty values', () => { assert.equal(webview.src, '') for (const emptyValue of ['', null, undefined]) { webview.src = emptyValue expect(webview.src).to.equal('') } }) }) describe('nodeintegration attribute', () => { it('inserts no node symbols when not set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/c.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'undefined', module: 'undefined', process: 'undefined', global: 'undefined' }) }) it('inserts node symbols when set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/d.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object' }) }) it('loads node symbols after POST navigation when set', async function () { // FIXME Figure out why this is timing out on AppVeyor if (process.env.APPVEYOR === 'True') { this.skip() return } const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/post.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object' }) }) it('disables node integration on child windows when it is disabled on the webview', (done) => { app.once('browser-window-created', (event, window) => { assert.equal(window.webContents.getWebPreferences().nodeIntegration, false) done() }) const src = url.format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/webview-opener-no-node-integration.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html` }, slashes: true }) loadWebView(webview, { allowpopups: 'on', src }) }) it('loads native modules when navigation happens', async function () { if (!nativeModulesEnabled) { this.skip() return } await loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/native-module.html` }) webview.reload() const {message} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'console-message') assert.equal(message, 'function') }) }) describe('preload attribute', () => { it('loads the script before other scripts in window', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/e.html` }) expect(message)'string') expect(message)'Window script is loaded before preload script') }) it('preload script can still use "process" and "Buffer" when nodeintegration is off', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload-node-off.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ process: 'object', Buffer: 'function' }) }) it('runs in the correct scope when sandboxed', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload-context.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html`, webpreferences: 'sandbox=yes' }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', // arguments passed to it should be availale electron: 'undefined', // objects from the scope it is called from should not be available window: 'object', // the window object should be available localVar: 'undefined' // but local variables should not be exposed to the window }) }) it('preload script can require modules that still use "process" and "Buffer" when nodeintegration is off', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload-node-off-wrapper.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ process: 'object', Buffer: 'function' }) }) it('receives ipc message in preload script', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload-ipc.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/e.html` }) const message = 'boom!' webview.send('ping', message) const {channel, args} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') assert.equal(channel, 'pong') assert.deepEqual(args, [message]) }) it('works without script tag in page', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}pages/base-page.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object', Buffer: 'function' }) }) it('resolves relative URLs', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { preload: '../fixtures/module/preload.js', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/e.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object', Buffer: 'function' }) }) it('ignores empty values', () => { assert.equal(webview.preload, '') for (const emptyValue of ['', null, undefined]) { webview.preload = emptyValue assert.equal(webview.preload, '') } }) }) describe('httpreferrer attribute', () => { it('sets the referrer url', (done) => { const referrer = '' const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.end() server.close() assert.equal(req.headers.referer, referrer) done() }).listen(0, '', () => { const port = server.address().port loadWebView(webview, { httpreferrer: referrer, src: `${port}` }) }) }) }) describe('useragent attribute', () => { it('sets the user agent', async () => { const referrer = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko' const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/useragent.html`, useragent: referrer }) expect(message).to.equal(referrer) }) }) describe('disablewebsecurity attribute', () => { it('does not disable web security when not set', async () => { const jqueryPath = path.join(__dirname, '/static/jquery-2.0.3.min.js') const src = ` ` const encoded = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(src))) const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `data:text/html;base64,${encoded}` }) expect(message)'string') expect(message).to.contain('Not allowed to load local resource') }) it('disables web security when set', async () => { const jqueryPath = path.join(__dirname, '/static/jquery-2.0.3.min.js') const src = ` ` const encoded = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(src))) const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { disablewebsecurity: '', src: `data:text/html;base64,${encoded}` }) expect(message).to.equal('ok') }) it('does not break node integration', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { disablewebsecurity: '', nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/d.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object' }) }) it('does not break preload script', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { disablewebsecurity: '', preload: `${fixtures}/module/preload.js`, src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/e.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object', Buffer: 'function' }) }) }) describe('partition attribute', () => { it('inserts no node symbols when not set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { partition: 'test1', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/c.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'undefined', module: 'undefined', process: 'undefined', global: 'undefined' }) }) it('inserts node symbols when set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', partition: 'test2', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/d.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object' }) }) it('isolates storage for different id', async () => { window.localStorage.setItem('test', 'one') const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { partition: 'test3', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/partition/one.html` }) const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message) expect(parsedMessage).to.include({ numberOfEntries: 0, testValue: null }) }) it('uses current session storage when no id is provided', async () => { const testValue = 'one' window.localStorage.setItem('test', testValue) const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/partition/one.html` }) const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message) expect(parsedMessage).to.include({ numberOfEntries: 1, testValue }) }) }) describe('allowpopups attribute', () => { it('can not open new window when not set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open-hide.html` }) expect(message).to.equal('null') }) it('can open new window when set', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { allowpopups: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open-hide.html` }) expect(message).to.equal('window') }) }) describe('webpreferences attribute', () => { it('can enable nodeintegration', async () => { const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/d.html`, webpreferences: 'nodeIntegration' }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'function', module: 'object', process: 'object' }) }) it('can disables web security and enable nodeintegration', async () => { const jqueryPath = path.join(__dirname, '/static/jquery-2.0.3.min.js') const src = ` ` const encoded = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(src))) const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { src: `data:text/html;base64,${encoded}`, webpreferences: 'webSecurity=no, nodeIntegration=yes' }) expect(message).to.equal('function') }) it('can enable context isolation', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { allowpopups: 'yes', preload: path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'isolated-preload.js'), src: `file://${fixtures}/api/isolated.html`, webpreferences: 'contextIsolation=yes' }) const [, data] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'isolated-world') assert.deepEqual(data, { preloadContext: { preloadProperty: 'number', pageProperty: 'undefined', typeofRequire: 'function', typeofProcess: 'object', typeofArrayPush: 'function', typeofFunctionApply: 'function' }, pageContext: { preloadProperty: 'undefined', pageProperty: 'string', typeofRequire: 'undefined', typeofProcess: 'undefined', typeofArrayPush: 'number', typeofFunctionApply: 'boolean', typeofPreloadExecuteJavaScriptProperty: 'number', typeofOpenedWindow: 'object' } }) }) }) describe('new-window event', () => { it('emits when is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open.html` }) const {url, frameName} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'new-window') assert.equal(url, 'http://host/') assert.equal(frameName, 'host') }) it('emits when link with target is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/target-name.html` }) const {url, frameName} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'new-window') assert.equal(url, 'http://host/') assert.equal(frameName, 'target') }) }) describe('ipc-message event', () => { it('emits when guest sends a ipc message to browser', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/ipc-message.html` }) const {channel, args} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') assert.equal(channel, 'channel') assert.deepEqual(args, ['arg1', 'arg2']) }) }) describe('page-title-set event', () => { it('emits when title is set', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) const {title, explicitSet} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'page-title-set') assert.equal(title, 'test') assert(explicitSet) }) }) describe('page-favicon-updated event', () => { it('emits when favicon urls are received', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) const {favicons} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'page-favicon-updated') assert(favicons) assert.equal(favicons.length, 2) if (process.platform === 'win32') { assert(/^file:\/\/\/[A-Z]:\/favicon.png$/i.test(favicons[0])) } else { assert.equal(favicons[0], 'file:///favicon.png') } }) }) describe('will-navigate event', () => { it('emits when a url that leads to oustide of the page is clicked', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-will-navigate.html` }) const {url} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'will-navigate') assert.equal(url, 'http://host/') }) }) describe('did-navigate event', () => { let p = path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-will-navigate.html') p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/') const pageUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p }) it('emits when a url that leads to outside of the page is clicked', async () => { loadWebView(webview, {src: pageUrl}) const {url} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-navigate') assert.equal(url, pageUrl) }) }) describe('did-navigate-in-page event', () => { it('emits when an anchor link is clicked', async () => { let p = path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-did-navigate-in-page.html') p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/') const pageUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p }) loadWebView(webview, {src: pageUrl}) const event = await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-navigate-in-page') assert.equal(event.url, `${pageUrl}#test_content`) }) it('emits when window.history.replaceState is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-did-navigate-in-page-with-history.html` }) const {url} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-navigate-in-page') assert.equal(url, 'http://host/') }) it('emits when window.location.hash is changed', async () => { let p = path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'webview-did-navigate-in-page-with-hash.html') p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/') const pageUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: p }) loadWebView(webview, {src: pageUrl}) const event = await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-navigate-in-page') assert.equal(event.url, `${pageUrl}#test`) }) }) describe('close event', () => { it('should fire when interior page calls window.close', async () => { loadWebView(webview, {src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/close.html`}) await waitForEvent(webview, 'close') }) }) describe('setDevToolsWebContents() API', () => { it('sets webContents of webview as devtools', async () => { const webview2 = new WebView() loadWebView(webview2) await waitForEvent(webview2, 'did-attach') // Setup an event handler for further usage. const waitForDomReady = waitForEvent(webview2, 'dom-ready') loadWebView(webview, {src: 'about:blank'}) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') webview.getWebContents().setDevToolsWebContents(webview2.getWebContents()) webview.getWebContents().openDevTools() await waitForDomReady // Its WebContents should be a DevTools. const devtools = webview2.getWebContents() assert.ok(devtools.getURL().startsWith('chrome-devtools://devtools')) const name = await new Promise((resolve) => { devtools.executeJavaScript('', (name) => { resolve(name) }) }) document.body.removeChild(webview2) expect(name)'InspectorFrontendHostImpl') }) }) describe('devtools-opened event', () => { it('should fire when webview.openDevTools() is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/base-page.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') webview.openDevTools() await waitForEvent(webview, 'devtools-opened') webview.closeDevTools() }) }) describe('devtools-closed event', () => { it('should fire when webview.closeDevTools() is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/base-page.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') webview.openDevTools() await waitForEvent(webview, 'devtools-opened') webview.closeDevTools() await waitForEvent(webview, 'devtools-closed') }) }) describe('devtools-focused event', () => { it('should fire when webview.openDevTools() is called', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/base-page.html` }) const waitForDevToolsFocused = waitForEvent(webview, 'devtools-focused') await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') webview.openDevTools() await waitForDevToolsFocused webview.closeDevTools() }) }) describe('.reload()', () => { it('should emit beforeunload handler', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/beforeunload-false.html` }) // Event handler has to be added before reload. const waitForOnbeforeunload = waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') webview.reload() const {channel} = await waitForOnbeforeunload assert.equal(channel, 'onbeforeunload') }) }) describe('.goForward()', () => { it('should work after a replaced history entry', (done) => { let loadCount = 1 const listener = (e) => { if (loadCount === 1) { assert.equal(, 'history') assert.equal(e.args[0], 1) assert(!webview.canGoBack()) assert(!webview.canGoForward()) } else if (loadCount === 2) { assert.equal(, 'history') assert.equal(e.args[0], 2) assert(!webview.canGoBack()) assert(webview.canGoForward()) webview.removeEventListener('ipc-message', listener) } } const loadListener = () => { if (loadCount === 1) { webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/base-page.html` } else if (loadCount === 2) { assert(webview.canGoBack()) assert(!webview.canGoForward()) webview.goBack() } else if (loadCount === 3) { webview.goForward() } else if (loadCount === 4) { assert(webview.canGoBack()) assert(!webview.canGoForward()) webview.removeEventListener('did-finish-load', loadListener) done() } loadCount += 1 } webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', listener) webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', loadListener) loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/history-replace.html` }) }) }) describe('.clearHistory()', () => { it('should clear the navigation history', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/history.html` }) const event = await waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') assert.equal(, 'history') assert.equal(event.args[0], 2) assert(webview.canGoBack()) webview.clearHistory() assert(!webview.canGoBack()) }) }) describe('basic auth', () => { const auth = require('basic-auth') it('should authenticate with correct credentials', (done) => { const message = 'Authenticated' const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const credentials = auth(req) if ( === 'test' && credentials.pass === 'test') { res.end(message) } else { res.end('failed') } server.close() }) server.listen(0, '', () => { const port = server.address().port webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, message) done() }) loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/basic-auth.html?port=${port}` }) }) }) }) describe('dom-ready event', () => { it('emits when document is loaded', (done) => { const server = http.createServer(() => {}) server.listen(0, '', () => { const port = server.address().port webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', () => { done() }) loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/dom-ready.html?port=${port}` }) }) }) it('throws a custom error when an API method is called before the event is emitted', () => { const expectedErrorMessage = 'Cannot call stop because the webContents is unavailable. ' + 'The WebView must be attached to the DOM ' + 'and the dom-ready event emitted before this method can be called.' expect(() => { webview.stop() }).to.throw(expectedErrorMessage) }) }) describe('executeJavaScript', () => { it('should support user gesture', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/fullscreen.html` }) // Event handler has to be added before js execution. const waitForEnterHtmlFullScreen = waitForEvent(webview, 'enter-html-full-screen') const jsScript = "document.querySelector('video').webkitRequestFullscreen()" webview.executeJavaScript(jsScript, true) return waitForEnterHtmlFullScreen }) it('can return the result of the executed script', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: 'about:blank' }) const jsScript = "'4'+2" const expectedResult = '42' const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { webview.executeJavaScript(jsScript, false, (result) => { resolve(result) }) }) assert.equal(result, expectedResult) }) }) describe('sendInputEvent', () => { it('can send keyboard event', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/onkeyup.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') const waitForIpcMessage = waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') webview.sendInputEvent({ type: 'keyup', keyCode: 'c', modifiers: ['shift'] }) const {channel, args} = await waitForIpcMessage assert.equal(channel, 'keyup') assert.deepEqual(args, ['C', 'KeyC', 67, true, false]) }) it('can send mouse event', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { nodeintegration: 'on', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/onmouseup.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') const waitForIpcMessage = waitForEvent(webview, 'ipc-message') webview.sendInputEvent({ type: 'mouseup', modifiers: ['ctrl'], x: 10, y: 20 }) const {channel, args} = await waitForIpcMessage assert.equal(channel, 'mouseup') assert.deepEqual(args, [10, 20, false, true]) }) }) describe('media-started-playing media-paused events', () => { it('emits when audio starts and stops playing', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, {src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/audio.html`}) // XXX(alexeykuzmin): Starting from Ch66 playing an audio requires // a user interaction. See webview.executeJavaScript('document.querySelector("audio").play()', true) await waitForEvent(webview, 'media-started-playing') webview.executeJavaScript('document.querySelector("audio").pause()', true) await waitForEvent(webview, 'media-paused') }) }) // TODO(jkleinsc): this test causes the test suite to hang on Windows release // builds. Temporarily disabling so that release build tests will finish. xdescribe('found-in-page event', () => { it('emits when a request is made', (done) => { let requestId = null let activeMatchOrdinal = [] const listener = (e) => { assert.equal(e.result.requestId, requestId) assert.equal(e.result.matches, 3) activeMatchOrdinal.push(e.result.activeMatchOrdinal) if (e.result.activeMatchOrdinal === e.result.matches) { assert.deepEqual(activeMatchOrdinal, [1, 2, 3]) webview.stopFindInPage('clearSelection') done() } else { listener2() } } const listener2 = () => { requestId = webview.findInPage('virtual') } webview.addEventListener('found-in-page', listener) webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', listener2) loadWebView(webview, {src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/content.html`}) // TODO(deepak1556): With // focus of the webContents is required when triggering the api. // Remove this workaround after determining the cause for // incorrect focus. webview.focus() }) }) describe('did-change-theme-color event', () => { it('emits when theme color changes', async () => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/theme-color.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'did-change-theme-color') }) }) describe('permission-request event', () => { function setUpRequestHandler (webview, requestedPermission, completed) { assert.ok(webview.partition) const listener = function (webContents, permission, callback) { if (webContents.getId() === webview.getId()) { // requestMIDIAccess with sysex requests both midi and midiSysex so // grant the first midi one and then reject the midiSysex one if (requestedPermission === 'midiSysex' && permission === 'midi') { return callback(true) } assert.equal(permission, requestedPermission) callback(false) if (completed) completed() } } session.fromPartition(webview.partition).setPermissionRequestHandler(listener) } it('emits when using navigator.getUserMedia api', (done) => { if (isCI) return done() webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, 'message') assert.deepEqual(e.args, ['PermissionDeniedError']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/media.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') setUpRequestHandler(webview, 'media') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('emits when using navigator.geolocation api', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, 'message') assert.deepEqual(e.args, ['User denied Geolocation']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/geolocation.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') setUpRequestHandler(webview, 'geolocation') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('emits when using navigator.requestMIDIAccess without sysex api', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, 'message') assert.deepEqual(e.args, ['SecurityError']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/midi.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') setUpRequestHandler(webview, 'midi') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('emits when using navigator.requestMIDIAccess with sysex api', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, 'message') assert.deepEqual(e.args, ['SecurityError']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/midi-sysex.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') setUpRequestHandler(webview, 'midiSysex') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('emits when accessing external protocol', (done) => { webview.src = 'magnet:test' webview.partition = 'permissionTest' setUpRequestHandler(webview, 'openExternal', done) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) it('emits when using Notification.requestPermission', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { assert.equal(, 'message') assert.deepEqual(e.args, ['granted']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/notification.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') session.fromPartition(webview.partition).setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => { if (webContents.getId() === webview.getId()) { assert.equal(permission, 'notifications') setTimeout(() => { callback(true) }, 10) } }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) describe('.getWebContents', () => { it('can return the webcontents associated', async () => { const src = 'about:blank' await loadWebView(webview, {src}) const webviewContents = webview.getWebContents() assert(webviewContents) expect(webviewContents.getURL()).to.equal(src) }) }) describe('document.visibilityState/hidden', () => { afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('pong') }) it('updates when the window is shown after the ready-to-show event', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-visibilitychange.html`) await emittedOnce(w, 'ready-to-show') const [, visibilityState, hidden] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'pong') assert(!hidden) assert.equal(visibilityState, 'visible') }) it('inherits the parent window visibility state and receives visibilitychange events', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-visibilitychange.html`) let [, visibilityState, hidden] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'pong') assert.equal(visibilityState, 'hidden') assert.equal(hidden, true) // We have to start waiting for the event // before we ask the webContents to resize. const getResponse = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'pong') w.webContents.emit('-window-visibility-change', 'visible') return getResponse.then(([, visibilityState, hidden]) => { assert.equal(visibilityState, 'visible') assert.equal(hidden, false) }) }) }) describe('will-attach-webview event', () => { it('supports changing the web preferences', async () => { ipcRenderer.send('disable-node-on-next-will-attach-webview') const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { nodeintegration: 'yes', src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) const types = JSON.parse(message) expect(types).to.include({ require: 'undefined', module: 'undefined', process: 'undefined', global: 'undefined' }) }) it('supports preventing a webview from being created', async () => { ipcRenderer.send('prevent-next-will-attach-webview') loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/c.html` }) await waitForEvent(webview, 'destroyed') }) it('supports removing the preload script', async () => { ipcRenderer.send('disable-preload-on-next-will-attach-webview') const message = await startLoadingWebViewAndWaitForMessage(webview, { nodeintegration: 'yes', preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-set-global.js'), src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` }) assert.equal(message, 'undefined') }) }) describe('did-attach-webview event', () => { it('is emitted when a webview has been attached', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-did-attach-event.html`) const [, webContents] = await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'did-attach-webview') const [, id] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-dom-ready') expect( }) }) it('loads devtools extensions registered on the parent window', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false }) BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension('foo') const extensionPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'devtools-extensions', 'foo') BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension(extensionPath) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-devtools.html`) const [, {runtimeId, tabId}] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer') expect(runtimeId).to.equal('foo') expect(tabId) }) // TODO(alexeykuzmin): Some tests rashe a renderer process. // Fix them and enable the tests. xdescribe('guestinstance attribute', () => { it('before loading there is no attribute', () => { loadWebView(webview) // Don't wait for loading to finish. assert(!webview.hasAttribute('guestinstance')) }) it('loading a page sets the guest view', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') assert.equal(instance, parseInt(instance)) const guest = getGuestWebContents(parseInt(instance)) assert.equal(guest, webview.getWebContents()) }) it('deleting the attribute destroys the webview', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) const instance = parseInt(webview.getAttribute('guestinstance')) const waitForDestroy = waitForEvent(webview, 'destroyed') webview.removeAttribute('guestinstance') await waitForDestroy expect(getGuestWebContents(instance)).to.equal(undefined) }) it('setting the attribute on a new webview moves the contents', (done) => { const loadListener = () => { const webContents = webview.getWebContents() const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') const destroyListener = () => { assert.equal(webContents, webview2.getWebContents()) // Make sure that events are hooked up to the right webview now webview2.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { assert.equal(e.message, 'a') document.body.removeChild(webview2) done() }) webview2.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` } webview.addEventListener('destroyed', destroyListener, {once: true}) const webview2 = new WebView() loadWebView(webview2, { guestinstance: instance }) } webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', loadListener, {once: true}) loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) }) it('setting the attribute to an invalid guestinstance does nothing', async () => { await loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) webview.setAttribute('guestinstance', 55) // Make sure that events are still hooked up to the webview const waitForMessage = waitForEvent(webview, 'console-message') webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` const {message} = await waitForMessage assert.equal(message, 'a') }) it('setting the attribute on an existing webview moves the contents', (done) => { const load1Listener = () => { const webContents = webview.getWebContents() const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') let destroyedInstance const destroyListener = () => { assert.equal(webContents, webview2.getWebContents()) assert.equal(null, getGuestWebContents(parseInt(destroyedInstance))) // Make sure that events are hooked up to the right webview now webview2.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { assert.equal(e.message, 'a') document.body.removeChild(webview2) done() }) webview2.src = 'file://' + fixtures + '/pages/a.html' } webview.addEventListener('destroyed', destroyListener, {once: true}) const webview2 = new WebView() const load2Listener = () => { destroyedInstance = webview2.getAttribute('guestinstance') assert.notEqual(instance, destroyedInstance) webview2.setAttribute('guestinstance', instance) } webview2.addEventListener('did-finish-load', load2Listener, {once: true}) loadWebView(webview2, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) } webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', load1Listener, {once: true}) loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }) }) it('moving a guest back to its original webview should work', (done) => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }).then(() => { const webContents = webview.getWebContents() const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') const destroy1Listener = () => { assert.equal(webContents, webview2.getWebContents()) assert.equal(null, webview.getWebContents()) const destroy2Listener = () => { assert.equal(webContents, webview.getWebContents()) assert.equal(null, webview2.getWebContents()) // Make sure that events are hooked up to the right webview now webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { document.body.removeChild(webview2) assert.equal(e.message, 'a') done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` } webview2.addEventListener('destroyed', destroy2Listener, {once: true}) webview.setAttribute('guestinstance', instance) } webview.addEventListener('destroyed', destroy1Listener, {once: true}) const webview2 = new WebView() loadWebView(webview2, {guestinstance: instance}) }) }) // FIXME(alexeykuzmin): This test only passes if the previous test ^ // is run alongside. it('setting the attribute on a webview in a different window moves the contents', (done) => { loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` }).then(() => { const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { ipcMain.once('pong', () => { assert(!webview.hasAttribute('guestinstance')) done() }) w.webContents.send('guestinstance', instance) }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-move-to-window.html`) }) }) it('does not delete the guestinstance attribute when moving the webview to another parent node', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', function domReadyListener () { webview.addEventListener('did-attach', () => { assert(webview.guestinstance != null) assert(webview.getWebContents() != null) done() }) document.body.replaceChild(webview, div) }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` const div = document.createElement('div') div.appendChild(webview) document.body.appendChild(div) }) it('does not destroy the webContents when hiding/showing the webview (regression)', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', function () { const instance = webview.getAttribute('guestinstance') assert(instance != null) // Wait for event directly since attach happens asynchronously over IPC ipcMain.once('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_ATTACH_GUEST', () => { assert(webview.getWebContents() != null) assert.equal(instance, webview.getAttribute('guestinstance')) done() }) = 'none' webview.offsetHeight // eslint-disable-line = 'block' }, {once: true}) loadWebView(webview, {src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html`}) }) it('does not reload the webContents when hiding/showing the webview (regression)', (done) => { webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', function () { webview.addEventListener('did-start-loading', () => { done(new Error('webview started loading unexpectedly')) }) // Wait for event directly since attach happens asynchronously over IPC webview.addEventListener('did-attach', () => { done() }) = 'none' webview.offsetHeight // eslint-disable-line = 'block' }, {once: true}) loadWebView(webview, {src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html`}) }) }) describe('DOM events', () => { let div beforeEach(() => { div = document.createElement('div') = '100px' = '10px' = 'hidden' = '100%' = '100%' }) afterEach(() => { if (div != null) div.remove() }) it('emits resize events', async () => { webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/a.html` div.appendChild(webview) document.body.appendChild(div) const firstResizeEvent = await waitForEvent(webview, 'resize') expect( expect(firstResizeEvent.newWidth).to.equal(100) expect(firstResizeEvent.newHeight).to.equal(10) await waitForEvent(webview, 'dom-ready') const newWidth = 1234 const newHeight = 789 = `${newWidth}px` = `${newHeight}px` const secondResizeEvent = await waitForEvent(webview, 'resize') expect( expect(secondResizeEvent.newWidth).to.equal(newWidth) expect(secondResizeEvent.newHeight).to.equal(newHeight) }) }) describe('disableguestresize attribute', () => { it('does not have attribute by default', () => { loadWebView(webview) assert(!webview.hasAttribute('disableguestresize')) }) it('resizes guest when attribute is not present', async () => { const INITIAL_SIZE = 200 const w = await openTheWindow( {show: false, width: INITIAL_SIZE, height: INITIAL_SIZE}) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-guest-resize.html`) await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-loaded') const elementResize = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-element-resize') .then(([, width, height]) => { assert.equal(width, CONTENT_SIZE) assert.equal(height, CONTENT_SIZE) }) const guestResize = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-guest-resize') .then(([, width, height]) => { assert.equal(width, CONTENT_SIZE) assert.equal(height, CONTENT_SIZE) }) const CONTENT_SIZE = 300 assert(CONTENT_SIZE !== INITIAL_SIZE) w.setContentSize(CONTENT_SIZE, CONTENT_SIZE) return Promise.all([elementResize, guestResize]) }) // TODO(alexeykuzmin): [Ch66] Enable the test. xit('does not resize guest when attribute is present', async () => { const INITIAL_SIZE = 200 const w = await openTheWindow( {show: false, width: INITIAL_SIZE, height: INITIAL_SIZE}) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-no-guest-resize.html`) await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-loaded') const noGuestResizePromise = Promise.race([ emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-guest-resize'), new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 500)) ]).then((eventData = null) => { if (eventData !== null) { // Means we got the 'webview-guest-resize' event before the time out. return Promise.reject(new Error('Unexpected guest resize message')) } }) const CONTENT_SIZE = 300 assert(CONTENT_SIZE !== INITIAL_SIZE) w.setContentSize(CONTENT_SIZE, CONTENT_SIZE) return noGuestResizePromise }) it('dispatches element resize event even when attribute is present', async () => { const INITIAL_SIZE = 200 const w = await openTheWindow( {show: false, width: INITIAL_SIZE, height: INITIAL_SIZE}) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-no-guest-resize.html`) await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-loaded') const whenElementResized = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-element-resize') const CONTENT_SIZE = 300 assert(CONTENT_SIZE !== INITIAL_SIZE) w.setContentSize(CONTENT_SIZE, CONTENT_SIZE) const [, width, height] = await whenElementResized expect(width).to.equal(CONTENT_SIZE) expect(height).to.equal(CONTENT_SIZE) }) // TODO(alexeykuzmin): [Ch66] Enable the test. xit('can be manually resized with setSize even when attribute is present', async () => { const INITIAL_SIZE = 200 const w = await openTheWindow( {show: false, width: INITIAL_SIZE, height: INITIAL_SIZE}) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-no-guest-resize.html`) await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-loaded') const GUEST_WIDTH = 10 const GUEST_HEIGHT = 20 const guestResizePromise = emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-guest-resize') .then(([, width, height]) => { expect(width) expect(height) }) const wc = webContents.getAllWebContents().find((wc) => { return wc.hostWebContents && === }) assert(wc) wc.setSize({ normal: { width: GUEST_WIDTH, height: GUEST_HEIGHT } }) return guestResizePromise }) }) describe('zoom behavior', () => { const zoomScheme = remote.getGlobal('zoomScheme') const webviewSession = session.fromPartition('webview-temp') before((done) => { const protocol = webviewSession.protocol protocol.registerStringProtocol(zoomScheme, (request, callback) => { callback('hello') }, (error) => done(error)) }) after((done) => { const protocol = webviewSession.protocol protocol.unregisterProtocol(zoomScheme, (error) => done(error)) }) it('inherits the zoomFactor of the parent window', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { zoomFactor: 1.2 } }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-zoom-factor.html`) const [, zoomFactor, zoomLevel] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-parent-zoom-level') expect(zoomFactor).to.equal(1.2) expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(1) }) it('maintains zoom level on navigation', async () => { return openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { zoomFactor: 1.2 } }).then((w) => { const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { ipcMain.on('webview-zoom-level', (event, zoomLevel, zoomFactor, newHost, final) => { if (!newHost) { expect(zoomFactor).to.equal(1.44) expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(2.0) } else { expect(zoomFactor).to.equal(1.2) expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(1) } if (final) { resolve() } }) }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-custom-zoom-level.html`) return promise }) }) it('maintains zoom level when navigating within same page', async () => { return openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { zoomFactor: 1.2 } }).then((w) => { const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { ipcMain.on('webview-zoom-in-page', (event, zoomLevel, zoomFactor, final) => { expect(zoomFactor).to.equal(1.44) expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(2.0) if (final) { resolve() } }) }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-in-page-navigate.html`) return promise }) }) it('inherits zoom level for the origin when available', async () => { const w = await openTheWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { zoomFactor: 1.2 } }) w.loadURL(`file://${fixtures}/pages/webview-origin-zoom-level.html`) const [, zoomLevel] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'webview-origin-zoom-level') expect(zoomLevel).to.equal(2.0) }) }) describe('nativeWindowOpen option', () => { beforeEach(() => { webview.setAttribute('allowpopups', 'on') webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') webview.setAttribute('webpreferences', 'nativeWindowOpen=1') }) it('opens window of about:blank with cross-scripting enabled', async () => { // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'native-window-open-blank.html')}` }) const [, content] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer') expect(content).to.equal('Hello') }) it('opens window of same domain with cross-scripting enabled', async () => { // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'native-window-open-file.html')}` }) const [, content] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer') expect(content).to.equal('Hello') }) it('returns null from when allowpopups is not set', async () => { webview.removeAttribute('allowpopups') // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'native-window-open-no-allowpopups.html')}` }) const [, {windowOpenReturnedNull}] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer') expect(windowOpenReturnedNull) }) it('blocks accessing cross-origin frames', async () => { // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'native-window-open-cross-origin.html')}` }) const [, content] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer') const expectedContent = 'Blocked a frame with origin "file://" from accessing a cross-origin frame.' expect(content).to.equal(expectedContent) }) it('emits a new-window event', async () => { // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open.html` }) const {url, frameName} = await waitForEvent(webview, 'new-window') expect(url).to.equal('http://host/') expect(frameName).to.equal('host') }) it('emits a browser-window-created event', async () => { // Don't wait for loading to finish. loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open.html` }) await emittedOnce(app, 'browser-window-created') }) it('emits a web-contents-created event', (done) => { app.on('web-contents-created', function listener (event, contents) { if (contents.getType() === 'window') { app.removeListener('web-contents-created', listener) done() } }) loadWebView(webview, { src: `file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open.html` }) }) }) })