var BrowserWindow, EventEmitter, deprecate, ipcMain, ref; ref = require('electron'), ipcMain = ref.ipcMain, deprecate = ref.deprecate; EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; BrowserWindow = process.atomBinding('window').BrowserWindow; BrowserWindow.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; BrowserWindow.prototype._init = function() { // avoid recursive require. var app, menu; app = require('electron').app; // Simulate the application menu on platforms other than OS X. if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { menu = app.getApplicationMenu(); if (menu != null) { this.setMenu(menu); } } // Make new windows requested by links behave like "" this.webContents.on('-new-window', function(event, url, frameName) { var options; options = { show: true, width: 800, height: 600 }; return ipcMain.emit('ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', event, url, frameName, options); }); /* window.resizeTo(...) window.moveTo(...) */ this.webContents.on('move', (function(_this) { return function(event, size) { return _this.setBounds(size); }; })(this)); // Hide the auto-hide menu when webContents is focused. this.webContents.on('activate', (function(_this) { return function() { if (process.platform !== 'darwin' && _this.isMenuBarAutoHide() && _this.isMenuBarVisible()) { return _this.setMenuBarVisibility(false); } }; })(this)); // Forward the crashed event. this.webContents.on('crashed', (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.emit('crashed'); }; })(this)); // Change window title to page title. this.webContents.on('page-title-updated', (function(_this) { return function(event, title, explicitSet) { _this.emit('page-title-updated', event, title); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { return _this.setTitle(title); } }; })(this)); /* Sometimes the webContents doesn't get focus when window is shown, so we have to force focusing on webContents in this case. The safest way is to focus it when we first start to load URL, if we do it earlier it won't have effect, if we do it later we might move focus in the page. Though this hack is only needed on OS X when the app is launched from Finder, we still do it on all platforms in case of other bugs we don't know. */ this.webContents.once('load-url', function() { return this.focus(); }); // Redirect focus/blur event to app instance too. this.on('blur', (function(_this) { return function(event) { return app.emit('browser-window-blur', event, _this); }; })(this)); this.on('focus', (function(_this) { return function(event) { return app.emit('browser-window-focus', event, _this); }; })(this)); // Notify the creation of the window. app.emit('browser-window-created', {}, this); // Be compatible with old APIs. this.webContents.on('devtools-focused', (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.emit('devtools-focused'); }; })(this)); this.webContents.on('devtools-opened', (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.emit('devtools-opened'); }; })(this)); this.webContents.on('devtools-closed', (function(_this) { return function() { return _this.emit('devtools-closed'); }; })(this)); return Object.defineProperty(this, 'devToolsWebContents', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function() { return this.webContents.devToolsWebContents; } }); }; BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow = function() { var i, len, window, windows; windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i]; if (window.isFocused()) { return window; } } return null; }; BrowserWindow.fromWebContents = function(webContents) { var i, len, ref1, window, windows; windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i]; if ((ref1 = window.webContents) != null ? ref1.equal(webContents) : void 0) { return window; } } }; BrowserWindow.fromDevToolsWebContents = function(webContents) { var i, len, ref1, window, windows; windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); for (i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { window = windows[i]; if ((ref1 = window.devToolsWebContents) != null ? ref1.equal(webContents) : void 0) { return window; } } }; // Helpers. BrowserWindow.prototype.loadURL = function() { return this.webContents.loadURL.apply(this.webContents, arguments); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.getURL = function() { return this.webContents.getURL(); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.reload = function() { return this.webContents.reload.apply(this.webContents, arguments); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.send = function() { return this.webContents.send.apply(this.webContents, arguments); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.openDevTools = function() { return this.webContents.openDevTools.apply(this.webContents, arguments); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.closeDevTools = function() { return this.webContents.closeDevTools(); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.isDevToolsOpened = function() { return this.webContents.isDevToolsOpened(); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.isDevToolsFocused = function() { return this.webContents.isDevToolsFocused(); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.toggleDevTools = function() { return this.webContents.toggleDevTools(); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.inspectElement = function() { return this.webContents.inspectElement.apply(this.webContents, arguments); }; BrowserWindow.prototype.inspectServiceWorker = function() { return this.webContents.inspectServiceWorker(); }; // Deprecated. deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'undo', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'redo', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'cut', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'copy', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'paste', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'selectAll', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'reloadIgnoringCache', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isLoading', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isWaitingForResponse', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'stop', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isCrashed', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'print', 'webContents'); deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'printToPDF', 'webContents'); deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'restart', 'reload'); deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'loadUrl', 'loadURL'); deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'getUrl', 'getURL'); BrowserWindow.prototype.executeJavaScriptInDevTools = deprecate('executeJavaScriptInDevTools', 'devToolsWebContents.executeJavaScript', function(code) { var ref1; return (ref1 = this.devToolsWebContents) != null ? ref1.executeJavaScript(code) : void 0; }); BrowserWindow.prototype.getPageTitle = deprecate('getPageTitle', 'webContents.getTitle', function() { var ref1; return (ref1 = this.webContents) != null ? ref1.getTitle() : void 0; }); module.exports = BrowserWindow;