# Build Instructions (Windows) Follow the guidelines below for building Electron on Windows. ## Prerequisites * Windows 10 / Server 2012 R2 or higher * Visual Studio 2017 15.7.2 or higher - [download VS 2017 Community Edition for free](https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/) * [Python 2.7.10 or higher](http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/) * Contrary to the `depot_tools` setup instructions linked below, you will need to use your locally installed Python with at least version 2.7.10 (with support for TLS 1.2). To do so, make sure that in **PATH**, your locally installed Python comes before the `depot_tools` folder. Right now `depot_tools` still comes with Python 2.7.6, which will cause the `gclient` command to fail (see https://crbug.com/868864). * [Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions](https://pypi.org/project/pywin32/#files) is also needed in ordner to run the build process. * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/download/) * [Git](http://git-scm.com) * Debugging Tools for Windows of Windows SDK 10.0.15063.468 if you plan on creating a full distribution since `symstore.exe` is used for creating a symbol store from `.pdb` files. * Different versions of the SDK can be installed side by side. To install the SDK, open Visual Studio Installer, select `Change` → `Individual Components`, scroll down and select the appropriate Windows SDK to install. Another option would be to look at the [Windows SDK and emulator archive](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/sdk-archive) and download the standalone version of the SDK respectively. If you don't currently have a Windows installation, [dev.microsoftedge.com](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/) has timebombed versions of Windows that you can use to build Electron. Building Electron is done entirely with command-line scripts and cannot be done with Visual Studio. You can develop Electron with any editor but support for building with Visual Studio will come in the future. **Note:** Even though Visual Studio is not used for building, it's still **required** because we need the build toolchains it provides. ## Building See [Build Instructions: GN](build-instructions-gn.md) ## 32bit Build To build for the 32bit target, you need to pass `target_cpu = "x86"` as a GN arg. You can build the 32bit target alongside the 64bit target by using a different output directory for GN, e.g. `out/Release-x86`, with different arguments. ```powershell $ gn gen out/Release-x86 --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/release.gn\") target_cpu=\"x86\"" ``` The other building steps are exactly the same. ## Visual Studio project To generate a Visual Studio project, you can pass the `--ide=vs2017` parameter to `gn gen`: ```powershell $ gn gen out/Debug --ide=vs2017 ``` ## Troubleshooting ### Command xxxx not found If you encountered an error like `Command xxxx not found`, you may try to use the `VS2015 Command Prompt` console to execute the build scripts. ### Fatal internal compiler error: C1001 Make sure you have the latest Visual Studio update installed. ### LNK1181: cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib' Try reinstalling 32bit Node.js. ### Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm' Creating that directory [should fix the problem](https://stackoverflow.com/a/25095327/102704): ```powershell $ mkdir ~\AppData\Roaming\npm ``` ### node-gyp is not recognized as an internal or external command You may get this error if you are using Git Bash for building, you should use PowerShell or VS2015 Command Prompt instead. ### cannot create directory at '...': Filename too long node.js has some [extremely long pathnames](https://github.com/electron/node/tree/electron/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpx/node_modules/yargs/node_modules/read-pkg-up/node_modules/read-pkg/node_modules/load-json-file/node_modules/parse-json/node_modules/error-ex/node_modules/is-arrayish), and by default git on windows doesn't handle long pathnames correctly (even though windows supports them). This should fix it: ```sh $ git config --system core.longpaths true ```