# Represented File for macOS BrowserWindows On macOS a window can set its represented file, so the file's icon can show in the title bar and when users Command-Click or Control-Click on the title a path popup will show. You can also set the edited state of a window so that the file icon can indicate whether the document in this window has been modified. __Represented file popup menu:__ ![Represented File][represented-image] To set the represented file of window, you can use the [BrowserWindow.setRepresentedFilename][setrepresentedfilename] and [BrowserWindow.setDocumentEdited][setdocumentedited] APIs: ```javascript const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron') const win = new BrowserWindow() win.setRepresentedFilename('/etc/passwd') win.setDocumentEdited(true) ``` [represented-image]: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/639601/5082061/670a949a-6f14-11e4-987a-9aaa04b23c1d.png [setrepresentedfilename]: ../api/browser-window.md#winsetrepresentedfilenamefilename-macos [setdocumentedited]: ../api/browser-window.md#winsetdocumenteditededited-macos