import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

let nextItemID = 1;

const hiddenProperties = Symbol('hidden touch bar props');

const extendConstructHook = (target: any, hook: Function) => {
  const existingHook = target._hook;
  target._hook = function () {
    if (existingHook);;

const ImmutableProperty = <T extends TouchBarItem<any>>(def: (config: T extends TouchBarItem<infer C> ? C : never, setInternalProp: <K extends keyof T>(k: K, v: T[K]) => void) => any) => (target: T, propertyKey: keyof T) => {
  extendConstructHook(target, function (this: T) {
    (this as any)[hiddenProperties][propertyKey] = def((this as any)._config, (k, v) => {
      (this as any)[hiddenProperties][k] = v;
  Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
    get: function () {
      return this[hiddenProperties][propertyKey];
    set: function () {
      throw new Error(`Cannot override property ${name}`);
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: false

const LiveProperty = <T extends TouchBarItem<any>>(def: (config: T extends TouchBarItem<infer C> ? C : never) => any, onMutate?: (self: T, newValue: any) => void) => (target: T, propertyKey: keyof T) => {
  extendConstructHook(target, function (this: T) {
    (this as any)[hiddenProperties][propertyKey] = def((this as any)._config);
    if (onMutate) onMutate((this as any), (this as any)[hiddenProperties][propertyKey]);
  Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
    get: function () {
      return this[hiddenProperties][propertyKey];
    set: function (value) {
      if (onMutate) onMutate((this as any), value);
      this[hiddenProperties][propertyKey] = value;
      this.emit('change', this);
    enumerable: true

abstract class TouchBarItem<ConfigType> extends EventEmitter {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => `${nextItemID++}`) id!: string;
  abstract type: string;
  abstract onInteraction: Function | null;
  child?: TouchBar;

  private _parents: { id: string; type: string }[] = [];
  private _config!: ConfigType;

  constructor (config: ConfigType) {
    this._config = this._config || config || {} as ConfigType;
    (this as any)[hiddenProperties] = {};
    const hook = (this as any)._hook;
    if (hook);
    delete (this as any)._hook;

  public _addParent (item: TouchBarItem<any>) {
    const existing = this._parents.some(test => ===;
    if (!existing) {
        type: item.type

  public _removeParent (item: TouchBarItem<any>) {
    this._parents = this._parents.filter(test => !==;

class TouchBarButton extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarButtonConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarButton {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'button')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => config.label)
  label!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => config.accessibilityLabel)
  accessibilityLabel!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => config.backgroundColor)
  backgroundColor!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => config.icon)
  icon!: Electron.NativeImage;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => config.iconPosition)
  iconPosition!: Electron.TouchBarButton['iconPosition'];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarButton>(config => typeof config.enabled !== 'boolean' ? true : config.enabled)
  enabled!: boolean;

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarButton>(({ click: onClick }) => typeof onClick === 'function' ? () => onClick() : null)
  onInteraction!: Function | null;

class TouchBarColorPicker extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarColorPickerConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarColorPicker {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'colorpicker')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarColorPicker>(config => config.availableColors)
  availableColors!: string[];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarColorPicker>(config => config.selectedColor)
  selectedColor!: string;

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarColorPicker>(({ change: onChange }, setInternalProp) => typeof onChange === 'function' ? (details: { color: string }) => {
    setInternalProp('selectedColor', details.color);
  } : null)
  onInteraction!: Function | null;

class TouchBarGroup extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarGroupConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarGroup {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'group')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarGroup>(config => config.items instanceof TouchBar ? config.items : new TouchBar(config.items), (self, newChild: TouchBar) => {
    if (self.child) {
      for (const item of self.child.orderedItems) {
    for (const item of newChild.orderedItems) {
  child!: TouchBar;

  onInteraction = null;

class TouchBarLabel extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarLabelConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarLabel {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'label')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarLabel>(config => config.label)
  label!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarLabel>(config => config.accessibilityLabel)
  accessibilityLabel!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarLabel>(config => config.textColor)
  textColor!: string;

  onInteraction = null;

class TouchBarPopover extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarPopoverConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarPopover {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'popover')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarPopover>(config => config.label)
  label!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarPopover>(config => config.icon)
  icon!: Electron.NativeImage;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarPopover>(config => config.showCloseButton)
  showCloseButton!: boolean;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarPopover>(config => config.items instanceof TouchBar ? config.items : new TouchBar(config.items), (self, newChild: TouchBar) => {
    if (self.child) {
      for (const item of self.child.orderedItems) {
    for (const item of newChild.orderedItems) {
  child!: TouchBar;

  onInteraction = null;

class TouchBarSlider extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarSliderConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarSlider {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'slider')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSlider>(config => config.label)
  label!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSlider>(config => config.minValue)
  minValue!: number;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSlider>(config => config.maxValue)
  maxValue!: number;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSlider>(config => config.value)
  value!: number;

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarSlider>(({ change: onChange }, setInternalProp) => typeof onChange === 'function' ? (details: { value: number }) => {
    setInternalProp('value', details.value);
  } : null)
  onInteraction!: Function | null;

class TouchBarSpacer extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarSpacerConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarSpacer {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'spacer')
  type!: string;

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarSpacer>(config => config.size)
  size!: Electron.TouchBarSpacer['size'];

  onInteraction = null;

class TouchBarSegmentedControl extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarSegmentedControlConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarSegmentedControl {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'segmented_control')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSegmentedControl>(config => config.segmentStyle)
  segmentStyle!: Electron.TouchBarSegmentedControl['segmentStyle'];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSegmentedControl>(config => config.segments || [])
  segments!: Electron.SegmentedControlSegment[];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSegmentedControl>(config => config.selectedIndex)
  selectedIndex!: number;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarSegmentedControl>(config => config.mode)
  mode!: Electron.TouchBarSegmentedControl['mode'];

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarSegmentedControl>(({ change: onChange }, setInternalProp) => typeof onChange === 'function' ? (details: { selectedIndex: number, isSelected: boolean }) => {
    setInternalProp('selectedIndex', details.selectedIndex);
    onChange(details.selectedIndex, details.isSelected);
  } : null)
  onInteraction!: Function | null;

class TouchBarScrubber extends TouchBarItem<Electron.TouchBarScrubberConstructorOptions> implements Electron.TouchBarScrubber {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'scrubber')
  type!: string;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => config.items)
  items!: Electron.ScrubberItem[];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => config.selectedStyle || null)
  selectedStyle!: Electron.TouchBarScrubber['selectedStyle'];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => config.overlayStyle || null)
  overlayStyle!: Electron.TouchBarScrubber['overlayStyle'];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => config.showArrowButtons || false)
  showArrowButtons!: boolean;

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => config.mode || 'free')
  mode!: Electron.TouchBarScrubber['mode'];

  @LiveProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(config => typeof config.continuous === 'undefined' ? true : config.continuous)
  continuous!: boolean;

  @ImmutableProperty<TouchBarScrubber>(({ select: onSelect, highlight: onHighlight }) => typeof onSelect === 'function' || typeof onHighlight === 'function' ? (details: { type: 'select'; selectedIndex: number } | { type: 'highlight'; highlightedIndex: number }) => {
    if (details.type === 'select') {
      if (onSelect) onSelect(details.selectedIndex);
    } else {
      if (onHighlight) onHighlight(details.highlightedIndex);
  } : null)
  onInteraction!: Function | null;

class TouchBarOtherItemsProxy extends TouchBarItem<null> implements Electron.TouchBarOtherItemsProxy {
  @ImmutableProperty(() => 'other_items_proxy') type!: string;
  onInteraction = null;

const escapeItemSymbol = Symbol('escape item');

class TouchBar extends EventEmitter implements Electron.TouchBar {
  // Bind a touch bar to a window
  static _setOnWindow (touchBar: TouchBar | Electron.TouchBarConstructorOptions['items'], window: Electron.BrowserWindow) {
    if (window._touchBar != null) {

    if (!touchBar) {

    if (Array.isArray(touchBar)) {
      touchBar = new TouchBar({ items: touchBar });

  private windowListeners = new Map<number, Function>();
  private items = new Map<string, TouchBarItem<any>>();
  orderedItems: TouchBarItem<any>[] = [];

  constructor (options: Electron.TouchBarConstructorOptions) {

    if (options == null) {
      throw new Error('Must specify options object as first argument');

    let { items, escapeItem } = options;

    if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
      items = [];

    this.escapeItem = (escapeItem as any) || null;

    const registerItem = (item: TouchBarItem<any>) => {
      this.items.set(, item);
      item.on('change', this.changeListener);
      if (item.child instanceof TouchBar) {

    let hasOtherItemsProxy = false;
    const idSet = new Set();
    items.forEach((item) => {
      if (!(item instanceof TouchBarItem)) {
        throw new Error('Each item must be an instance of TouchBarItem');

      if (item.type === 'other_items_proxy') {
        if (!hasOtherItemsProxy) {
          hasOtherItemsProxy = true;
        } else {
          throw new Error('Must only have one OtherItemsProxy per TouchBar');

      if (!idSet.has( {
      } else {
        throw new Error('Cannot add a single instance of TouchBarItem multiple times in a TouchBar');

    // register in separate loop after all items are validated
    for (const item of (items as TouchBarItem<any>[])) {

  private changeListener = (item: TouchBarItem<any>) => {
    this.emit('change',, item.type);

  private [escapeItemSymbol]: TouchBarItem<unknown> | null = null;

  set escapeItem (item: TouchBarItem<unknown> | null) {
    if (item != null && !(item instanceof TouchBarItem)) {
      throw new Error('Escape item must be an instance of TouchBarItem');
    const escapeItem = this.escapeItem;
    if (escapeItem) {
      escapeItem.removeListener('change', this.changeListener);
    this[escapeItemSymbol] = item;
    if (this.escapeItem != null) {
      this.escapeItem.on('change', this.changeListener);
    this.emit('escape-item-change', item);

  get escapeItem (): TouchBarItem<unknown> | null {
    return this[escapeItemSymbol];

  _addToWindow (window: Electron.BrowserWindow) {
    const { id } = window;

    // Already added to window
    if (this.windowListeners.has(id)) return;

    window._touchBar = this;

    const changeListener = (itemID: string) => {
    this.on('change', changeListener);

    const escapeItemListener = (item: Electron.TouchBarItemType | null) => {
      window._setEscapeTouchBarItem(item != null ? item : {});
    this.on('escape-item-change', escapeItemListener);

    const interactionListener = (_: any, itemID: string, details: any) => {
      let item = this.items.get(itemID);
      if (item == null && this.escapeItem != null && === itemID) {
        item = this.escapeItem;
      if (item != null && item.onInteraction != null) {
    window.on('-touch-bar-interaction', interactionListener);

    const removeListeners = () => {
      this.removeListener('change', changeListener);
      this.removeListener('escape-item-change', escapeItemListener);
      window.removeListener('-touch-bar-interaction', interactionListener);
      window.removeListener('closed', removeListeners);
      window._touchBar = null;
      const unregisterItems = (items: TouchBarItem<any>[]) => {
        for (const item of items) {
          item.removeListener('change', this.changeListener);
          if (item.child instanceof TouchBar) {
      if (this.escapeItem) {
        this.escapeItem.removeListener('change', this.changeListener);
    window.once('closed', removeListeners);
    this.windowListeners.set(id, removeListeners);


  _removeFromWindow (window: Electron.BrowserWindow) {
    const removeListeners = this.windowListeners.get(;
    if (removeListeners != null) removeListeners();

  static TouchBarButton = TouchBarButton;
  static TouchBarColorPicker = TouchBarColorPicker;
  static TouchBarGroup = TouchBarGroup;
  static TouchBarLabel = TouchBarLabel;
  static TouchBarPopover = TouchBarPopover;
  static TouchBarSlider = TouchBarSlider;
  static TouchBarSpacer = TouchBarSpacer;
  static TouchBarSegmentedControl = TouchBarSegmentedControl;
  static TouchBarScrubber = TouchBarScrubber;
  static TouchBarOtherItemsProxy = TouchBarOtherItemsProxy;

export default TouchBar;