import * as path from 'path' import { expect } from 'chai' import { closeAllWindows } from './window-helpers' import { ifdescribe } from './spec-helpers' import { ipcMain, BrowserWindow } from 'electron' import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers' const features = process.electronBinding('features') const expectPathsEqual = (path1: string, path2: string) => { if (process.platform === 'win32') { path1 = path1.toLowerCase() path2 = path2.toLowerCase() } expect(path1).to.equal(path2) } function makeRemotely (windowGetter: () => BrowserWindow) { async function remotely (script: Function, ...args: any[]) { // executeJavaScript obfuscates the error if the script throws, so catch any // errors manually. const assembledScript = `(async function() { try { return { result: await Promise.resolve((${script})(...${JSON.stringify(args)})) } } catch (e) { return { error: e.message, stack: e.stack } } })()` const { result, error, stack } = await windowGetter().webContents.executeJavaScript(assembledScript) if (error) { const e = new Error(error) e.stack = stack throw e } return result } = (...vars: any[]) => (name: string, fn: Function) => { it(name, async () => { await remotely(fn, ...vars) }) } return remotely } function makeWindow () { let w: BrowserWindow before(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }) await w.loadURL('about:blank') await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`{ const chai_1 = window.chai_1 = require('chai') chai_1.use(require('chai-as-promised')) chai_1.use(require('dirty-chai')) null }`) }) after(closeAllWindows) return () => w } function makeEachWindow () { let w: BrowserWindow beforeEach(async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }) await w.loadURL('about:blank') await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`{ const chai_1 = window.chai_1 = require('chai') chai_1.use(require('chai-as-promised')) chai_1.use(require('dirty-chai')) null }`) }) afterEach(closeAllWindows) return () => w } ifdescribe(features.isRemoteModuleEnabled())('remote module', () => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') describe('', () => { const w = makeWindow() const remotely = makeRemotely(w) describe('remote.getGlobal filtering', () => { it('can return custom values', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-global', (event, name) => { event.returnValue = name }) expect(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getGlobal('test'))).to.equal('test') }) it('throws when no returnValue set', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-global', (event) => { event.preventDefault() }) await expect(remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getGlobal('test')))`Blocked remote.getGlobal('test')`) }) }) describe('remote.getBuiltin filtering', () => { it('can return custom values', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-builtin', (event, name) => { event.returnValue = name }) expect(await remotely(() => (require('electron').remote as any).getBuiltin('test'))).to.equal('test') }) it('throws when no returnValue set', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-builtin', (event) => { event.preventDefault() }) await expect(remotely(() => (require('electron').remote as any).getBuiltin('test')))`Blocked remote.getGlobal('test')`) }) }) describe('remote.require filtering', () => { it('can return custom values', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-require', (event, name) => { event.returnValue = name }) expect(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.require('test'))).to.equal('test') }) it('throws when no returnValue set', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-require', (event) => { event.preventDefault() }) await expect(remotely(() => require('electron').remote.require('test')))`Blocked remote.require('test')`) }) }) describe('remote.getCurrentWindow filtering', () => { it('can return custom value', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-current-window', (e) => { e.returnValue = 'some window' }) expect(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow())).to.equal('some window') }) it('throws when no returnValue set', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-current-window', (event) => { event.preventDefault() }) await expect(remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow()))`Blocked remote.getCurrentWindow()`) }) }) describe('remote.getCurrentWebContents filtering', () => { it('can return custom value', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-current-web-contents', (event) => { event.returnValue = 'some web contents' }) expect(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getCurrentWebContents())).to.equal('some web contents') }) it('throws when no returnValue set', async () => { w().webContents.once('remote-get-current-web-contents', (event) => { event.preventDefault() }) await expect(remotely(() => require('electron').remote.getCurrentWebContents()))`Blocked remote.getCurrentWebContents()`) }) }) }) describe('remote references', () => { const w = makeEachWindow() it('render-view-deleted is sent when page is destroyed', (done) => { w().webContents.once('render-view-deleted' as any, () => { done() }) w().destroy() }) // The ELECTRON_BROWSER_CONTEXT_RELEASE message relies on this to work. it('message can be sent on exit when page is being navigated', async () => { after(() => { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('SENT_ON_EXIT') }) w().webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { w().webContents.loadURL('about:blank') }) w().loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'send-on-exit.html')) await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'SENT_ON_EXIT') }) }) describe('remote function in renderer', () => { afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('done') }) afterEach(closeAllWindows) it('works when created in preload script', async () => { const preload = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-remote-function.js') const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { preload, enableRemoteModule: true } }) w.loadURL('about:blank') await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'done') }) }) describe('remote objects registry', () => { it('does not dereference until the render view is deleted (regression)', (done) => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }) ipcMain.once('error-message', (event, message) => { expect(message).to.match(/^Cannot call method 'getURL' on missing remote object/) done() }) w.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'render-view-deleted.html')) }) }) describe('remote listeners', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows) it('detaches listeners subscribed to destroyed renderers, and shows a warning', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }) await w.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'remote-event-handler.html')) w.webContents.reload() await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'did-finish-load') const expectedMessage = [ 'Attempting to call a function in a renderer window that has been closed or released.', 'Function provided here: remote-event-handler.html:11:33', 'Remote event names: remote-handler, other-remote-handler' ].join('\n') expect(w.webContents.listenerCount('remote-handler')).to.equal(2) let warnMessage: string | null = null const originalWarn = console.warn let warned: Function const warnPromise = new Promise(resolve => { warned = resolve }) try { console.warn = (message: string) => { warnMessage = message warned() } w.webContents.emit('remote-handler', { sender: w.webContents }) await warnPromise } finally { console.warn = originalWarn } expect(w.webContents.listenerCount('remote-handler')).to.equal(1) expect(warnMessage).to.equal(expectedMessage) }) }) describe('remote.require', () => { const w = makeWindow() const remotely = makeRemotely(w)'should returns same object for the same module', () => { const { remote } = require('electron') const a = remote.require('electron') const b = remote.require('electron') expect(a).to.equal(b) }), 'module', 'id.js'))('should work when object contains id property', (module: string) => { const { id } = require('electron').remote.require(module) expect(id).to.equal(1127) }), 'module', 'no-prototype.js'))('should work when object has no prototype', (module: string) => { const a = require('electron').remote.require(module) expect('') expect('baz') expect( expect( expect('') expect(a.getConstructorName(Object.create(null))).to.equal('') expect(a.getConstructorName(new (class {})())).to.equal('') }) it('should search module from the user app', async () => { expectPathsEqual( path.normalize(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.process.mainModule!.filename)), path.resolve(__dirname, 'index.js') ) expectPathsEqual( path.normalize(await remotely(() => require('electron').remote.process.mainModule!.paths[0])), path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules') ) })'should work with function properties', (fixtures: string) => { const path = require('path') { const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'export-function-with-properties.js')) expect(typeof a).to.equal('function') expect('baz') } { const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'function-with-properties.js')) expect(typeof a).to.equal('object') expect('hello') expect('baz') expect('yes') expect('world') expect( } { const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'function-with-missing-properties.js')).setup() expect( expect( } })'should work with static class members', (fixtures: string) => { const path = require('path') const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'remote-static.js')) expect(typeof a.Foo).to.equal('function') expect( expect('baz') expect(new a.Foo().baz()).to.equal(123) })'includes the length of functions specified as arguments', (fixtures: string) => { const path = require('path') const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'function-with-args.js')) /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ expect(a((a: any, b: any, c: any) => {})).to.equal(3) expect(a((a: any) => {})).to.equal(1) expect(a((...args: any[]) => {})).to.equal(0) /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ })'handles circular references in arrays and objects', (fixtures: string) => { const path = require('path') const a = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'circular.js')) let arrayA: any[] = ['foo'] const arrayB = [arrayA, 'bar'] arrayA.push(arrayB) expect(a.returnArgs(arrayA, arrayB)).to.deep.equal([ ['foo', [null, 'bar']], [['foo', null], 'bar'] ]) let objectA: any = { foo: 'bar' } const objectB = { baz: objectA } objectA.objectB = objectB expect(a.returnArgs(objectA, objectB)).to.deep.equal([ { foo: 'bar', objectB: { baz: null } }, { baz: { foo: 'bar', objectB: null } } ]) arrayA = [1, 2, 3] expect(a.returnArgs({ foo: arrayA }, { bar: arrayA })).to.deep.equal([ { foo: [1, 2, 3] }, { bar: [1, 2, 3] } ]) objectA = { foo: 'bar' } expect(a.returnArgs({ foo: objectA }, { bar: objectA })).to.deep.equal([ { foo: { foo: 'bar' } }, { bar: { foo: 'bar' } } ]) arrayA = [] arrayA.push(arrayA) expect(a.returnArgs(arrayA)).to.deep.equal([ [null] ]) objectA = {} = objectA = 'baz' expect(a.returnArgs(objectA)).to.deep.equal([ { foo: null, bar: 'baz' } ]) objectA = {} = { bar: objectA } = 'baz' expect(a.returnArgs(objectA)).to.deep.equal([ { foo: { bar: null }, bar: 'baz' } ]) }) }) describe('remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow())'should be called in browser synchronously', async (fixtures: string) => { const { remote } = require('electron') const path = require('path') const buf = Buffer.from('test') const call = remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'call.js')) const result = as any).createFunctionWithReturnValue(buf)) expect(result) }) }) describe('remote modules', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow()) const mainModules = Object.keys(require('electron'))'includes browser process modules as properties', (mainModules: string[]) => { const { remote } = require('electron') const remoteModules = mainModules.filter(name => (remote as any)[name]) expect(remoteModules) })'returns toString() of original function via toString()', (fixtures: string) => { const path = require('path') const { readText } = require('electron').remote.clipboard expect(readText.toString().startsWith('function')) const { functionWithToStringProperty } = require('electron').remote.require(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'to-string-non-function.js')) expect(functionWithToStringProperty.toString).to.equal('hello') }) }) describe('remote object in renderer', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow())'can change its properties', (fixtures: string) => { const module = require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'property.js') const property = require('electron').remote.require(module) expect( = null expect( = undefined expect( = 1007 expect( expect(property.getFunctionProperty()).to.equal('foo-browser') = 'bar' expect(property.getFunctionProperty()).to.equal('bar-browser') = 'foo' // revert back const property2 = require('electron').remote.require(module) expect( = 1127 // revert back })'rethrows errors getting/setting properties', (fixtures: string) => { const foo = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'error-properties.js')) expect(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line }).to.throw('getting error') expect(() => { = 'test' }).to.throw('setting error') })'can set a remote property with a remote object', (fixtures: string) => { const { remote } = require('electron') const foo = remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'remote-object-set.js')) = remote.getCurrentWindow() })'can construct an object from its member', (fixtures: string) => { const call = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'call.js')) const obj = new call.constructor() expect(obj.test).to.equal('test') })'can reassign and delete its member functions', (fixtures: string) => { const remoteFunctions = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'function.js')) expect(remoteFunctions.aFunction()).to.equal(1127) remoteFunctions.aFunction = () => { return 1234 } expect(remoteFunctions.aFunction()).to.equal(1234) expect(delete remoteFunctions.aFunction).to.equal(true) })'is referenced by its members', () => { const stringify = require('electron').remote.getGlobal('JSON').stringify global.gc() stringify({}) }) }) describe('remote value in browser', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow()) const print = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'print_name.js')'preserves NaN', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) expect(printName.getNaN()) expect(printName.echo(NaN)) })'preserves Infinity', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) expect(printName.getInfinity()).to.equal(Infinity) expect(printName.echo(Infinity)).to.equal(Infinity) })'keeps its constructor name for objects', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const buf = Buffer.from('test') expect(printName.print(buf)).to.equal('Buffer') })'supports instanceof Boolean', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const obj = Boolean(true) expect(printName.print(obj)).to.equal('Boolean') expect(printName.echo(obj)).to.deep.equal(obj) })'supports instanceof Number', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const obj = Number(42) expect(printName.print(obj)).to.equal('Number') expect(printName.echo(obj)).to.deep.equal(obj) })'supports instanceof String', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const obj = String('Hello World!') expect(printName.print(obj)).to.equal('String') expect(printName.echo(obj)).to.deep.equal(obj) })'supports instanceof Date', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const now = new Date() expect(printName.print(now)).to.equal('Date') expect(printName.echo(now)).to.deep.equal(now) })'supports instanceof RegExp', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const regexp = RegExp('.*') expect(printName.print(regexp)).to.equal('RegExp') expect(printName.echo(regexp)).to.deep.equal(regexp) })'supports instanceof Buffer', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const buffer = Buffer.from('test') expect(buffer.equals(printName.echo(buffer))) const objectWithBuffer = { a: 'foo', b: Buffer.from('bar') } expect(objectWithBuffer.b.equals(printName.echo(objectWithBuffer).b)) const arrayWithBuffer = [1, 2, Buffer.from('baz')] expect((arrayWithBuffer[2] as Buffer).equals(printName.echo(arrayWithBuffer)[2])) })'supports instanceof ArrayBuffer', (print: string) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8) const view = new DataView(buffer) view.setFloat64(0, Math.PI) expect(printName.echo(buffer)).to.deep.equal(buffer) expect(printName.print(buffer)).to.equal('ArrayBuffer') }) const arrayTests: [string, number[]][] = [ ['Int8Array', [1, 2, 3, 4]], ['Uint8Array', [1, 2, 3, 4]], ['Uint8ClampedArray', [1, 2, 3, 4]], ['Int16Array', [0x1234, 0x2345, 0x3456, 0x4567]], ['Uint16Array', [0x1234, 0x2345, 0x3456, 0x4567]], ['Int32Array', [0x12345678, 0x23456789]], ['Uint32Array', [0x12345678, 0x23456789]], ['Float32Array', [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]], ['Float64Array', [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]] ] arrayTests.forEach(([arrayType, values]) => {, arrayType, values)(`supports instanceof ${arrayType}`, (print: string, arrayType: string, values: number[]) => { const printName = require('electron').remote.require(print) expect([...printName.typedArray(arrayType, values)]).to.deep.equal(values) const int8values = new ((window as any)[arrayType])(values) expect(printName.typedArray(arrayType, int8values)).to.deep.equal(int8values) expect(printName.print(int8values)).to.equal(arrayType) }) }) describe('constructing a Uint8Array', () => {'does not crash', () => { const RUint8Array = require('electron').remote.getGlobal('Uint8Array') new RUint8Array() // eslint-disable-line }) }) }) describe('remote promise', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow())'can be used as promise in each side', async (fixtures: string) => { const promise = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'promise.js')) const value = await promise.twicePromise(Promise.resolve(1234)) expect(value).to.equal(2468) })'handles rejections via catch(onRejected)', async (fixtures: string) => { const promise = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'rejected-promise.js')) const error = await new Promise(resolve => { promise.reject(Promise.resolve(1234)).catch(resolve) }) expect(error.message).to.equal('rejected') })'handles rejections via then(onFulfilled, onRejected)', async (fixtures: string) => { const promise = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'rejected-promise.js')) const error = await new Promise(resolve => { promise.reject(Promise.resolve(1234)).then(() => {}, resolve) }) expect(error.message).to.equal('rejected') }) it('does not emit unhandled rejection events in the main process', (done) => { function onUnhandledRejection () { done(new Error('Unexpected unhandledRejection event')) } process.once('unhandledRejection', onUnhandledRejection) remotely(async (fixtures: string) => { const promise = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'unhandled-rejection.js')) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { promise.reject().then(() => { reject(new Error('Promise was not rejected')) }).catch((error: Error) => { resolve(error) }) }) }, fixtures).then(error => { try { expect(error.message).to.equal('rejected') done() } catch (e) { done(e) } finally {'unhandledRejection', onUnhandledRejection) } }) }) it('emits unhandled rejection events in the renderer process', (done) => { remotely((module: string) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const promise = require('electron').remote.require(module) window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function handler (event) { event.preventDefault() window.removeEventListener('unhandledrejection', handler) resolve(event.reason.message) }) promise.reject().then(() => { reject(new Error('Promise was not rejected')) }) }), path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'unhandled-rejection.js')).then( (message) => { try { expect(message).to.equal('rejected') done() } catch (e) { done(e) } }, done ) }) before(() => { (global as any).returnAPromise = (value: any) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 100)) }) after(() => { delete (global as any).returnAPromise })'using a promise based method resolves correctly when global Promise is overridden', async () => { const { remote } = require('electron') const original = global.Promise try { expect(await remote.getGlobal('returnAPromise')(123)).to.equal(123) global.Promise = { resolve: () => ({}) } as any expect(await remote.getGlobal('returnAPromise')(456)).to.equal(456) } finally { global.Promise = original } }) }) describe('remote webContents', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow()) it('can return same object with different getters', async () => { const equal = await remotely(() => { const { remote } = require('electron') const contents1 = remote.getCurrentWindow().webContents const contents2 = remote.getCurrentWebContents() return contents1 === contents2 }) expect(equal) }) }) describe('remote class', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow())'can get methods', (fixtures: string) => { const { base } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) expect(base.method()).to.equal('method') })'can get properties', (fixtures: string) => { const { base } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) expect(base.readonly).to.equal('readonly') })'can change properties', (fixtures: string) => { const { base } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) expect(base.value).to.equal('old') base.value = 'new' expect(base.value).to.equal('new') base.value = 'old' })'has unenumerable methods', (fixtures: string) => { const { base } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) expect(base).to.not.have.ownProperty('method') expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(base)).to.have.ownProperty('method') })'keeps prototype chain in derived class', (fixtures: string) => { const { derived } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) expect(derived.method()).to.equal('method') expect(derived.readonly).to.equal('readonly') expect(derived).to.not.have.ownProperty('method') const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(derived) expect(proto).to.not.have.ownProperty('method') expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)).to.have.ownProperty('method') })'is referenced by methods in prototype chain', (fixtures: string) => { let { derived } = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'class.js')) const method = derived.method derived = null global.gc() expect(method()).to.equal('method') }) }) describe('remote exception', () => { const remotely = makeRemotely(makeWindow())'throws errors from the main process', (fixtures: string) => { const throwFunction = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'exception.js')) expect(() => { throwFunction() }).to.throw(/undefined/) })'tracks error cause', (fixtures: string) => { const throwFunction = require('electron').remote.require(require('path').join(fixtures, 'module', 'exception.js')) try { throwFunction(new Error('error from main')) } catch (e) { expect(e.message).to.match(/Could not call remote function/) expect(e.cause.message).to.equal('error from main') } }) }) })