/* eslint-disable no-var */ declare var internalBinding: any; declare var nodeProcess: any; declare var isolatedWorld: any; declare var binding: { get: (name: string) => any; process: NodeJS.Process; createPreloadScript: (src: string) => Function }; declare const BUILDFLAG: (flag: boolean) => boolean; declare const ENABLE_DESKTOP_CAPTURER: boolean; declare const ENABLE_REMOTE_MODULE: boolean; declare const ENABLE_VIEWS_API: boolean; declare namespace NodeJS { interface FeaturesBinding { isBuiltinSpellCheckerEnabled(): boolean; isDesktopCapturerEnabled(): boolean; isOffscreenRenderingEnabled(): boolean; isRemoteModuleEnabled(): boolean; isPDFViewerEnabled(): boolean; isRunAsNodeEnabled(): boolean; isFakeLocationProviderEnabled(): boolean; isViewApiEnabled(): boolean; isTtsEnabled(): boolean; isPrintingEnabled(): boolean; isPictureInPictureEnabled(): boolean; isExtensionsEnabled(): boolean; isComponentBuild(): boolean; isWinDarkModeWindowUiEnabled(): boolean; } interface IpcRendererBinding { send(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): void; sendSync(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): any; sendToHost(channel: string, args: any[]): void; sendTo(internal: boolean, webContentsId: number, channel: string, args: any[]): void; invoke(internal: boolean, channel: string, args: any[]): Promise<{ error: string, result: T }>; postMessage(channel: string, message: any, transferables: MessagePort[]): void; } interface V8UtilBinding { getHiddenValue(obj: any, key: string): T; setHiddenValue(obj: any, key: string, value: T): void; deleteHiddenValue(obj: any, key: string): void; requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(): void; weaklyTrackValue(value: any): void; clearWeaklyTrackedValues(): void; getWeaklyTrackedValues(): any[]; addRemoteObjectRef(contextId: string, id: number): void; isSameOrigin(a: string, b: string): boolean; triggerFatalErrorForTesting(): void; } interface EnvironmentBinding { getVar(name: string): string | null; hasVar(name: string): boolean; setVar(name: string, value: string): boolean; unSetVar(name: string): boolean; } type AsarFileInfo = { size: number; unpacked: boolean; offset: number; }; type AsarFileStat = { size: number; offset: number; isFile: boolean; isDirectory: boolean; isLink: boolean; } interface AsarArchive { readonly path: string; getFileInfo(path: string): AsarFileInfo | false; stat(path: string): AsarFileStat | false; readdir(path: string): string[] | false; realpath(path: string): string | false; copyFileOut(path: string): string | false; read(offset: number, size: number): Promise; readSync(offset: number, size: number): ArrayBuffer; } interface AsarBinding { createArchive(path: string): AsarArchive; splitPath(path: string): { isAsar: false; } | { isAsar: true; asarPath: string; filePath: string; }; initAsarSupport(require: NodeJS.Require): void; } interface PowerMonitorBinding extends Electron.PowerMonitor { createPowerMonitor(): PowerMonitorBinding; setListeningForShutdown(listening: boolean): void; } interface WebViewManagerBinding { addGuest(guestInstanceId: number, elementInstanceId: number, embedder: Electron.WebContents, guest: Electron.WebContents, webPreferences: Electron.WebPreferences): void; removeGuest(embedder: Electron.WebContents, guestInstanceId: number): void; } type DataPipe = { write: (buf: Uint8Array) => Promise; done: () => void; }; type BodyFunc = (pipe: DataPipe) => void; type CreateURLLoaderOptions = { method: string; url: string; extraHeaders?: Record; useSessionCookies?: boolean; credentials?: 'include' | 'omit'; body: Uint8Array | BodyFunc; session?: Electron.Session; partition?: string; referrer?: string; origin?: string; hasUserActivation?: boolean; mode?: string; destination?: string; }; type ResponseHead = { statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; httpVersion: { major: number, minor: number }; rawHeaders: { key: string, value: string }[]; }; type RedirectInfo = { statusCode: number; newMethod: string; newUrl: string; newSiteForCookies: string; newReferrer: string; insecureSchemeWasUpgraded: boolean; isSignedExchangeFallbackRedirect: boolean; } interface URLLoader extends EventEmitter { cancel(): void; on(eventName: 'data', listener: (event: any, data: ArrayBuffer, resume: () => void) => void): this; on(eventName: 'response-started', listener: (event: any, finalUrl: string, responseHead: ResponseHead) => void): this; on(eventName: 'complete', listener: (event: any) => void): this; on(eventName: 'error', listener: (event: any, netErrorString: string) => void): this; on(eventName: 'login', listener: (event: any, authInfo: Electron.AuthInfo, callback: (username?: string, password?: string) => void) => void): this; on(eventName: 'redirect', listener: (event: any, redirectInfo: RedirectInfo, headers: Record) => void): this; on(eventName: 'upload-progress', listener: (event: any, position: number, total: number) => void): this; on(eventName: 'download-progress', listener: (event: any, current: number) => void): this; } interface Process { internalBinding?(name: string): any; _linkedBinding(name: string): any; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_asar'): AsarBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_clipboard'): Electron.Clipboard; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_command_line'): Electron.CommandLine; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_environment'): EnvironmentBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_features'): FeaturesBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_native_image'): { nativeImage: typeof Electron.NativeImage }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_native_theme'): { nativeTheme: Electron.NativeTheme }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_notification'): { isSupported(): boolean; Notification: typeof Electron.Notification; } _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_screen'): { createScreen(): Electron.Screen }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_shell'): Electron.Shell; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_common_v8_util'): V8UtilBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_app'): { app: Electron.App, App: Function }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_auto_updater'): { autoUpdater: Electron.AutoUpdater }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_browser_view'): { BrowserView: typeof Electron.BrowserView }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_crash_reporter'): Omit & { start(submitUrl: string, uploadToServer: boolean, ignoreSystemCrashHandler: boolean, rateLimit: boolean, compress: boolean, globalExtra: Record, extra: Record, isNodeProcess: boolean): void; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_desktop_capturer'): { createDesktopCapturer(): ElectronInternal.DesktopCapturer; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_event'): { createWithSender(sender: Electron.WebContents): Electron.Event; createEmpty(): Electron.Event; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_event_emitter'): { setEventEmitterPrototype(prototype: Object): void; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_global_shortcut'): { globalShortcut: Electron.GlobalShortcut }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_image_view'): { ImageView: any }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_in_app_purchase'): { inAppPurchase: Electron.InAppPurchase }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_message_port'): { createPair(): { port1: Electron.MessagePortMain, port2: Electron.MessagePortMain }; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_net'): { isOnline(): boolean; isValidHeaderName: (headerName: string) => boolean; isValidHeaderValue: (headerValue: string) => boolean; Net: any; net: any; createURLLoader(options: CreateURLLoaderOptions): URLLoader; }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_power_monitor'): PowerMonitorBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_power_save_blocker'): { powerSaveBlocker: Electron.PowerSaveBlocker }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_session'): typeof Electron.Session; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_system_preferences'): { systemPreferences: Electron.SystemPreferences }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_tray'): { Tray: Electron.Tray }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_view'): { View: Electron.View }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_web_contents_view'): { WebContentsView: typeof Electron.WebContentsView }; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_browser_web_view_manager'): WebViewManagerBinding; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_renderer_crash_reporter'): Electron.CrashReporter; _linkedBinding(name: 'electron_renderer_ipc'): { ipc: IpcRendererBinding }; log: NodeJS.WriteStream['write']; activateUvLoop(): void; // Additional events once(event: 'document-start', listener: () => any): this; once(event: 'document-end', listener: () => any): this; // Additional properties _firstFileName?: string; helperExecPath: string; isRemoteModuleEnabled: boolean; } } declare module NodeJS { interface Global { require: NodeRequire; module: NodeModule; __filename: string; __dirname: string; } } interface ContextMenuItem { id: number; label: string; type: 'normal' | 'separator' | 'subMenu' | 'checkbox'; checked: boolean; enabled: boolean; subItems: ContextMenuItem[]; } declare interface Window { ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS?: boolean; ELECTRON_ENABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS?: boolean; InspectorFrontendHost?: { showContextMenuAtPoint: (x: number, y: number, items: ContextMenuItem[]) => void }; DevToolsAPI?: { contextMenuItemSelected: (id: number) => void; contextMenuCleared: () => void }; UI?: { createFileSelectorElement: (callback: () => void) => HTMLSpanElement }; Persistence?: { FileSystemWorkspaceBinding: { completeURL: (project: string, path: string) => string; } }; ResizeObserver: ResizeObserver; } /** * The ResizeObserver interface is used to observe changes to Element's content * rect. * * It is modeled after MutationObserver and IntersectionObserver. */ declare class ResizeObserver { constructor (callback: ResizeObserverCallback); /** * Adds target to the list of observed elements. */ observe: (target: Element) => void; /** * Removes target from the list of observed elements. */ unobserve: (target: Element) => void; /** * Clears both the observationTargets and activeTargets lists. */ disconnect: () => void; } /** * This callback delivers ResizeObserver's notifications. It is invoked by a * broadcast active observations algorithm. */ interface ResizeObserverCallback { (entries: ResizeObserverEntry[], observer: ResizeObserver): void; } interface ResizeObserverEntry { /** * @param target The Element whose size has changed. */ new (target: Element): ResizeObserverEntry; /** * The Element whose size has changed. */ readonly target: Element; /** * Element's content rect when ResizeObserverCallback is invoked. */ readonly contentRect: DOMRectReadOnly; } // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/38232 interface WeakRef { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'WeakRef'; /** * Returns the WeakRef instance's target object, or undefined if the target object has been * reclaimed. */ deref(): T | undefined; } interface WeakRefConstructor { readonly prototype: WeakRef; /** * Creates a WeakRef instance for the given target object. * @param target The target object for the WeakRef instance. */ new(target?: T): WeakRef; } declare var WeakRef: WeakRefConstructor; interface FinalizationRegistry { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'FinalizationRegistry'; /** * Registers an object with the registry. * @param target The target object to register. * @param heldValue The value to pass to the finalizer for this object. This cannot be the * target object. * @param unregisterToken The token to pass to the unregister method to unregister the target * object. If provided (and not undefined), this must be an object. If not provided, the target * cannot be unregistered. */ register(target: object, heldValue: any, unregisterToken?: object): void; /** * Unregisters an object from the registry. * @param unregisterToken The token that was used as the unregisterToken argument when calling * register to register the target object. */ unregister(unregisterToken: object): void; } interface FinalizationRegistryConstructor { readonly prototype: FinalizationRegistry; /** * Creates a finalization registry with an associated cleanup callback * @param cleanupCallback The callback to call after an object in the registry has been reclaimed. */ new(cleanupCallback: (heldValue: any) => void): FinalizationRegistry; } declare var FinalizationRegistry: FinalizationRegistryConstructor;