import { expect } from 'chai' import { deprecate } from 'electron' describe('deprecate', () => { beforeEach(() => { deprecate.setHandler(null) process.throwDeprecation = true }) it('allows a deprecation handler function to be specified', () => { const messages: string[] = [] deprecate.setHandler(message => { messages.push(message) }) deprecate.log('this is deprecated') expect(messages).to.deep.equal(['this is deprecated']) }) it('returns a deprecation handler after one is set', () => { const messages = [] deprecate.setHandler(message => { messages.push(message) }) deprecate.log('this is deprecated') expect(deprecate.getHandler())'function') }) it('renames a property', () => { let msg deprecate.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const oldProp = 'dingyOldName' const newProp = 'shinyNewName' let value = 0 const o: Record = { [newProp]: value } expect(o) expect(o)'number') deprecate.renameProperty(o, oldProp, newProp) o[oldProp] = ++value expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(oldProp) expect(msg).to.include(newProp) expect(o) expect(o) }) it('doesn\'t deprecate a property not on an object', () => { const o: any = {} expect(() => { deprecate.removeProperty(o, 'iDoNotExist') }).to.throw(/iDoNotExist/) }) it('deprecates a property of an object', () => { let msg deprecate.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const prop = 'itMustGo' const o = { [prop]: 0 } deprecate.removeProperty(o, prop) const temp = o[prop] expect(temp).to.equal(0) expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(prop) }) it('warns exactly once when a function is deprecated with no replacement', () => { let msg deprecate.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) function oldFn () { return 'hello' } const deprecatedFn = deprecate.removeFunction(oldFn, 'oldFn') deprecatedFn() expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include('oldFn') }) it('warns exactly once when a function is deprecated with a replacement', () => { let msg deprecate.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) function oldFn () { return 'hello' } function newFn () { return 'goodbye' } const deprecatedFn = deprecate.renameFunction(oldFn, newFn) deprecatedFn() expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include('oldFn') expect(msg).to.include('newFn') }) it('warns only once per item', () => { const messages: string[] = [] deprecate.setHandler(message => messages.push(message)) const key = 'foo' const val = 'bar' const o = { [key]: val } deprecate.removeProperty(o, key) for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { expect(o[key]).to.equal(val) expect(messages).to.have.length(1) } }) it('warns if deprecated property is already set', () => { let msg deprecate.setHandler(m => { msg = m }) const oldProp = 'dingyOldName' const newProp = 'shinyNewName' const o: Record = { [oldProp]: 0 } deprecate.renameProperty(o, oldProp, newProp) expect(msg)'string') expect(msg).to.include(oldProp) expect(msg).to.include(newProp) }) it('throws an exception if no deprecation handler is specified', () => { expect(() => { deprecate.log('this is deprecated') }).to.throw(/this is deprecated/) }) it('warns when a function is deprecated in favor of a property', () => { const warnings: string[] = [] deprecate.setHandler(warning => warnings.push(warning)) const newProp = 'newProp' const mod: any = { _oldGetterFn () { return 'getter' }, _oldSetterFn () { return 'setter' } } deprecate.fnToProperty(mod, 'newProp', '_oldGetterFn', '_oldSetterFn') mod['oldGetterFn']() mod['oldSetterFn']() expect(warnings).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(warnings[0]).to.include('oldGetterFn') expect(warnings[0]).to.include(newProp) expect(warnings[1]).to.include('oldSetterFn') expect(warnings[1]).to.include(newProp) }) describe('moveAPI', () => { beforeEach(() => { deprecate.setHandler(null) }) it('should call the original method', () => { const warnings = [] deprecate.setHandler(warning => warnings.push(warning)) let called = false const fn = () => { called = true } const deprecated = deprecate.moveAPI(fn, 'old', 'new') deprecated() expect(called).to.equal(true) }) it('should log the deprecation warning once', () => { const warnings: string[] = [] deprecate.setHandler(warning => warnings.push(warning)) const deprecated = deprecate.moveAPI(() => null, 'old', 'new') deprecated() expect(warnings).to.have.lengthOf(1) deprecated() expect(warnings).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(warnings[0]).to.equal('\'old\' is deprecated and will be removed. Please use \'new\' instead.') }) }) describe('promisify', () => { const expected = 'Hello, world!' let promiseFunc: (param: any) => Promise let warnings: string[] const enableCallbackWarnings = () => { warnings = [] deprecate.setHandler(warning => warnings.push(warning)) process.enablePromiseAPIs = true } beforeEach(() => { deprecate.setHandler(null) process.throwDeprecation = true promiseFunc = param => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(param)) }) it('acts as a pass-through for promise-based invocations', async () => { enableCallbackWarnings() promiseFunc = deprecate.promisify(promiseFunc) const actual = await promiseFunc(expected) expect(actual).to.equal(expected) expect(warnings).to.have.lengthOf(0) }) it('only calls back an error if the callback is called with (err, data)', async () => { enableCallbackWarnings() const erringPromiseFunc = deprecate.promisify( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(new Error('fail')) }) ) { const [err, data] = await new Promise(resolve => { (erringPromiseFunc as any)((err: Error | undefined, data: any) => { resolve([err, data]) }).catch(() => { /* silence deprecation warning */ }) }); expect(data) expect(err)'message', 'fail') } { const data = await new Promise(resolve => { (erringPromiseFunc as any)(((data: any) => { resolve(data) })) .catch(() => { /* silence deprecation warning */ }) }) expect(data) } }) it('warns exactly once for callback-based invocations', (done) => { enableCallbackWarnings() promiseFunc = deprecate.promisify(promiseFunc) let callbackCount = 0 const invocationCount = 3 const callback = (actual: number) => { expect(actual).to.equal(expected) expect(warnings).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(warnings[0]).to.include('promiseFunc') callbackCount += 1 if (callbackCount === invocationCount) { done() } } for (let i = 0; i < invocationCount; i += 1) { (promiseFunc as any)(expected, callback) } }) }) })