'use strict' const bindings = process.atomBinding('app') const path = require('path') const { app, App } = bindings // Only one app object permitted. module.exports = app const electron = require('electron') const { deprecate, Menu } = electron const { EventEmitter } = require('events') let dockMenu = null // App is an EventEmitter. Object.setPrototypeOf(App.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype) EventEmitter.call(app) Object.assign(app, { setApplicationMenu (menu) { return Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu) }, getApplicationMenu () { return Menu.getApplicationMenu() }, commandLine: { appendSwitch (...args) { const castedArgs = args.map((arg) => { return typeof arg !== 'string' ? `${arg}` : arg }) return bindings.appendSwitch(...castedArgs) }, appendArgument (...args) { const castedArgs = args.map((arg) => { return typeof arg !== 'string' ? `${arg}` : arg }) return bindings.appendArgument(...castedArgs) } } }) const nativeGetFileIcon = app.getFileIcon app.getFileIcon = (path, options = {}, cb) => { return deprecate.promisify(nativeGetFileIcon.call(app, path, options), cb) } const nativeAppMetrics = app.getAppMetrics app.getAppMetrics = () => { const metrics = nativeAppMetrics.call(app) for (const metric of metrics) { if ('memory' in metric) { deprecate.removeProperty(metric, 'memory') } } return metrics } app.isPackaged = (() => { const execFile = path.basename(process.execPath).toLowerCase() if (process.platform === 'win32') { return execFile !== 'electron.exe' } return execFile !== 'electron' })() if (process.platform === 'darwin') { app.dock = { bounce (type = 'informational') { return bindings.dockBounce(type) }, cancelBounce: bindings.dockCancelBounce, downloadFinished: bindings.dockDownloadFinished, setBadge: bindings.dockSetBadgeText, getBadge: bindings.dockGetBadgeText, hide: bindings.dockHide, show: bindings.dockShow, isVisible: bindings.dockIsVisible, setMenu (menu) { dockMenu = menu bindings.dockSetMenu(menu) }, getMenu () { return dockMenu }, setIcon: bindings.dockSetIcon } } if (process.platform === 'linux') { app.launcher = { setBadgeCount: bindings.unityLauncherSetBadgeCount, getBadgeCount: bindings.unityLauncherGetBadgeCount, isCounterBadgeAvailable: bindings.unityLauncherAvailable, isUnityRunning: bindings.unityLauncherAvailable } } app.allowNTLMCredentialsForAllDomains = function (allow) { deprecate.warn('app.allowNTLMCredentialsForAllDomains', 'session.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains') const domains = allow ? '*' : '' if (!this.isReady()) { this.commandLine.appendSwitch('auth-server-whitelist', domains) } else { electron.session.defaultSession.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains(domains) } } // Routes the events to webContents. const events = ['login', 'certificate-error', 'select-client-certificate'] for (const name of events) { app.on(name, (event, webContents, ...args) => { webContents.emit(name, event, ...args) }) } // Wrappers for native classes. const { DownloadItem } = process.atomBinding('download_item') Object.setPrototypeOf(DownloadItem.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype)