const tape = require('tape') const proxyquire = require('proxyquire') const path = require('path') const sinon = require('sinon') const admZip = require('adm-zip') const temp = require('temp') let sandbox const mockEnv = { electron_config_cache: 'cache', npm_config_platform: 'linux', npm_config_arch: 'win32', npm_config_strict_ssl: 'true', force_no_cache: 'false', npm_config_loglevel: 'silly' } let tempDir temp.track() tape('set up', (t) => { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create() tempDir = temp.mkdirSync('electron-install') t.end() }) tape('download electron', (t) => { const downloadSpy = sinon.spy() sandbox.stub(process, 'env').value(mockEnv) proxyquire(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'install.js'), { 'electron-download': downloadSpy }) t.ok(downloadSpy.calledWith({ cache: mockEnv.electron_config_cache, version: require('../../package').version.replace(/-.*/, ''), platform: mockEnv.npm_config_platform, arch: mockEnv.npm_config_arch, strictSSL: mockEnv.npm_config_strict_ssl === 'true', force: mockEnv.force_no_cache === 'true', quiet: false }), 'electron-download is called with correct options') t.end() }) tape('fails for unsupported platforms', (t) => { sandbox.restore() sandbox.stub(process, 'env').value( Object.assign(mockEnv, { npm_config_platform: 'android' }) ) t.throws(() => { proxyquire(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'install.js'), { 'electron-download': sinon.spy() }) }, /Electron builds are not available on platform: android/i, 'install fails for unsupported platforms') t.end() }) tape('extract file', (t) => { sandbox.restore() sandbox.stub(process, 'env').value( Object.assign(mockEnv, { npm_config_platform: 'darwin' }) ) // add file directly const zip = new admZip() zip.addFile('test.txt', Buffer.from('electron install test')) zip.writeZip(path.join(tempDir, '')) // create fake zip // mock download() returning path to fake zip proxyquire(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'install.js'), { 'electron-download': (opts, cb) => cb(null, path.join(tempDir, '')) }) // call through to extractFile() // check `/path.txt` to contain platformPath t.end() }) tape('teardown', (t) => { // remove files t.end() })