const assert = require('assert') const {BrowserWindow, TouchBar} = require('electron').remote const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {TouchBarButton, TouchBarColorPicker, TouchBarGroup} = TouchBar const {TouchBarLabel, TouchBarPopover, TouchBarScrubber, TouchBarSegmentedControl, TouchBarSlider, TouchBarSpacer} = TouchBar describe('TouchBar module', function () { it('throws an error when created without an options object', function () { assert.throws(() => { const touchBar = new TouchBar() touchBar.toString() }, /Must specify options object as first argument/) }) it('throws an error when created with invalid items', function () { assert.throws(() => { const touchBar = new TouchBar({items: [1, true, {}, []]}) touchBar.toString() }, /Each item must be an instance of TouchBarItem/) }) it('throws an error when an invalid escape item is set', function () { assert.throws(() => { const touchBar = new TouchBar({items: [], escapeItem: 'esc'}) touchBar.toString() }, /Escape item must be an instance of TouchBarItem/) assert.throws(() => { const touchBar = new TouchBar({items: []}) touchBar.escapeItem = 'esc' }, /Escape item must be an instance of TouchBarItem/) }) describe('BrowserWindow behavior', function () { let window beforeEach(function () { window = new BrowserWindow() }) afterEach(function () { window.setTouchBar(null) return closeWindow(window).then(function () { window = null }) }) it('can be added to and removed from a window', function () { const label = new TouchBarLabel({label: 'bar'}) const touchBar = new TouchBar([ new TouchBarButton({label: 'foo', backgroundColor: '#F00', click: () => {}}), new TouchBarColorPicker({selectedColor: '#F00', change: () => {}}), new TouchBarGroup({items: new TouchBar([new TouchBarLabel({label: 'hello'})])}), label, new TouchBarPopover({items: new TouchBar([new TouchBarButton({label: 'pop'})])}), new TouchBarSlider({label: 'slide', value: 5, minValue: 2, maxValue: 75, change: () => {}}), new TouchBarSpacer({size: 'large'}), new TouchBarSegmentedControl({ segmentStyle: 'capsule', segments: [{label: 'baz', enabled: false}], selectedIndex: 5 }), new TouchBarSegmentedControl({segments: []}), new TouchBarScrubber({ items: [{label: 'foo'}, {label: 'bar'}, {label: 'baz'}], selectedStyle: 'outline', mode: 'fixed', showArrowButtons: true }) ]) const escapeButton = new TouchBarButton({ label: 'foo' }) window.setTouchBar(touchBar) touchBar.escapeItem = escapeButton label.label = 'baz' escapeButton.label = 'hello' window.setTouchBar() window.setTouchBar(new TouchBar([new TouchBarLabel({label: 'two'})])) touchBar.escapeItem = null }) it('calls the callback on the items when a window interaction event fires', function (done) { const button = new TouchBarButton({ label: 'bar', click: () => { done() } }) const touchBar = new TouchBar({items: [button]}) window.setTouchBar(touchBar) window.emit('-touch-bar-interaction', {}, }) it('calls the callback on the escape item when a window interaction event fires', function (done) { const button = new TouchBarButton({ label: 'bar', click: () => { done() } }) const touchBar = new TouchBar({escapeItem: button}) window.setTouchBar(touchBar) window.emit('-touch-bar-interaction', {}, }) }) })