import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as dns from 'node:dns'; import { net, session, BrowserWindow, ClientRequestConstructorOptions } from 'electron/main'; import { collectStreamBody, getResponse, respondNTimes, respondOnce } from './lib/net-helpers'; // See dns.setDefaultResultOrder('ipv4first'); describe('net module (session)', () => { beforeEach(() => { respondNTimes.routeFailure = false; }); afterEach(async function () { await session.defaultSession.clearCache(); if (respondNTimes.routeFailure && this.test) { if (!this.test.isFailed()) { throw new Error('Failing this test due an unhandled error in the respondOnce route handler, check the logs above for the actual error'); } } }); describe('HTTP basics', () => { for (const extraOptions of [{}, { credentials: 'include' }, { useSessionCookies: false, credentials: 'include' }] as ClientRequestConstructorOptions[]) { describe(`authentication when ${JSON.stringify(extraOptions)}`, () => { it('should share credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(serverUrl); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, ...extraOptions }); let logInCount = 0; request.on('login', () => { logInCount++; }); const response = await getResponse(request); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached'); }); it('should share proxy credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const proxyUrl = await respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (!request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { return response.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const customSession = session.fromPartition(`net-proxy-test-${Math.random()}`); await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: proxyUrl.replace('http://', ''), proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(''); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: customSession, ...extraOptions }); let logInCount = 0; request.on('login', () => { logInCount++; }); const response = await getResponse(request); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body).to.equal('ok'); expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached'); }); }); } describe('authentication when {"credentials":"omit"}', () => { it('should not share credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(serverUrl); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, credentials: 'omit' }); request.on('login', () => {; }); const response = await getResponse(request); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(401); expect(response.headers['www-authenticate']).to.equal('Basic realm="Foo"'); }); it('should share proxy credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const proxyUrl = await respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (!request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { return response.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const customSession = session.fromPartition(`net-proxy-test-${Math.random()}`); await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: proxyUrl.replace('http://', ''), proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(''); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: customSession, credentials: 'omit' }); request.on('login', () => {; }); const response = await getResponse(request); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body).to.equal('ok'); }); }); }); describe('ClientRequest API', () => { it('should be able to set cookie header line', async () => { const cookieHeaderName = 'Cookie'; const cookieHeaderValue = 'test=12345'; const customSession = session.fromPartition(`test-cookie-header-${Math.random()}`); const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[cookieHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); await customSession.cookies.set({ url: `${serverUrl}`, name: 'test', value: '11111', expirationDate: 0 }); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, session: customSession }); urlRequest.setHeader(cookieHeaderName, cookieHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(cookieHeaderName)).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should not use the sessions cookie store by default', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', `${request.headers.cookie!}`); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('undefined'); }); for (const extraOptions of [{ useSessionCookies: true }, { credentials: 'include' }] as ClientRequestConstructorOptions[]) { describe(`when ${JSON.stringify(extraOptions)}`, () => { it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieVal}`); }); it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store with set-cookie', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', 'foo=bar'); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); let cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(0); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0]).to.deep.equal({ name: 'foo', value: 'bar', domain: '', hostOnly: true, path: '/', secure: false, httpOnly: false, session: true, sameSite: 'unspecified' }); }); for (const mode of ['Lax', 'Strict']) { it(`should be able to use the sessions cookie store with same-site ${mode} cookies`, async () => { const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', `same=site; SameSite=${mode}`); response.setHeader('x-cookie', `${request.headers.cookie}`); response.end(); }, 2); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); let cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(0); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('undefined'); await collectStreamBody(response); cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0]).to.deep.equal({ name: 'same', value: 'site', domain: '', hostOnly: true, path: '/', secure: false, httpOnly: false, session: true, sameSite: mode.toLowerCase() }); const urlRequest2 = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response2 = await getResponse(urlRequest2); expect(response2.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('same=site'); }); } it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store safely across redirects', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.statusMessage = 'Moved'; const newUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200; res.statusMessage = 'OK'; res.setHeader('x-cookie', req.headers.cookie!); res.end(); }); response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.setHeader('location', newUrl.replace('', 'localhost')); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookie127Val = `${}-127`; const cookieLocalVal = `${}-local`; const localhostUrl = serverUrl.replace('', 'localhost'); expect(localhostUrl).to.not.equal(serverUrl); // cookies with lax or strict same-site settings will not // persist after redirects. no_restriction must be used await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', sameSite: 'no_restriction', value: cookie127Val }), sess.cookies.set({ url: localhostUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', sameSite: 'no_restriction', value: cookieLocalVal }) ]); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); urlRequest.on('redirect', (status, method, url, headers) => { // The initial redirect response should have received the 127 value here expect(headers['x-cookie'][0]).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookie127Val}`); urlRequest.followRedirect(); }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); // We expect the server to have received the localhost value here // The original request was to a URL // That request would have the cookie127Val cookie attached // The request is then redirect to a localhost URL (different site) // Because we are using the session cookie store it should do the safe / secure thing // and attach the cookies for the new target domain expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieLocalVal}`); }); }); } it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are secure', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1', secure: true }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', secure: false }) ]); const secureCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ secure: true }); expect(secureCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(secureCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ secure: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); it('throws when an invalid domain is passed', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await expect(sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1' })) to set cookie - The cookie was set with an invalid Domain attribute./); }); it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are session', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1' }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', expirationDate: Math.round( / 1000) + 10000 }) ]); const sessionCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ session: true }); expect(sessionCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(sessionCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ session: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are httpOnly', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1', httpOnly: true }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', httpOnly: false }) ]); const httpOnlyCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ httpOnly: true }); expect(httpOnlyCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(httpOnlyCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ httpOnly: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); describe('webRequest', () => { afterEach(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(null); }); it('Should throw when invalid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.'); expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://', '*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.'); }); it('Should not throw when valid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.not.throw(); }); it('Requests should be intercepted by webRequest module', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( (details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request(`${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom session object', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; const customPartitionName = `custom-partition-${Math.random()}`; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session'); }); const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, session: customSession }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom partition name', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; const customPartitionName = `custom-partition-${Math.random()}`; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session'); }); const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, partition: customPartitionName }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('triggers webRequest handlers when bypassCustomProtocolHandlers', async () => { let webRequestDetails: Electron.OnBeforeRequestListenerDetails | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((req, res) => res.end('hi')); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, cb) => { webRequestDetails = details; cb({}); }); const body = await net.fetch(serverUrl, { bypassCustomProtocolHandlers: true }).then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hi'); expect(webRequestDetails)'url', serverUrl); }); }); it('should throw if given an invalid session option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', session: 1 as any }); }).to.throw('`session` should be an instance of the Session class'); }); it('should throw if given an invalid partition option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', partition: 1 as any }); }).to.throw('`partition` should be a string'); }); }); describe('net.fetch', () => { it('should be able to use a session cookie store', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const response = await sess.fetch(serverUrl, { credentials: 'include' }); expect(response.headers.get('x-cookie')).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieVal}`); }); }); });