const assert = require('assert') const {net} = require('electron'); describe('net module', function() { describe('HTTP basics', function() { it ('should be able to fetch', function(done) { let response_event_emitted = false; let data_event_emitted = false; let end_event_emitted = false; let finish_event_emitted = false; const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '' }) urlRequest.on('response', function(response) { response_event_emitted = true; const statusCode = response.statusCode assert(typeof statusCode === 'number') assert.equal(statusCode, 200) const statusMessage = response.statusMessage const rawHeaders = response.rawHeaders assert(typeof rawHeaders === 'string') assert(rawHeaders.length > 0) const httpVersion = response.httpVersion; assert(typeof httpVersion === 'string') assert(httpVersion.length > 0) const httpVersionMajor = response.httpVersionMajor; assert(typeof httpVersionMajor === 'number') assert(httpVersionMajor >= 1) const httpVersionMinor = response.httpVersionMinor; assert(typeof rawHeaders === 'number') assert(httpVersionMinor >= 0) let body = ''; response.on('data', function(buffer) { data_event_emitted = true; body += buffer.toString() assert(typeof body === 'string') assert(body.length > 0) }); response.on('end', function() { end_event_emitted = true; }) }); urlRequest.on('finish', function() { finish_event_emitted = true; }) urlRequest.on('error', function(error) { assert.ifError(error); }) urlRequest.on('close', function() { asset(response_event_emitted) assert(data_event_emitted) assert(end_event_emitted) assert(finish_event_emitted) done() }) urlRequest.end(); }) it ('should be able to post data', function(done) { let response_event_emitted = false; let data_event_emitted = false; let end_event_emitted = false; let finish_event_emitted = false; let urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: '' }); urlRequest.on('response', function(response) { response_event_emitted = true; const statusCode = response.statusCode assert(typeof statusCode === 'number') assert.equal(statusCode, 200) const statusMessage = response.statusMessage const rawHeaders = response.rawHeaders assert(typeof rawHeaders === 'string') assert(rawHeaders.length > 0) const httpVersion = response.httpVersion; assert(typeof httpVersion === 'string') assert(httpVersion.length > 0) const httpVersionMajor = response.httpVersionMajor; assert(typeof httpVersionMajor === 'number') assert(httpVersionMajor >= 1) const httpVersionMinor = response.httpVersionMinor; assert(typeof rawHeaders === 'number') assert(httpVersionMinor >= 0) let body = ''; response.on('data', function(buffer) { data_event_emitted = true; body += buffer.toString() assert(typeof body === 'string') assert(body.length > 0) }); response.on('end', function() { end_event_emitted = true; }) }); urlRequest.on('finish', function() { finish_event_emitted = true; }) urlRequest.on('error', function(error) { assert.ifError(error); }) urlRequest.on('close', function() { asset(response_event_emitted) assert(data_event_emitted) assert(end_event_emitted) assert(finish_event_emitted) done() }) for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { urlRequest.write('Hello World!'); } urlRequest.end(); }) }) describe('ClientRequest API', function() { it ('should be able to set a custom HTTP header', function() { assert(false) }) it ('should be able to abort an HTTP request', function() { assert(false) }) it ('should be able to pipe into a request', function() { }) it ('should be able to create a request with options', function() { }) it ('should be able to specify a custom session', function() { }) it ('should support chunked encoding', function() { }) }) })