// Copyright (c) 2016 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "shell/browser/api/electron_api_system_preferences.h" #include <map> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <utility> #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import <LocalAuthentication/LocalAuthentication.h> #import <Security/Security.h> #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h" #include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/system_media_capture_permissions_mac.h" #include "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h" #include "shell/browser/mac/dict_util.h" #include "shell/browser/mac/electron_application.h" #include "shell/browser/ui/cocoa/NSColor+Hex.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/gurl_converter.h" #include "shell/common/gin_converters/value_converter.h" #include "shell/common/process_util.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h" namespace gin { template <> struct Converter<NSAppearance*> { static bool FromV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Value> val, NSAppearance** out) { if (val->IsNull()) { *out = nil; return true; } std::string name; if (!gin::ConvertFromV8(isolate, val, &name)) { return false; } if (name == "light") { *out = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameAqua]; return true; } else if (name == "dark") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { *out = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua]; } else { *out = [NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameAqua]; } return true; } return false; } static v8::Local<v8::Value> ToV8(v8::Isolate* isolate, NSAppearance* val) { if (val == nil) { return v8::Null(isolate); } if ([val.name isEqualToString:NSAppearanceNameAqua]) { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate, "light"); } if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { if ([val.name isEqualToString:NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua]) { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate, "dark"); } } return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate, "unknown"); } }; } // namespace gin namespace electron { namespace api { namespace { int g_next_id = 0; // The map to convert |id| to |int|. std::map<int, id> g_id_map; AVMediaType ParseMediaType(const std::string& media_type) { if (media_type == "camera") { return AVMediaTypeVideo; } else if (media_type == "microphone") { return AVMediaTypeAudio; } else { return nil; } } std::string ConvertSystemPermission( system_media_permissions::SystemPermission value) { using SystemPermission = system_media_permissions::SystemPermission; switch (value) { case SystemPermission::kNotDetermined: return "not-determined"; case SystemPermission::kRestricted: return "restricted"; case SystemPermission::kDenied: return "denied"; case SystemPermission::kAllowed: return "granted"; default: return "unknown"; } } } // namespace void SystemPreferences::PostNotification(const std::string& name, base::DictionaryValue user_info, gin_helper::Arguments* args) { bool immediate = false; args->GetNext(&immediate); NSDistributedNotificationCenter* center = [NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [center postNotificationName:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name) object:nil userInfo:DictionaryValueToNSDictionary(user_info) deliverImmediately:immediate]; } int SystemPreferences::SubscribeNotification( const std::string& name, const NotificationCallback& callback) { return DoSubscribeNotification(name, callback, kNSDistributedNotificationCenter); } void SystemPreferences::UnsubscribeNotification(int request_id) { DoUnsubscribeNotification(request_id, kNSDistributedNotificationCenter); } void SystemPreferences::PostLocalNotification(const std::string& name, base::DictionaryValue user_info) { NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [center postNotificationName:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name) object:nil userInfo:DictionaryValueToNSDictionary(user_info)]; } int SystemPreferences::SubscribeLocalNotification( const std::string& name, const NotificationCallback& callback) { return DoSubscribeNotification(name, callback, kNSNotificationCenter); } void SystemPreferences::UnsubscribeLocalNotification(int request_id) { DoUnsubscribeNotification(request_id, kNSNotificationCenter); } void SystemPreferences::PostWorkspaceNotification( const std::string& name, base::DictionaryValue user_info) { NSNotificationCenter* center = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; [center postNotificationName:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name) object:nil userInfo:DictionaryValueToNSDictionary(user_info)]; } int SystemPreferences::SubscribeWorkspaceNotification( const std::string& name, const NotificationCallback& callback) { return DoSubscribeNotification(name, callback, kNSWorkspaceNotificationCenter); } void SystemPreferences::UnsubscribeWorkspaceNotification(int request_id) { DoUnsubscribeNotification(request_id, kNSWorkspaceNotificationCenter); } int SystemPreferences::DoSubscribeNotification( const std::string& name, const NotificationCallback& callback, NotificationCenterKind kind) { int request_id = g_next_id++; __block NotificationCallback copied_callback = callback; NSNotificationCenter* center; switch (kind) { case kNSDistributedNotificationCenter: center = [NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; break; case kNSNotificationCenter: center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; break; case kNSWorkspaceNotificationCenter: center = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; break; default: break; } g_id_map[request_id] = [center addObserverForName:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name) object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) { std::string object = ""; if ([notification.object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { object = base::SysNSStringToUTF8(notification.object); } if (notification.userInfo) { copied_callback.Run( base::SysNSStringToUTF8(notification.name), NSDictionaryToDictionaryValue(notification.userInfo), object); } else { copied_callback.Run( base::SysNSStringToUTF8(notification.name), base::DictionaryValue(), object); } }]; return request_id; } void SystemPreferences::DoUnsubscribeNotification(int request_id, NotificationCenterKind kind) { auto iter = g_id_map.find(request_id); if (iter != g_id_map.end()) { id observer = iter->second; NSNotificationCenter* center; switch (kind) { case kNSDistributedNotificationCenter: center = [NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; break; case kNSNotificationCenter: center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; break; case kNSWorkspaceNotificationCenter: center = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; break; default: break; } [center removeObserver:observer]; g_id_map.erase(iter); } } v8::Local<v8::Value> SystemPreferences::GetUserDefault( const std::string& name, const std::string& type) { NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString* key = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name); if (type == "string") { return gin::StringToV8( isolate(), base::SysNSStringToUTF8([defaults stringForKey:key])); } else if (type == "boolean") { return v8::Boolean::New(isolate(), [defaults boolForKey:key]); } else if (type == "float") { return v8::Number::New(isolate(), [defaults floatForKey:key]); } else if (type == "integer") { return v8::Integer::New(isolate(), [defaults integerForKey:key]); } else if (type == "double") { return v8::Number::New(isolate(), [defaults doubleForKey:key]); } else if (type == "url") { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate(), net::GURLWithNSURL([defaults URLForKey:key])); } else if (type == "array") { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate(), NSArrayToListValue([defaults arrayForKey:key])); } else if (type == "dictionary") { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate(), NSDictionaryToDictionaryValue( [defaults dictionaryForKey:key])); } else { return v8::Undefined(isolate()); } } void SystemPreferences::RegisterDefaults(gin_helper::Arguments* args) { base::DictionaryValue value; if (!args->GetNext(&value)) { args->ThrowError("Invalid userDefault data provided"); } else { @try { NSDictionary* dict = DictionaryValueToNSDictionary(value); for (id key in dict) { id value = [dict objectForKey:key]; if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || value == nil) { args->ThrowError("Invalid userDefault data provided"); return; } } [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:dict]; } @catch (NSException* exception) { args->ThrowError("Invalid userDefault data provided"); } } } void SystemPreferences::SetUserDefault(const std::string& name, const std::string& type, gin_helper::Arguments* args) { NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString* key = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name); if (type == "string") { std::string value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { [defaults setObject:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(value) forKey:key]; return; } } else if (type == "boolean") { bool value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { [defaults setBool:value forKey:key]; return; } } else if (type == "float") { float value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { [defaults setFloat:value forKey:key]; return; } } else if (type == "integer") { int value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { [defaults setInteger:value forKey:key]; return; } } else if (type == "double") { double value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { [defaults setDouble:value forKey:key]; return; } } else if (type == "url") { GURL value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { if (NSURL* url = net::NSURLWithGURL(value)) { [defaults setURL:url forKey:key]; return; } } } else if (type == "array") { base::ListValue value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { if (NSArray* array = ListValueToNSArray(value)) { [defaults setObject:array forKey:key]; return; } } } else if (type == "dictionary") { base::DictionaryValue value; if (args->GetNext(&value)) { if (NSDictionary* dict = DictionaryValueToNSDictionary(value)) { [defaults setObject:dict forKey:key]; return; } } } else { args->ThrowError("Invalid type: " + type); return; } args->ThrowError("Unable to convert value to: " + type); } std::string SystemPreferences::GetAccentColor() { NSColor* sysColor = nil; if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor controlAccentColor]; return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([sysColor RGBAValue]); } std::string SystemPreferences::GetSystemColor(gin_helper::ErrorThrower thrower, const std::string& color) { NSColor* sysColor = nil; if (color == "blue") { sysColor = [NSColor systemBlueColor]; } else if (color == "brown") { sysColor = [NSColor systemBrownColor]; } else if (color == "gray") { sysColor = [NSColor systemGrayColor]; } else if (color == "green") { sysColor = [NSColor systemGreenColor]; } else if (color == "orange") { sysColor = [NSColor systemOrangeColor]; } else if (color == "pink") { sysColor = [NSColor systemPinkColor]; } else if (color == "purple") { sysColor = [NSColor systemPurpleColor]; } else if (color == "red") { sysColor = [NSColor systemRedColor]; } else if (color == "yellow") { sysColor = [NSColor systemYellowColor]; } else { thrower.ThrowError("Unknown system color: " + color); return ""; } return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([sysColor hexadecimalValue]); } bool SystemPreferences::CanPromptTouchID() { if (@available(macOS 10.12.2, *)) { base::scoped_nsobject<LAContext> context([[LAContext alloc] init]); if (![context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:nil]) return false; if (@available(macOS 10.13.2, *)) return [context biometryType] == LABiometryTypeTouchID; return true; } return false; } v8::Local<v8::Promise> SystemPreferences::PromptTouchID( v8::Isolate* isolate, const std::string& reason) { gin_helper::Promise<void> promise(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Promise> handle = promise.GetHandle(); if (@available(macOS 10.12.2, *)) { base::scoped_nsobject<LAContext> context([[LAContext alloc] init]); base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecAccessControlRef> access_control = base::ScopedCFTypeRef<SecAccessControlRef>( SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags( kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly, kSecAccessControlPrivateKeyUsage | kSecAccessControlUserPresence, nullptr)); scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> runner = base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get(); __block gin_helper::Promise<void> p = std::move(promise); [context evaluateAccessControl:access_control operation:LAAccessControlOperationUseKeySign localizedReason:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:reason.c_str()] reply:^(BOOL success, NSError* error) { if (!success) { std::string err_msg = std::string( [error.localizedDescription UTF8String]); runner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce( gin_helper::Promise<void>::RejectPromise, std::move(p), std::move(err_msg))); } else { runner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce( gin_helper::Promise<void>::ResolvePromise, std::move(p))); } }]; } else { promise.RejectWithErrorMessage( "This API is not available on macOS versions older than 10.12.2"); } return handle; } // static bool SystemPreferences::IsTrustedAccessibilityClient(bool prompt) { NSDictionary* options = @{(id)kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt : @(prompt)}; return AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions((CFDictionaryRef)options); } std::string SystemPreferences::GetColor(gin_helper::ErrorThrower thrower, const std::string& color) { NSColor* sysColor = nil; if (color == "alternate-selected-control-text") { sysColor = [NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]; EmitWarning( node::Environment::GetCurrent(thrower.isolate()), "'alternate-selected-control-text' is deprecated as an input to " "getColor. Use 'selected-content-background' instead.", "electron"); } else if (color == "control-background") { sysColor = [NSColor controlBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "control") { sysColor = [NSColor controlColor]; } else if (color == "control-text") { sysColor = [NSColor controlTextColor]; } else if (color == "disabled-control-text") { sysColor = [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]; } else if (color == "find-highlight") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor findHighlightColor]; } else if (color == "grid") { sysColor = [NSColor gridColor]; } else if (color == "header-text") { sysColor = [NSColor headerTextColor]; } else if (color == "highlight") { sysColor = [NSColor highlightColor]; } else if (color == "keyboard-focus-indicator") { sysColor = [NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor]; } else if (color == "label") { sysColor = [NSColor labelColor]; } else if (color == "link") { sysColor = [NSColor linkColor]; } else if (color == "placeholder-text") { sysColor = [NSColor placeholderTextColor]; } else if (color == "quaternary-label") { sysColor = [NSColor quaternaryLabelColor]; } else if (color == "scrubber-textured-background") { if (@available(macOS 10.12.2, *)) sysColor = [NSColor scrubberTexturedBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "secondary-label") { sysColor = [NSColor secondaryLabelColor]; } else if (color == "selected-content-background") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor selectedContentBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "selected-control") { sysColor = [NSColor selectedControlColor]; } else if (color == "selected-control-text") { sysColor = [NSColor selectedControlTextColor]; } else if (color == "selected-menu-item-text") { sysColor = [NSColor selectedMenuItemTextColor]; } else if (color == "selected-text-background") { sysColor = [NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "selected-text") { sysColor = [NSColor selectedTextColor]; } else if (color == "separator") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor separatorColor]; } else if (color == "shadow") { sysColor = [NSColor shadowColor]; } else if (color == "tertiary-label") { sysColor = [NSColor tertiaryLabelColor]; } else if (color == "text-background") { sysColor = [NSColor textBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "text") { sysColor = [NSColor textColor]; } else if (color == "under-page-background") { sysColor = [NSColor underPageBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "unemphasized-selected-content-background") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor unemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "unemphasized-selected-text-background") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "unemphasized-selected-text") { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) sysColor = [NSColor unemphasizedSelectedTextColor]; } else if (color == "window-background") { sysColor = [NSColor windowBackgroundColor]; } else if (color == "window-frame-text") { sysColor = [NSColor windowFrameTextColor]; } else { thrower.ThrowError("Unknown color: " + color); } if (sysColor) return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([sysColor hexadecimalValue]); return ""; } std::string SystemPreferences::GetMediaAccessStatus( const std::string& media_type, gin_helper::Arguments* args) { if (media_type == "camera") { return ConvertSystemPermission( system_media_permissions::CheckSystemVideoCapturePermission()); } else if (media_type == "microphone") { return ConvertSystemPermission( system_media_permissions::CheckSystemAudioCapturePermission()); } else if (media_type == "screen") { return ConvertSystemPermission( system_media_permissions::CheckSystemScreenCapturePermission()); } else { args->ThrowError("Invalid media type"); return std::string(); } } v8::Local<v8::Promise> SystemPreferences::AskForMediaAccess( v8::Isolate* isolate, const std::string& media_type) { gin_helper::Promise<bool> promise(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Promise> handle = promise.GetHandle(); if (auto type = ParseMediaType(media_type)) { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { __block gin_helper::Promise<bool> p = std::move(promise); [AVCaptureDevice requestAccessForMediaType:type completionHandler:^(BOOL granted) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ p.Resolve(!!granted); }); }]; } else { // access always allowed pre-10.14 Mojave promise.Resolve(true); } } else { promise.RejectWithErrorMessage("Invalid media type"); } return handle; } void SystemPreferences::RemoveUserDefault(const std::string& name) { NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [defaults removeObjectForKey:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(name)]; } bool SystemPreferences::IsDarkMode() { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { return ui::NativeTheme::GetInstanceForNativeUi()->ShouldUseDarkColors(); } NSString* mode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyle"]; return [mode isEqualToString:@"Dark"]; } bool SystemPreferences::IsSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled() { return [NSEvent isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled]; } v8::Local<v8::Value> SystemPreferences::GetEffectiveAppearance( v8::Isolate* isolate) { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { return gin::ConvertToV8( isolate, [NSApplication sharedApplication].effectiveAppearance); } return v8::Null(isolate); } v8::Local<v8::Value> SystemPreferences::GetAppLevelAppearance( v8::Isolate* isolate) { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { return gin::ConvertToV8(isolate, [NSApplication sharedApplication].appearance); } return v8::Null(isolate); } void SystemPreferences::SetAppLevelAppearance(gin_helper::Arguments* args) { if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { NSAppearance* appearance; if (args->GetNext(&appearance)) { [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setAppearance:appearance]; } else { args->ThrowError("Invalid app appearance provided as first argument"); } } } } // namespace api } // namespace electron