# Installation > Tips for installing Electron To install prebuilt Electron binaries, use [`npm`](https://docs.npmjs.com/). The preferred method is to install Electron as a development dependency in your app: ```sh npm install electron --save-dev ``` See the [Electron versioning doc](versioning.md) for info on how to manage Electron versions in your apps. ## Global Installation You can also install the `electron` command globally in your `$PATH`: ```sh npm install electron -g ``` ## Customization If you want to change the architecture that is downloaded (e.g., `ia32` on an `x64` machine), you can use the `--arch` flag with npm install or set the `npm_config_arch` environment variable: ```shell npm install --arch=ia32 electron ``` In addition to changing the architecture, you can also specify the platform (e.g., `win32`, `linux`, etc.) using the `--platform` flag: ```shell npm install --platform=win32 electron ``` ## Proxies If you need to use an HTTP proxy you can [set these environment variables](https://github.com/request/request/tree/f0c4ec061141051988d1216c24936ad2e7d5c45d#controlling-proxy-behaviour-using-environment-variables). ## Troubleshooting When running `npm install electron`, some users occasionally encounter installation errors. In almost all cases, these errors are the result of network problems and not actual issues with the `electron` npm package. Errors like `ELIFECYCLE`, `EAI_AGAIN`, `ECONNRESET`, and `ETIMEDOUT` are all indications of such network problems. The best resolution is to try switching networks, or just wait a bit and try installing again. You can also attempt to download Electron directly from [electron/electron/releases](https://github.com/electron/electron/releases) if installing via `npm` is failing. If installation fails with an `EACCESS` error you may need to [fix your npm permissions](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions). If the above error persists, the [unsafe-perm](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config#unsafe-perm) flag may need to be set to true: ```sh sudo npm install electron --unsafe-perm=true ``` On slower networks, it may be advisable to use the `--verbose` flag in order to show download progress: ```sh npm install --verbose electron ``` If you need to force a re-download of the asset and the SHASUM file set the `force_no_cache` enviroment variable to `true`.