#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import datetime import hashlib import json import mmap import os import shutil import subprocess from struct import Struct import sys sys.path.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../..")) from zipfile import ZipFile from lib.config import PLATFORM, get_target_arch, \ get_zip_name, enable_verbose_mode, \ is_verbose_mode, get_platform_key from lib.util import get_electron_branding, execute, get_electron_version, \ store_artifact, get_electron_exec, get_out_dir, \ SRC_DIR, ELECTRON_DIR, TS_NODE ELECTRON_VERSION = 'v' + get_electron_version() PROJECT_NAME = get_electron_branding()['project_name'] PRODUCT_NAME = get_electron_branding()['product_name'] OUT_DIR = get_out_dir() DIST_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION) SYMBOLS_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'symbols') DSYM_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'dsym') DSYM_SNAPSHOT_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'dsym-snapshot') PDB_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'pdb') DEBUG_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'debug') TOOLCHAIN_PROFILE_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'toolchain-profile') CXX_OBJECTS_NAME = get_zip_name(PROJECT_NAME, ELECTRON_VERSION, 'libcxx_objects') def main(): args = parse_args() if args.verbose: enable_verbose_mode() if args.upload_to_storage: utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() args.upload_timestamp = utcnow.strftime('%Y%m%d') build_version = get_electron_build_version() if not ELECTRON_VERSION.startswith(build_version): errmsg = f"Tag ({ELECTRON_VERSION}) should match build ({build_version})\n" sys.stderr.write(errmsg) sys.stderr.flush() return 1 tag_exists = False release = get_release(args.version) if not release['draft']: tag_exists = True if not args.upload_to_storage: assert release['exists'], \ 'Release does not exist; cannot upload to GitHub!' assert tag_exists == args.overwrite, \ 'You have to pass --overwrite to overwrite a published release' # Upload Electron files. # Rename dist.zip to get_zip_name('electron', version, suffix='') electron_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, DIST_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'dist.zip'), electron_zip) upload_electron(release, electron_zip, args) symbols_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, SYMBOLS_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'symbols.zip'), symbols_zip) upload_electron(release, symbols_zip, args) if PLATFORM == 'darwin': if get_platform_key() == 'darwin' and get_target_arch() == 'x64': api_path = os.path.join(ELECTRON_DIR, 'electron-api.json') upload_electron(release, api_path, args) ts_defs_path = os.path.join(ELECTRON_DIR, 'electron.d.ts') upload_electron(release, ts_defs_path, args) dsym_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, DSYM_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'dsym.zip'), dsym_zip) upload_electron(release, dsym_zip, args) dsym_snapshot_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, DSYM_SNAPSHOT_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'dsym-snapshot.zip'), dsym_snapshot_zip) upload_electron(release, dsym_snapshot_zip, args) elif PLATFORM == 'win32': pdb_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, PDB_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'pdb.zip'), pdb_zip) upload_electron(release, pdb_zip, args) elif PLATFORM == 'linux': debug_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, DEBUG_NAME) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'debug.zip'), debug_zip) upload_electron(release, debug_zip, args) # Upload libcxx_objects.zip for linux only libcxx_objects = get_zip_name('libcxx-objects', ELECTRON_VERSION) libcxx_objects_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, libcxx_objects) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'libcxx_objects.zip'), libcxx_objects_zip) upload_electron(release, libcxx_objects_zip, args) # Upload headers.zip and abi_headers.zip as non-platform specific if get_target_arch() == "x64": cxx_headers_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'libcxx_headers.zip') upload_electron(release, cxx_headers_zip, args) abi_headers_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'libcxxabi_headers.zip') upload_electron(release, abi_headers_zip, args) # Upload free version of ffmpeg. ffmpeg = get_zip_name('ffmpeg', ELECTRON_VERSION) ffmpeg_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, ffmpeg) ffmpeg_build_path = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'out', 'ffmpeg', 'ffmpeg.zip') shutil.copy2(ffmpeg_build_path, ffmpeg_zip) upload_electron(release, ffmpeg_zip, args) chromedriver = get_zip_name('chromedriver', ELECTRON_VERSION) chromedriver_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, chromedriver) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'chromedriver.zip'), chromedriver_zip) upload_electron(release, chromedriver_zip, args) mksnapshot = get_zip_name('mksnapshot', ELECTRON_VERSION) mksnapshot_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, mksnapshot) if get_target_arch().startswith('arm') and PLATFORM != 'darwin': # Upload the x64 binary for arm/arm64 mksnapshot mksnapshot = get_zip_name('mksnapshot', ELECTRON_VERSION, 'x64') mksnapshot_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, mksnapshot) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mksnapshot.zip'), mksnapshot_zip) upload_electron(release, mksnapshot_zip, args) if PLATFORM == 'linux' and get_target_arch() == 'x64': # Upload the hunspell dictionaries only from the linux x64 build hunspell_dictionaries_zip = os.path.join( OUT_DIR, 'hunspell_dictionaries.zip') upload_electron(release, hunspell_dictionaries_zip, args) if not tag_exists and not args.upload_to_storage: # Upload symbols to symbol server. run_python_upload_script('upload-symbols.py') if PLATFORM == 'win32': run_python_upload_script('upload-node-headers.py', '-v', args.version) if PLATFORM == 'win32': toolchain_profile_zip = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, TOOLCHAIN_PROFILE_NAME) with ZipFile(toolchain_profile_zip, 'w') as myzip: myzip.write( os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'windows_toolchain_profile.json'), 'toolchain_profile.json') upload_electron(release, toolchain_profile_zip, args) return 0 def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='upload distribution file') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='Specify the version', default=ELECTRON_VERSION) parser.add_argument('-o', '--overwrite', help='Overwrite a published release', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-p', '--publish-release', help='Publish the release', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-s', '--upload_to_storage', help='Upload assets to azure bucket', dest='upload_to_storage', action='store_true', default=False, required=False) parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Mooooorreee logs') return parser.parse_args() def run_python_upload_script(script, *args): script_path = os.path.join( ELECTRON_DIR, 'script', 'release', 'uploaders', script) print(execute([sys.executable, script_path] + list(args))) def get_electron_build_version(): if get_target_arch().startswith('arm') or 'CI' in os.environ: # In CI we just build as told. return ELECTRON_VERSION electron = get_electron_exec() return subprocess.check_output([electron, '--version']).strip() class NonZipFileError(ValueError): """Raised when a given file does not appear to be a zip""" def zero_zip_date_time(fname): """ Wrap strip-zip zero_zip_date_time within a file opening operation """ try: with open(fname, 'r+b') as f: _zero_zip_date_time(f) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0707 raise NonZipFileError(fname) def _zero_zip_date_time(zip_): def purify_extra_data(mm, offset, length, compressed_size=0): extra_header_struct = Struct("<HH") # 0. id # 1. length STRIPZIP_OPTION_HEADER = 0xFFFF EXTENDED_TIME_DATA = 0x5455 # Some sort of extended time data, see # ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/src/zip30.zip ./proginfo/extrafld.txt # fallthrough UNIX_EXTRA_DATA = 0x7875 # Unix extra data; UID / GID stuff, see # ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/src/zip30.zip ./proginfo/extrafld.txt ZIP64_EXTRA_HEADER = 0x0001 zip64_extra_struct = Struct("<HHQQ") # ZIP64. # When a ZIP64 extra field is present this 8byte length # will override the 4byte length defined in canonical zips. # This is in the form: # - 0x0001 (header_id) # - 0x0010 [16] (header_length) # - ... (8byte uncompressed_length) # - ... (8byte compressed_length) mlen = offset + length while offset < mlen: values = list(extra_header_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset)) _, header_length = values extra_struct = Struct("<HH" + "B" * header_length) values = list(extra_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset)) header_id, header_length = values[:2] if header_id in (EXTENDED_TIME_DATA, UNIX_EXTRA_DATA): values[0] = STRIPZIP_OPTION_HEADER for i in range(2, len(values)): values[i] = 0xff extra_struct.pack_into(mm, offset, *values) if header_id == ZIP64_EXTRA_HEADER: assert header_length == 16 values = list(zip64_extra_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset)) header_id, header_length, _, compressed_size = values offset += extra_header_struct.size + header_length return compressed_size FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE = 0x04034b50 CENDIR_HEADER_SIGNATURE = 0x02014b50 archive_size = os.fstat(zip_.fileno()).st_size signature_struct = Struct("<L") local_file_header_struct = Struct("<LHHHHHLLLHH") # 0. L signature # 1. H version_needed # 2. H gp_bits # 3. H compression_method # 4. H last_mod_time # 5. H last_mod_date # 6. L crc32 # 7. L compressed_size # 8. L uncompressed_size # 9. H name_length # 10. H extra_field_length central_directory_header_struct = Struct("<LHHHHHHLLLHHHHHLL") # 0. L signature # 1. H version_made_by # 2. H version_needed # 3. H gp_bits # 4. H compression_method # 5. H last_mod_time # 6. H last_mod_date # 7. L crc32 # 8. L compressed_size # 9. L uncompressed_size # 10. H file_name_length # 11. H extra_field_length # 12. H file_comment_length # 13. H disk_number_start # 14. H internal_attr # 15. L external_attr # 16. L rel_offset_local_header offset = 0 mm = mmap.mmap(zip_.fileno(), 0) while offset < archive_size: if signature_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset) != (FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE,): break values = list(local_file_header_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset)) compressed_size, _, name_length, extra_field_length = values[7:11] # reset last_mod_time values[4] = 0 # reset last_mod_date values[5] = 0x21 local_file_header_struct.pack_into(mm, offset, *values) offset += local_file_header_struct.size + name_length if extra_field_length != 0: compressed_size = purify_extra_data(mm, offset, extra_field_length, compressed_size) offset += compressed_size + extra_field_length while offset < archive_size: if signature_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset) != (CENDIR_HEADER_SIGNATURE,): break values = list(central_directory_header_struct.unpack_from(mm, offset)) file_name_length, extra_field_length, file_comment_length = values[10:13] # reset last_mod_time values[5] = 0 # reset last_mod_date values[6] = 0x21 central_directory_header_struct.pack_into(mm, offset, *values) offset += central_directory_header_struct.size offset += file_name_length + extra_field_length + file_comment_length if extra_field_length != 0: purify_extra_data(mm, offset - extra_field_length, extra_field_length) if offset == 0: raise NonZipFileError(zip_.name) def upload_electron(release, file_path, args): filename = os.path.basename(file_path) # Strip zip non determinism before upload, in-place operation try: zero_zip_date_time(file_path) except NonZipFileError: pass # if upload_to_storage is set, skip github upload. # todo (vertedinde): migrate this variable to upload_to_storage if args.upload_to_storage: key_prefix = f'release-builds/{args.version}_{args.upload_timestamp}' store_artifact(os.path.dirname(file_path), key_prefix, [file_path]) upload_sha256_checksum(args.version, file_path, key_prefix) return # Upload the file. upload_io_to_github(release, filename, file_path, args.version) # Upload the checksum file. upload_sha256_checksum(args.version, file_path) def upload_io_to_github(release, filename, filepath, version): print(f'Uploading {filename} to GitHub') script_path = os.path.join( ELECTRON_DIR, 'script', 'release', 'uploaders', 'upload-to-github.ts') with subprocess.Popen([TS_NODE, script_path, filepath, filename, str(release['id']), version], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) as upload_process: if is_verbose_mode(): for c in iter(lambda: upload_process.stdout.read(1), b""): sys.stdout.buffer.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() def upload_sha256_checksum(version, file_path, key_prefix=None): checksum_path = f'{file_path}.sha256sum' if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = f'checksums-scratchpad/{version}' sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: sha256.update(f.read()) filename = os.path.basename(file_path) with open(checksum_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as checksum: checksum.write(f'{sha256.hexdigest()} *{filename}') store_artifact(os.path.dirname(checksum_path), key_prefix, [checksum_path]) def get_release(version): script_path = os.path.join( ELECTRON_DIR, 'script', 'release', 'find-github-release.js') # Strip warnings from stdout to ensure the only output is the desired object release_env = os.environ.copy() release_env['NODE_NO_WARNINGS'] = '1' release_info = execute(['node', script_path, version], release_env) if is_verbose_mode(): print(f'Release info for version: {version}:\n') print(release_info) release = json.loads(release_info) return release if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())