'use strict' const assert = require('assert') const chai = require('chai') const ChildProcess = require('child_process') const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai') const path = require('path') const { emittedOnce } = require('./events-helpers') const { closeWindow } = require('./window-helpers') const { remote } = require('electron') const { BrowserView, BrowserWindow } = remote const { expect } = chai chai.use(dirtyChai) describe('BrowserView module', () => { const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') let w = null let view = null beforeEach(() => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false } }) }) afterEach(() => { if (view) { view.destroy() view = null } return closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null }) }) describe('BrowserView.destroy()', () => { it('does not throw', () => { view = new BrowserView() view.destroy() }) }) describe('BrowserView.isDestroyed()', () => { it('returns correct value', () => { view = new BrowserView() expect(view.isDestroyed()).to.be.false() view.destroy() expect(view.isDestroyed()).to.be.true() }) }) describe('BrowserView.setBackgroundColor()', () => { it('does not throw for valid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() view.setBackgroundColor('#000') }) it('throws for invalid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() expect(() => { view.setBackgroundColor(null) }).to.throw(/conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserView.setAutoResize()', () => { it('does not throw for valid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() view.setAutoResize({}) view.setAutoResize({ width: true, height: false }) }) it('throws for invalid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() expect(() => { view.setAutoResize(null) }).to.throw(/conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserView.setBounds()', () => { it('does not throw for valid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1 }) }) it('throws for invalid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() expect(() => { view.setBounds(null) }).to.throw(/conversion failure/) expect(() => { view.setBounds({}) }).to.throw(/conversion failure/) }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.setBrowserView()', () => { it('does not throw for valid args', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) }) it('does not throw if called multiple times with same view', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) w.setBrowserView(view) w.setBrowserView(view) }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.getBrowserView()', () => { it('returns the set view', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) expect(view.id).to.not.be.null() const view2 = w.getBrowserView() expect(view2.webContents.id).to.equal(view.webContents.id) }) it('returns null if none is set', () => { const view = w.getBrowserView() expect(view).to.be.null() }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.addBrowserView()', () => { it('does not throw for valid args', () => { let view1 = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view1) let view2 = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view2) view1.destroy() view1 = null view2.destroy() view2 = null }) it('does not throw if called multiple times with same view', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view) w.addBrowserView(view) w.addBrowserView(view) }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.removeBrowserView()', () => { it('does not throw if called multiple times with same view', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view) w.removeBrowserView(view) w.removeBrowserView(view) }) }) describe('BrowserWindow.getBrowserViews()', () => { it('returns same views as was added', () => { let view1 = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view1) let view2 = new BrowserView() w.addBrowserView(view2) expect(view1.id).to.be.not.null() const views = w.getBrowserViews() expect(views.length).to.equal(2) expect(views[0].webContents.id).to.equal(view1.webContents.id) expect(views[1].webContents.id).to.equal(view2.webContents.id) view1.destroy() view1 = null view2.destroy() view2 = null }) }) describe('BrowserView.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()', () => { it('points to owning window', () => { view = new BrowserView() expect(view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()).to.be.null() w.setBrowserView(view) expect(view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()).to.equal(w) w.setBrowserView(null) expect(view.webContents.getOwnerBrowserWindow()).to.be.null() }) }) describe('BrowserView.fromId()', () => { it('returns the view with given id', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) expect(view.id).to.not.be.null() const view2 = BrowserView.fromId(view.id) expect(view2.webContents.id).to.equal(view.webContents.id) }) }) describe('BrowserView.fromWebContents()', () => { it('returns the view with given id', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) expect(view.id).to.not.be.null() const view2 = BrowserView.fromWebContents(view.webContents) expect(view2.webContents.id).to.equal(view.webContents.id) }) }) describe('BrowserView.getAllViews()', () => { it('returns all views', () => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) expect(view.id).to.not.be.null() const views = BrowserView.getAllViews() expect(views).to.be.an('array').that.has.lengthOf(1) expect(views[0].webContents.id).to.equal(view.webContents.id) }) }) describe('new BrowserView()', () => { before(function () { // FIXME(jkleinsc): Test is consistently failing on Windows 32 bit. if (process.arch === 'ia32') { this.skip() } }) it('does not crash on exit', async () => { const appPath = path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'leak-exit-browserview.js') const electronPath = remote.getGlobal('process').execPath const appProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(electronPath, [appPath]) const [code] = await emittedOnce(appProcess, 'close') expect(code).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('window.open()', () => { it('works in BrowserView', (done) => { view = new BrowserView() w.setBrowserView(view) view.webContents.once('new-window', (e, url, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures) => { e.preventDefault() assert.strictEqual(url, 'http://host/') assert.strictEqual(frameName, 'host') assert.strictEqual(additionalFeatures[0], 'this-is-not-a-standard-feature') done() }) view.webContents.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'window-open.html')) }) }) })