// Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "shell/common/asar/archive.h" #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "base/check.h" #include "base/files/file.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/task/post_task.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "electron/fuses.h" #include "shell/common/asar/asar_util.h" #include "shell/common/asar/scoped_temporary_file.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include <io.h> #endif namespace asar { namespace { #if defined(OS_WIN) const char kSeparators[] = "\\/"; #else const char kSeparators[] = "/"; #endif bool GetNodeFromPath(std::string path, const base::DictionaryValue* root, const base::DictionaryValue** out); // Gets the "files" from "dir". bool GetFilesNode(const base::DictionaryValue* root, const base::DictionaryValue* dir, const base::DictionaryValue** out) { // Test for symbol linked directory. const std::string* link = dir->FindStringKey("link"); if (link != nullptr) { const base::DictionaryValue* linked_node = nullptr; if (!GetNodeFromPath(*link, root, &linked_node)) return false; dir = linked_node; } return dir->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion("files", out); } // Gets sub-file "name" from "dir". bool GetChildNode(const base::DictionaryValue* root, const std::string& name, const base::DictionaryValue* dir, const base::DictionaryValue** out) { if (name.empty()) { *out = root; return true; } const base::DictionaryValue* files = nullptr; return GetFilesNode(root, dir, &files) && files->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(name, out); } // Gets the node of "path" from "root". bool GetNodeFromPath(std::string path, const base::DictionaryValue* root, const base::DictionaryValue** out) { if (path.empty()) { *out = root; return true; } const base::DictionaryValue* dir = root; for (size_t delimiter_position = path.find_first_of(kSeparators); delimiter_position != std::string::npos; delimiter_position = path.find_first_of(kSeparators)) { const base::DictionaryValue* child = nullptr; if (!GetChildNode(root, path.substr(0, delimiter_position), dir, &child)) return false; dir = child; path.erase(0, delimiter_position + 1); } return GetChildNode(root, path, dir, out); } bool FillFileInfoWithNode(Archive::FileInfo* info, uint32_t header_size, bool load_integrity, const base::DictionaryValue* node) { if (auto size = node->FindIntKey("size")) { info->size = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.value()); } else { return false; } if (auto unpacked = node->FindBoolKey("unpacked")) { info->unpacked = unpacked.value(); if (info->unpacked) { return true; } } auto* offset = node->FindStringKey("offset"); if (offset && base::StringToUint64(base::StringPiece(*offset), &info->offset)) { info->offset += header_size; } else { return false; } if (auto executable = node->FindBoolKey("executable")) { info->executable = executable.value(); } #if defined(OS_MAC) if (load_integrity && electron::fuses::IsEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidationEnabled()) { if (auto* integrity = node->FindDictKey("integrity")) { auto* algorithm = integrity->FindStringKey("algorithm"); auto* hash = integrity->FindStringKey("hash"); auto block_size = integrity->FindIntKey("blockSize"); auto* blocks = integrity->FindListKey("blocks"); if (algorithm && hash && block_size && block_size > 0 && blocks) { IntegrityPayload integrity_payload; integrity_payload.hash = *hash; integrity_payload.block_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(block_size.value()); for (auto& value : blocks->GetList()) { if (auto* block = value.GetIfString()) { integrity_payload.blocks.push_back(*block); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid block integrity value for file in ASAR archive"; } } if (*algorithm == "SHA256") { integrity_payload.algorithm = HashAlgorithm::SHA256; info->integrity = std::move(integrity_payload); } } } if (!info->integrity.has_value()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to read integrity for file in ASAR archive"; return false; } } #endif return true; } } // namespace IntegrityPayload::IntegrityPayload() : algorithm(HashAlgorithm::NONE), block_size(0) {} IntegrityPayload::~IntegrityPayload() = default; IntegrityPayload::IntegrityPayload(const IntegrityPayload& other) = default; Archive::FileInfo::FileInfo() : unpacked(false), executable(false), size(0), offset(0) {} Archive::FileInfo::~FileInfo() = default; Archive::Archive(const base::FilePath& path) : initialized_(false), path_(path), file_(base::File::FILE_OK) { base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; file_.Initialize(path_, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ); #if defined(OS_WIN) fd_ = _open_osfhandle(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(file_.GetPlatformFile()), 0); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) fd_ = file_.GetPlatformFile(); #endif } Archive::~Archive() { #if defined(OS_WIN) if (fd_ != -1) { _close(fd_); // Don't close the handle since we already closed the fd. file_.TakePlatformFile(); } #endif base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; file_.Close(); } bool Archive::Init() { // Should only be initialized once CHECK(!initialized_); initialized_ = true; if (!file_.IsValid()) { if (file_.error_details() != base::File::FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { LOG(WARNING) << "Opening " << path_.value() << ": " << base::File::ErrorToString(file_.error_details()); } return false; } std::vector<char> buf; int len; buf.resize(8); { base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; len = file_.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf.data(), buf.size()); } if (len != static_cast<int>(buf.size())) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read header size from " << path_.value(); return false; } uint32_t size; if (!base::PickleIterator(base::Pickle(buf.data(), buf.size())) .ReadUInt32(&size)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header size from " << path_.value(); return false; } buf.resize(size); { base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; len = file_.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf.data(), buf.size()); } if (len != static_cast<int>(buf.size())) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read header from " << path_.value(); return false; } std::string header; if (!base::PickleIterator(base::Pickle(buf.data(), buf.size())) .ReadString(&header)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header from " << path_.value(); return false; } #if defined(OS_MAC) // Validate header signature if required and possible if (electron::fuses::IsEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidationEnabled() && RelativePath().has_value()) { absl::optional<IntegrityPayload> integrity = HeaderIntegrity(); if (!integrity.has_value()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to get integrity for validatable asar archive: " << RelativePath().value(); return false; } // Currently we only support the sha256 algorithm, we can add support for // more below ensure we read them in preference order from most secure to // least if (integrity.value().algorithm != HashAlgorithm::NONE) { ValidateIntegrityOrDie(header.c_str(), header.length(), integrity.value()); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "No eligible hash for validatable asar archive: " << RelativePath().value(); } header_validated_ = true; } #endif absl::optional<base::Value> value = base::JSONReader::Read(header); if (!value || !value->is_dict()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header"; return false; } header_size_ = 8 + size; header_ = base::DictionaryValue::From( base::Value::ToUniquePtrValue(std::move(*value))); return true; } #if !defined(OS_MAC) absl::optional<IntegrityPayload> Archive::HeaderIntegrity() const { return absl::nullopt; } absl::optional<base::FilePath> Archive::RelativePath() const { return absl::nullopt; } #endif bool Archive::GetFileInfo(const base::FilePath& path, FileInfo* info) const { if (!header_) return false; const base::DictionaryValue* node; if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node)) return false; std::string link; if (node->GetString("link", &link)) return GetFileInfo(base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(link), info); return FillFileInfoWithNode(info, header_size_, header_validated_, node); } bool Archive::Stat(const base::FilePath& path, Stats* stats) const { if (!header_) return false; const base::DictionaryValue* node; if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node)) return false; if (node->FindKey("link")) { stats->is_file = false; stats->is_link = true; return true; } if (node->FindKey("files")) { stats->is_file = false; stats->is_directory = true; return true; } return FillFileInfoWithNode(stats, header_size_, header_validated_, node); } bool Archive::Readdir(const base::FilePath& path, std::vector<base::FilePath>* files) const { if (!header_) return false; const base::DictionaryValue* node; if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node)) return false; const base::DictionaryValue* files_node; if (!GetFilesNode(header_.get(), node, &files_node)) return false; base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*files_node); while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) { files->push_back(base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(iter.key())); iter.Advance(); } return true; } bool Archive::Realpath(const base::FilePath& path, base::FilePath* realpath) const { if (!header_) return false; const base::DictionaryValue* node; if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node)) return false; std::string link; if (node->GetString("link", &link)) { *realpath = base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(link); return true; } *realpath = path; return true; } bool Archive::CopyFileOut(const base::FilePath& path, base::FilePath* out) { if (!header_) return false; base::AutoLock auto_lock(external_files_lock_); auto it = external_files_.find(path.value()); if (it != external_files_.end()) { *out = it->second->path(); return true; } FileInfo info; if (!GetFileInfo(path, &info)) return false; if (info.unpacked) { *out = path_.AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("unpacked")).Append(path); return true; } auto temp_file = std::make_unique<ScopedTemporaryFile>(); base::FilePath::StringType ext = path.Extension(); if (!temp_file->InitFromFile(&file_, ext, info.offset, info.size, info.integrity)) return false; #if defined(OS_POSIX) if (info.executable) { // chmod a+x temp_file; base::SetPosixFilePermissions(temp_file->path(), 0755); } #endif *out = temp_file->path(); external_files_[path.value()] = std::move(temp_file); return true; } int Archive::GetUnsafeFD() const { return fd_; } } // namespace asar