'use strict' const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain const NavigationController = require('electron').NavigationController const Menu = require('electron').Menu const binding = process.atomBinding('web_contents') const debuggerBinding = process.atomBinding('debugger') let nextId = 0 let getNextId = function () { return ++nextId } let PDFPageSize = { A5: { custom_display_name: 'A5', height_microns: 210000, name: 'ISO_A5', width_microns: 148000 }, A4: { custom_display_name: 'A4', height_microns: 297000, name: 'ISO_A4', is_default: 'true', width_microns: 210000 }, A3: { custom_display_name: 'A3', height_microns: 420000, name: 'ISO_A3', width_microns: 297000 }, Legal: { custom_display_name: 'Legal', height_microns: 355600, name: 'NA_LEGAL', width_microns: 215900 }, Letter: { custom_display_name: 'Letter', height_microns: 279400, name: 'NA_LETTER', width_microns: 215900 }, Tabloid: { height_microns: 431800, name: 'NA_LEDGER', width_microns: 279400, custom_display_name: 'Tabloid' } } // Following methods are mapped to webFrame. const webFrameMethods = [ 'insertText', 'setZoomFactor', 'setZoomLevel', 'setZoomLevelLimits' ] let wrapWebContents = function (webContents) { // webContents is an EventEmitter. var controller, method, name, ref1 Object.setPrototypeOf(webContents, EventEmitter.prototype) // Every remote callback from renderer process would add a listenter to the // render-view-deleted event, so ignore the listenters warning. webContents.setMaxListeners(0) // WebContents::send(channel, args..) webContents.send = function (channel, ...args) { if (channel == null) { throw new Error('Missing required channel argument') } return this._send(channel, args) } // The navigation controller. controller = new NavigationController(webContents) ref1 = NavigationController.prototype for (name in ref1) { method = ref1[name] if (method instanceof Function) { (function (name, method) { webContents[name] = function () { return method.apply(controller, arguments) } })(name, method) } } // Mapping webFrame methods. for (let method of webFrameMethods) { webContents[method] = function (...args) { this.send('ELECTRON_INTERNAL_RENDERER_WEB_FRAME_METHOD', method, args) } } const asyncWebFrameMethods = function (requestId, method, callback, ...args) { this.send('ELECTRON_INTERNAL_RENDERER_ASYNC_WEB_FRAME_METHOD', requestId, method, args) ipcMain.once(`ELECTRON_INTERNAL_BROWSER_ASYNC_WEB_FRAME_RESPONSE_${requestId}`, function (event, result) { if (callback) callback(result) }) } // Make sure webContents.executeJavaScript would run the code only when the // webContents has been loaded. webContents.executeJavaScript = function (code, hasUserGesture, callback) { let requestId = getNextId() if (typeof hasUserGesture === 'function') { callback = hasUserGesture hasUserGesture = false } if (this.getURL() && !this.isLoading()) { return asyncWebFrameMethods.call(this, requestId, 'executeJavaScript', callback, code, hasUserGesture) } else { return this.once('did-finish-load', asyncWebFrameMethods.bind(this, requestId, 'executeJavaScript', callback, code, hasUserGesture)) } } // Dispatch IPC messages to the ipc module. webContents.on('ipc-message', function (event, [channel, ...args]) { return ipcMain.emit.apply(ipcMain, [channel, event].concat(args)) }) webContents.on('ipc-message-sync', function (event, [channel, ...args]) { Object.defineProperty(event, 'returnValue', { set: function (value) { return event.sendReply(JSON.stringify(value)) }, get: function () { return undefined } }) return ipcMain.emit.apply(ipcMain, [channel, event].concat(args)) }) // Handle context menu action request from pepper plugin. webContents.on('pepper-context-menu', function (event, params) { var menu menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(params.menu) return menu.popup(params.x, params.y) }) // The devtools requests the webContents to reload. webContents.on('devtools-reload-page', function () { webContents.reload() }) // Delays the page-title-updated event to next tick. webContents.on('-page-title-updated', function (...args) { setImmediate(() => { this.emit.apply(this, ['page-title-updated'].concat(args)) }) }) // Deprecated. deprecate.rename(webContents, 'loadUrl', 'loadURL') deprecate.rename(webContents, 'getUrl', 'getURL') deprecate.event(webContents, 'page-title-set', 'page-title-updated', function (...args) { return this.emit.apply(this, ['page-title-set'].concat(args)) }) webContents.printToPDF = function (options, callback) { var printingSetting printingSetting = { pageRage: [], mediaSize: {}, landscape: false, color: 2, headerFooterEnabled: false, marginsType: 0, isFirstRequest: false, requestID: getNextId(), previewModifiable: true, printToPDF: true, printWithCloudPrint: false, printWithPrivet: false, printWithExtension: false, deviceName: 'Save as PDF', generateDraftData: true, fitToPageEnabled: false, duplex: 0, copies: 1, collate: true, shouldPrintBackgrounds: false, shouldPrintSelectionOnly: false } if (options.landscape) { printingSetting.landscape = options.landscape } if (options.marginsType) { printingSetting.marginsType = options.marginsType } if (options.printSelectionOnly) { printingSetting.shouldPrintSelectionOnly = options.printSelectionOnly } if (options.printBackground) { printingSetting.shouldPrintBackgrounds = options.printBackground } if (options.pageSize && PDFPageSize[options.pageSize]) { printingSetting.mediaSize = PDFPageSize[options.pageSize] } else { printingSetting.mediaSize = PDFPageSize['A4'] } return this._printToPDF(printingSetting, callback) } } // Wrapper for native class. let wrapDebugger = function (webContentsDebugger) { // debugger is an EventEmitter. Object.setPrototypeOf(webContentsDebugger, EventEmitter.prototype) } binding._setWrapWebContents(wrapWebContents) debuggerBinding._setWrapDebugger(wrapDebugger) module.exports.create = function (options) { if (options == null) { options = {} } return binding.create(options) }