const { expect } = require('chai') const { remote } = require('electron') const path = require('path') const { emittedNTimes, emittedOnce } = require('./events-helpers') const { closeWindow } = require('./window-helpers') const { BrowserWindow } = remote describe('renderer nodeIntegrationInSubFrames', () => { const generateTests = (description, webPreferences) => { describe(description, () => { const fixtureSuffix = webPreferences.webviewTag ? '-webview' : '' let w beforeEach(async () => { await closeWindow(w) w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences }) }) afterEach(() => { return closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null }) }) it('should load preload scripts in top level iframes', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 2) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const [event1, event2] = await detailsPromise expect(event1[0].frameId).to.not.equal(event2[0].frameId) expect(event1[0].frameId).to.equal(event1[2]) expect(event2[0].frameId).to.equal(event2[2]) }) it('should load preload scripts in nested iframes', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 3) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-with-frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const [event1, event2, event3] = await detailsPromise expect(event1[0].frameId).to.not.equal(event2[0].frameId) expect(event1[0].frameId).to.not.equal(event3[0].frameId) expect(event2[0].frameId).to.not.equal(event3[0].frameId) expect(event1[0].frameId).to.equal(event1[2]) expect(event2[0].frameId).to.equal(event2[2]) expect(event3[0].frameId).to.equal(event3[2]) }) it('should correctly reply to the main frame with using event.reply', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 2) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const [event1] = await detailsPromise const pongPromise = emittedOnce(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-pong') event1[0].reply('preload-ping') const details = await pongPromise expect(details[1]).to.equal(event1[0].frameId) }) it('should correctly reply to the sub-frames with using event.reply', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 2) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const [, event2] = await detailsPromise const pongPromise = emittedOnce(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-pong') event2[0].reply('preload-ping') const details = await pongPromise expect(details[1]).to.equal(event2[0].frameId) }) it('should correctly reply to the nested sub-frames with using event.reply', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 3) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-with-frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const [, , event3] = await detailsPromise const pongPromise = emittedOnce(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-pong') event3[0].reply('preload-ping') const details = await pongPromise expect(details[1]).to.equal(event3[0].frameId) }) it('should not expose globals in main world', async () => { const detailsPromise = emittedNTimes(remote.ipcMain, 'preload-ran', 2) w.loadFile(path.resolve(__dirname, `fixtures/sub-frames/frame-container${fixtureSuffix}.html`)) const details = await detailsPromise const senders = => event[0].sender) await new Promise((resolve) => { let resultCount = 0 senders.forEach(sender => { sender.webContents.executeJavaScript('window.isolatedGlobal', result => { if (webPreferences.contextIsolation) { expect(result) } else { expect(result).to.equal(true) } resultCount++ if (resultCount === senders.length) { resolve() } }) }) }) }) }) } const generateConfigs = (webPreferences, ...permutations) => { const configs = [{ webPreferences, names: [] }] for (let i = 0; i < permutations.length; i++) { const length = configs.length for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) { const newConfig = Object.assign({}, configs[j]) newConfig.webPreferences = Object.assign({}, newConfig.webPreferences, permutations[i].webPreferences) newConfig.names = newConfig.names.slice(0) newConfig.names.push(permutations[i].name) configs.push(newConfig) } } return => { if (config.names.length > 0) { config.title = `with ${config.names.join(', ')} on` } else { config.title = `without anything special turned on` } delete config.names return config }) } generateConfigs( { preload: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/sub-frames/preload.js'), nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: true }, { name: 'sandbox', webPreferences: { sandbox: true } }, { name: 'context isolation', webPreferences: { contextIsolation: true } }, { name: 'webview', webPreferences: { webviewTag: true, preload: false } } ).forEach(config => { generateTests(config.title, config.webPreferences) }) })