import { BrowserWindow, ipcMain } from 'electron/main'; import { contextBridge } from 'electron/renderer'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { closeWindow } from './window-helpers'; import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers'; const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'context-bridge'); describe('contextBridge', () => { let w: BrowserWindow; let dir: string; afterEach(async () => { await closeWindow(w); if (dir) await fs.remove(dir); }); it('should not be accessible when contextIsolation is disabled', async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: false, preload: path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'can-bind-preload.js') } }); const [, bound] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'context-bridge-bound', () => w.loadFile(path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'empty.html'))); expect(bound).to.equal(false); }); it('should be accessible when contextIsolation is enabled', async () => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: true, preload: path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'can-bind-preload.js') } }); const [, bound] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'context-bridge-bound', () => w.loadFile(path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'empty.html'))); expect(bound).to.equal(true); }); const generateTests = (useSandbox: boolean) => { describe(`with sandbox=${useSandbox}`, () => { const makeBindingWindow = async (bindingCreator: Function) => { const preloadContent = `const renderer_1 = require('electron'); ${useSandbox ? '' : `require('v8').setFlagsFromString('--expose_gc'); const gc=require('vm').runInNewContext('gc'); renderer_1.contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('GCRunner', { run: () => gc() });`} (${bindingCreator.toString()})();`; const tmpDir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-spec-preload-')); dir = tmpDir; await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(tmpDir, 'preload.js'), preloadContent); w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: true, nodeIntegration: true, sandbox: useSandbox, preload: path.resolve(tmpDir, 'preload.js') } }); await w.loadFile(path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'empty.html')); }; const callWithBindings = (fn: Function) => w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`(${fn.toString()})(window)`); const getGCInfo = async (): Promise<{ functionCount: number objectCount: number liveFromValues: number liveProxyValues: number }> => { const [, info] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'gc-info', () => w.webContents.send('get-gc-info')); return info; }; it('should proxy numbers', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myNumber: 123 }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myNumber; }); expect(result).to.equal(123); }); it('should make properties unwriteable', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myNumber: 123 }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { root.example.myNumber = 456; return root.example.myNumber; }); expect(result).to.equal(123); }); it('should proxy strings', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myString: 'my-words' }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myString; }); expect(result).to.equal('my-words'); }); it('should proxy arrays', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myArr: [123, 'my-words'] }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myArr; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([123, 'my-words']); }); it('should make arrays immutable', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myArr: [123, 'my-words'] }); }); const immutable = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { try { root.example.myArr.push(456); return false; } catch { return true; } }); expect(immutable).to.equal(true); }); it('should proxy booleans', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myBool: true }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myBool; }); expect(result).to.equal(true); }); it('should proxy promises and resolve with the correct value', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myPromise: Promise.resolve('i-resolved') }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myPromise; }); expect(result).to.equal('i-resolved'); }); it('should proxy promises and reject with the correct value', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myPromise: Promise.reject(new Error('i-rejected')) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { try { await root.example.myPromise; return null; } catch (err) { return err; } }); expect(result)'message', 'Uncaught Error: i-rejected'); }); it('should proxy promises and resolve with the correct value if it resolves later', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myPromise: () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('delayed'), 20)) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myPromise(); }); expect(result).to.equal('delayed'); }); it('should proxy nested promises correctly', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { myPromise: () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(Promise.resolve(123)), 20)) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.myPromise(); }); expect(result).to.equal(123); }); it('should proxy methods', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { getNumber: () => 123, getString: () => 'help', getBoolean: () => false, getPromise: async () => 'promise' }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { return [root.example.getNumber(), root.example.getString(), root.example.getBoolean(), await root.example.getPromise()]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([123, 'help', false, 'promise']); }); it('should proxy methods that are callable multiple times', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { doThing: () => 123 }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { return [root.example.doThing(), root.example.doThing(), root.example.doThing()]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([123, 123, 123]); }); it('should proxy methods in the reverse direction', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { callWithNumber: (fn: any) => fn(123) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { return root.example.callWithNumber((n: number) => n + 1); }); expect(result).to.equal(124); }); it('should proxy promises in the reverse direction', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { getPromiseValue: (p: Promise) => p }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.getPromiseValue(Promise.resolve('my-proxied-value')); }); expect(result).to.equal('my-proxied-value'); }); it('should proxy objects with number keys', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { 1: 123, 2: 456, 3: 789 }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { return [root.example[1], root.example[2], root.example[3], Array.isArray(root.example)]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([123, 456, 789, false]); }); it('it should proxy null and undefined correctly', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { values: [null, undefined] }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { // Convert to strings as although the context bridge keeps the right value // IPC does not return any) => `${val}`); }); expect(result).to.deep.equal(['null', 'undefined']); }); it('should proxy typed arrays and regexps through the serializer', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { arr: new Uint8Array(100), regexp: /a/g }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return [ Object.getPrototypeOf(root.example.arr) === Uint8Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(root.example.regexp) === RegExp.prototype ]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([true, true]); }); it('it should handle recursive objects', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { const o: any = { value: 135 }; o.o = o; contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { o }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return [root.example.o.value, root.example.o.o.value, root.example.o.o.o.value]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([135, 135, 135]); }); // Can only run tests which use the GCRunner in non-sandboxed environments if (!useSandbox) { it('should release the global hold on methods sent across contexts', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('get-gc-info', e => e.sender.send('gc-info', (contextBridge as any).debugGC())); contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { getFunction: () => () => 123 }); }); expect((await getGCInfo()).functionCount).to.equal(2); await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { root.x = [root.example.getFunction()]; }); expect((await getGCInfo()).functionCount).to.equal(3); await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { root.x = [];; }); expect((await getGCInfo()).functionCount).to.equal(2); }); } it('it should not let you overwrite existing exposed things', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { let threw = false; contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { attempt: 1, getThrew: () => threw }); try { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { attempt: 2, getThrew: () => threw }); } catch { threw = true; } }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return [root.example.attempt, root.example.getThrew()]; }); expect(result).to.deep.equal([1, true]); }); it('should work with complex nested methods and promises', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { first: (second: Function) => second((fourth: Function) => { return fourth(); }) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { return root.example.first((third: Function) => { return third(() => Promise.resolve('final value')); }); }); expect(result).to.equal('final value'); }); it('should throw an error when recursion depth is exceeded', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { doThing: (a: any) => console.log(a) }); }); let threw = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { try { let a: any = []; for (let i = 0; i < 999; i++) { a = [a]; } root.example.doThing(a); return false; } catch { return true; } }); expect(threw).to.equal(false); threw = await callWithBindings((root: any) => { try { let a: any = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { a = [a]; } root.example.doThing(a); return false; } catch { return true; } }); expect(threw).to.equal(true); }); it('should not leak prototypes', async () => { await makeBindingWindow(() => { contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('example', { number: 123, string: 'string', boolean: true, arr: [123, 'string', true, ['foo']], getObject: () => ({ thing: 123 }), getNumber: () => 123, getString: () => 'string', getBoolean: () => true, getArr: () => [123, 'string', true, ['foo']], getPromise: async () => ({ number: 123, string: 'string', boolean: true, fn: () => 'string', arr: [123, 'string', true, ['foo']] }), getFunctionFromFunction: async () => () => null, object: { number: 123, string: 'string', boolean: true, arr: [123, 'string', true, ['foo']], getPromise: async () => ({ number: 123, string: 'string', boolean: true, fn: () => 'string', arr: [123, 'string', true, ['foo']] }) }, receiveArguments: (fn: any) => fn({ key: 'value' }) }); }); const result = await callWithBindings(async (root: any) => { const { example } = root; let arg: any; example.receiveArguments((o: any) => { arg = o; }); const protoChecks = [ [example, Object], [example.number, Number], [example.string, String], [example.boolean, Boolean], [example.arr, Array], [example.arr[0], Number], [example.arr[1], String], [example.arr[2], Boolean], [example.arr[3], Array], [example.arr[3][0], String], [example.getNumber, Function], [example.getNumber(), Number], [example.getObject(), Object], [example.getString(), String], [example.getBoolean(), Boolean], [example.getArr(), Array], [example.getArr()[0], Number], [example.getArr()[1], String], [example.getArr()[2], Boolean], [example.getArr()[3], Array], [example.getArr()[3][0], String], [example.getFunctionFromFunction, Function], [example.getFunctionFromFunction(), Promise], [await example.getFunctionFromFunction(), Function], [example.getPromise(), Promise], [await example.getPromise(), Object], [(await example.getPromise()).number, Number], [(await example.getPromise()).string, String], [(await example.getPromise()).boolean, Boolean], [(await example.getPromise()).fn, Function], [(await example.getPromise()).fn(), String], [(await example.getPromise()).arr, Array], [(await example.getPromise()).arr[0], Number], [(await example.getPromise()).arr[1], String], [(await example.getPromise()).arr[2], Boolean], [(await example.getPromise()).arr[3], Array], [(await example.getPromise()).arr[3][0], String], [example.object, Object], [example.object.number, Number], [example.object.string, String], [example.object.boolean, Boolean], [example.object.arr, Array], [example.object.arr[0], Number], [example.object.arr[1], String], [example.object.arr[2], Boolean], [example.object.arr[3], Array], [example.object.arr[3][0], String], [await example.object.getPromise(), Object], [(await example.object.getPromise()).number, Number], [(await example.object.getPromise()).string, String], [(await example.object.getPromise()).boolean, Boolean], [(await example.object.getPromise()).fn, Function], [(await example.object.getPromise()).fn(), String], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr, Array], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr[0], Number], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr[1], String], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr[2], Boolean], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr[3], Array], [(await example.object.getPromise()).arr[3][0], String], [arg, Object], [arg.key, String] ]; return { protoMatches:[a, Constructor]) => Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === Constructor.prototype) }; }); // Every protomatch should be true expect(result.protoMatches).to.deep.equal( => true)); }); }); }; generateTests(true); generateTests(false); });