import chalk from 'chalk'; import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as klaw from 'klaw'; import * as minimist from 'minimist'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as streamChain from 'stream-chain'; import * as streamJson from 'stream-json'; import { ignore as streamJsonIgnore } from 'stream-json/filters/Ignore'; import { streamArray as streamJsonStreamArray } from 'stream-json/streamers/StreamArray'; const SOURCE_ROOT = path.normalize(path.dirname(__dirname)); const LLVM_BIN = path.resolve( SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'third_party', 'llvm-build', 'Release+Asserts', 'bin' ); const PLATFORM = os.platform(); type SpawnAsyncResult = { stdout: string; stderr: string; status: number | null; }; class ErrorWithExitCode extends Error { exitCode: number; constructor (message: string, exitCode: number) { super(message); this.exitCode = exitCode; } } async function spawnAsync ( command: string, args: string[], options?: childProcess.SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio | undefined ): Promise<SpawnAsyncResult> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const stdio = { stdout: '', stderr: '' }; const spawned = childProcess.spawn(command, args, options || {}); spawned.stdout.on('data', (data) => { stdio.stdout += data; }); spawned.stderr.on('data', (data) => { stdio.stderr += data; }); spawned.on('exit', (code) => resolve({ ...stdio, status: code })); spawned.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); } function getDepotToolsEnv (): NodeJS.ProcessEnv { let depotToolsEnv; const findDepotToolsOnPath = () => { const result = childProcess.spawnSync( PLATFORM === 'win32' ? 'where' : 'which', ['gclient'] ); if (result.status === 0) { return process.env; } }; const checkForBuildTools = () => { const result = childProcess.spawnSync( 'electron-build-tools', ['show', 'env', '--json'], { shell: true } ); if (result.status === 0) { return { ...process.env, ...JSON.parse(result.stdout.toString().trim()) }; } }; try { depotToolsEnv = findDepotToolsOnPath(); if (!depotToolsEnv) depotToolsEnv = checkForBuildTools(); } catch {} if (!depotToolsEnv) { throw new Error("Couldn't find depot_tools, ensure it's on your PATH"); } if (!('CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH' in depotToolsEnv)) { throw new Error( 'CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH environment variable must be set' ); } return depotToolsEnv; } function chunkFilenames (filenames: string[], offset: number = 0): string[][] { // Windows has a max command line length of 2047 characters, so we can't // provide too many filenames without going over that. To work around that, // chunk up a list of filenames such that it won't go over that limit when // used as args. Use a much higher limit on other platforms which will // effectively be a no-op. const MAX_FILENAME_ARGS_LENGTH = PLATFORM === 'win32' ? 2047 - offset : 100 * 1024; return filenames.reduce( (chunkedFilenames: string[][], filename) => { const currChunk = chunkedFilenames[chunkedFilenames.length - 1]; const currChunkLength = currChunk.reduce( (totalLength, _filename) => totalLength + _filename.length + 1, 0 ); if (currChunkLength + filename.length + 1 > MAX_FILENAME_ARGS_LENGTH) { chunkedFilenames.push([filename]); } else { currChunk.push(filename); } return chunkedFilenames; }, [[]] ); } async function runClangTidy ( outDir: string, filenames: string[], checks: string = '', jobs: number = 1 ): Promise<boolean> { const cmd = path.resolve(LLVM_BIN, 'clang-tidy'); const args = [`-p=${outDir}`]; if (checks) args.push(`--checks=${checks}`); // Remove any files that aren't in the compilation database to prevent // errors from cluttering up the output. Since the compilation DB is hundreds // of megabytes, this is done with streaming to not hold it all in memory. const filterCompilationDatabase = (): Promise<string[]> => { const compiledFilenames: string[] = []; return new Promise((resolve) => { const pipeline = streamChain.chain([ fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(outDir, 'compile_commands.json')), streamJson.parser(), streamJsonIgnore({ filter: /\bcommand\b/i }), streamJsonStreamArray(), ({ value: { file, directory } }) => { const filename = path.resolve(directory, file); return filenames.includes(filename) ? filename : null; } ]); pipeline.on('data', (data) => compiledFilenames.push(data)); pipeline.on('end', () => resolve(compiledFilenames)); }); }; // clang-tidy can figure out the file from a short relative filename, so // to get the most bang for the buck on the command line, let's trim the // filenames to the minimum so that we can fit more per invocation filenames = (await filterCompilationDatabase()).map((filename) => path.relative(SOURCE_ROOT, filename) ); if (filenames.length === 0) { throw new Error('No filenames to run'); } const commandLength = cmd.length + args.reduce((length, arg) => length + arg.length, 0); const results: boolean[] = []; const asyncWorkers = []; const chunkedFilenames: string[][] = []; const filesPerWorker = Math.ceil(filenames.length / jobs); for (let i = 0; i < jobs; i++) { chunkedFilenames.push( ...chunkFilenames(filenames.splice(0, filesPerWorker), commandLength) ); } const worker = async () => { let filenames = chunkedFilenames.shift(); while (filenames) { results.push( await spawnAsync(cmd, [...args, ...filenames], {}).then((result) => { // We lost color, so recolorize because it's much more legible // There's a --use-color flag for clang-tidy but it has no effect // on Windows at the moment, so just recolor for everyone let state = null; for (const line of result.stdout.split('\n')) { if (line.includes(' warning: ')) { console.log( line .split(' warning: ') .map((part) => chalk.whiteBright(part)) .join(chalk.magentaBright(' warning: ')) ); state = 'code-line'; } else if (line.includes(' note: ')) { const lineParts = line.split(' note: '); lineParts[0] = chalk.whiteBright(lineParts[0]); console.log(lineParts.join(chalk.grey(' note: '))); state = 'code-line'; } else if (line.startsWith('error:')) { console.log( chalk.redBright('error: ') + line.split(' ').slice(1).join(' ') ); } else if (state === 'code-line') { console.log(line); state = 'post-code-line'; } else if (state === 'post-code-line') { console.log(chalk.greenBright(line)); } else { console.log(line); } } if (result.status !== 0) { console.error(result.stderr); } // On a clean run there's nothing on stdout. A run with warnings-only // will have a status code of zero, but there's output on stdout return result.status === 0 && result.stdout.length === 0; }) ); filenames = chunkedFilenames.shift(); } }; for (let i = 0; i < jobs; i++) { asyncWorkers.push(worker()); } try { await Promise.all(asyncWorkers); return results.every((x) => x); } catch { return false; } } async function findMatchingFiles ( top: string, test: (filename: string) => boolean ): Promise<string[]> { return new Promise((resolve) => { const matches = [] as string[]; klaw(top, { filter: (f) => path.basename(f) !== '.bin' }) .on('end', () => resolve(matches)) .on('data', (item) => { if (test(item.path)) { matches.push(item.path); } }); }); } function parseCommandLine () { const showUsage = (arg?: string) : boolean => { if (!arg || arg.startsWith('-')) { console.log( 'Usage: script/run-clang-tidy.ts [-h|--help] [--jobs|-j] ' + '[--checks] --out-dir OUTDIR [file1 file2]' ); process.exit(0); } return true; }; const opts = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['help'], string: ['checks', 'out-dir'], default: { jobs: 1 }, alias: { help: 'h', jobs: 'j' }, stopEarly: true, unknown: showUsage }); if ( showUsage(); if (!opts['out-dir']) { console.log('--out-dir is a required argunment'); process.exit(0); } return opts; } async function main (): Promise<boolean> { const opts = parseCommandLine(); const outDir = path.resolve(opts['out-dir']); if (!fs.existsSync(outDir)) { throw new Error("Output directory doesn't exist"); } else { // Make sure the compile_commands.json file is up-to-date const env = getDepotToolsEnv(); const result = childProcess.spawnSync( 'gn', ['gen', '.', '--export-compile-commands'], { cwd: outDir, env, shell: true } ); if (result.status !== 0) { if (result.error) { console.error(result.error.message); } else { console.error(result.stderr.toString()); } throw new ErrorWithExitCode( 'Failed to automatically generate compile_commands.json for ' + 'output directory', 2 ); } } const filenames = []; if (opts._.length > 0) { filenames.push( => path.resolve(filename))); } else { filenames.push( ...(await findMatchingFiles( path.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT, 'shell'), (filename: string) => /.*\.(?:cc|h|mm)$/.test(filename) )) ); } return runClangTidy(outDir, filenames, opts.checks,; } if (require.main === module) { main() .then((success) => { process.exit(success ? 0 : 1); }) .catch((err: ErrorWithExitCode) => { console.error(`ERROR: ${err.message}`); process.exit(err.exitCode || 1); }); }