const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai describe('feature-string parsing', () => { it('is indifferent to whitespace around keys and values', () => { const parseFeaturesString = require('@electron/internal/common/parse-features-string') const checkParse = (string, parsed) => { const features = {} parseFeaturesString(string, (k, v) => { features[k] = v }) expect(features).to.deep.equal(parsed) } checkParse('a=yes,c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse('a=yes ,c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse('a=yes, c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse('a=yes , c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a=yes , c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a= yes , c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a = yes , c=d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a = yes , c =d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a = yes , c = d', { a: true, c: 'd' }) checkParse(' a = yes , c = d ', { a: true, c: 'd' }) }) })