import { GitProcess } from 'dugite'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import { ELECTRON_DIR } from '../lib/utils'; export enum PreType { NONE = 'none', PARTIAL = ' partial', FULL = 'full', } const getCurrentDate = () => { const d = new Date(); const dd = `${d.getDate()}`.padStart(2, '0'); const mm = `${d.getMonth() + 1}`.padStart(2, '0'); const yyyy = d.getFullYear(); return `${yyyy}${mm}${dd}`; }; export const isNightly = (v: string) => v.includes('nightly'); export const isAlpha = (v: string) => v.includes('alpha'); export const isBeta = (v: string) => v.includes('beta'); export const isStable = (v: string) => { const parsed = semver.parse(v); return !!(parsed && parsed.prerelease.length === 0); }; export async function nextAlpha (v: string) { const next = semver.coerce(semver.clean(v)); const tagBlob = await GitProcess.exec(['tag', '--list', '-l', `v${next}-alpha.*`], ELECTRON_DIR); const tags = tagBlob.stdout.split('\n').filter(e => e !== ''); tags.sort((t1, t2) => { const a = parseInt(t1.split('.').pop()!, 10); const b = parseInt(t2.split('.').pop()!, 10); return a - b; }); // increment the latest existing alpha tag or start at alpha.1 if it's a new alpha line return tags.length === 0 ? `${next}-alpha.1` :!, 'prerelease')!; } export async function nextBeta (v: string) { const next = semver.coerce(semver.clean(v)); const tagBlob = await GitProcess.exec(['tag', '--list', '-l', `v${next}-beta.*`], ELECTRON_DIR); const tags = tagBlob.stdout.split('\n').filter(e => e !== ''); tags.sort((t1, t2) => { const a = parseInt(t1.split('.').pop()!, 10); const b = parseInt(t2.split('.').pop()!, 10); return a - b; }); // increment the latest existing beta tag or start at beta.1 if it's a new beta line return tags.length === 0 ? `${next}-beta.1` :!, 'prerelease')!; } export async function nextNightly (v: string) { let next = semver.valid(semver.coerce(v)); const pre = `nightly.${getCurrentDate()}`; const branch = (await GitProcess.exec(['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], ELECTRON_DIR)).stdout.trim(); if (branch === 'main') { next = getLastMajorForMain(), 'major'); } else if (isStable(v)) { next =!, 'patch'); } return `${next}-${pre}`; } async function getLastMajorForMain () { let branchNames; const result = await GitProcess.exec(['branch', '-a', '--remote', '--list', 'origin/[0-9]*-x-y'], ELECTRON_DIR); if (result.exitCode === 0) { branchNames = result.stdout.trim().split('\n'); const filtered = => b.replace('origin/', '')); return getNextReleaseBranch(filtered); } else { throw new Error('Release branches could not be fetched.'); } } function getNextReleaseBranch (branches: string[]) { const converted = => b.replace(/-/g, '.').replace('x', '0').replace('y', '0')); return converted.reduce((v1, v2) =>, v2) ? v1 : v2); }