const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const octokit = new Octokit(); async function checkIfDocOnlyChange () { let { prNumber, prURL } = args; if (prNumber || prURL) { try { // extract the PR number from the PR URL. if (!prNumber || isNaN(prNumber)) { if (args.prURL) { prNumber = prURL.split('/').pop(); } } const filesChanged = await octokit.paginate(octokit.pulls.listFiles.endpoint.merge({ owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', pull_number: prNumber, per_page: 100 })); console.log('Changed Files: ', => fileInfo.filename)); const nonDocChange = filesChanged.length === 0 || filesChanged.find(({ filename }) => { const fileDirs = filename.split('/'); if (fileDirs[0] !== 'docs') return true; return false; }); process.exit(nonDocChange ? 1 : 0); } catch (error) { console.error('Error getting list of files changed: ', error); process.exit(-1); } } else { console.error(`Check if only the docs were changed for a commit. Usage: doc-only-change.js --prNumber=PR_NUMBER || --prURL=PR_URL`); process.exit(-1); } } checkIfDocOnlyChange();