// Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub, Inc. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "shell/browser/osr/osr_video_consumer.h" #include #include "media/base/limits.h" #include "media/base/video_frame_metadata.h" #include "media/capture/mojom/video_capture_buffer.mojom.h" #include "media/capture/mojom/video_capture_types.mojom.h" #include "services/viz/privileged/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_video_capture.mojom-shared.h" #include "shell/browser/osr/osr_render_widget_host_view.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h" #include "ui/gfx/skbitmap_operations.h" namespace electron { OffScreenVideoConsumer::OffScreenVideoConsumer( OffScreenRenderWidgetHostView* view, OnPaintCallback callback) : callback_(callback), view_(view), video_capturer_(view->CreateVideoCapturer()) { video_capturer_->SetAutoThrottlingEnabled(false); video_capturer_->SetMinSizeChangePeriod(base::TimeDelta()); video_capturer_->SetFormat(media::PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB); // Previous design of OSR try to set the resolution constraint to match the // view's size. It is actually not necessary and creates faulty textures // when the window/view's size changes frequently. The constraint may not // take effect before the internal frame size changes, and makes the capturer // try to resize the new frame size to the old constraint size, which makes // the output image blurry. (For example, small window suddenly expands to // maximum size, will actually produce a small output image with maximized // window resized to fit the small image, however, the expected output is // a maximized image without resizing). // So, we just set the constraint to no limit (1x1 to max). When the window // size changed, a new frame with new size will be automatically generated. // There's no need to manually set the constraint and request a new frame. video_capturer_->SetResolutionConstraints( gfx::Size(1, 1), gfx::Size(media::limits::kMaxDimension, media::limits::kMaxDimension), false); SetFrameRate(view_->frame_rate()); } OffScreenVideoConsumer::~OffScreenVideoConsumer() = default; void OffScreenVideoConsumer::SetActive(bool active) { if (active) { video_capturer_->Start( this, view_->offscreen_use_shared_texture() ? viz::mojom::BufferFormatPreference::kPreferGpuMemoryBuffer : viz::mojom::BufferFormatPreference::kDefault); } else { video_capturer_->Stop(); } } void OffScreenVideoConsumer::SetFrameRate(int frame_rate) { video_capturer_->SetMinCapturePeriod(base::Seconds(1) / frame_rate); } void OffScreenVideoConsumer::OnFrameCaptured( ::media::mojom::VideoBufferHandlePtr data, ::media::mojom::VideoFrameInfoPtr info, const gfx::Rect& content_rect, mojo::PendingRemote callbacks) { // Since we don't call ProvideFeedback, just need Done to release the frame, // there's no need to call the callbacks, see in_flight_frame_delivery.cc // The destructor will call Done for us once the pipe closed. // Offscreen using GPU shared texture if (view_->offscreen_use_shared_texture()) { CHECK(data->is_gpu_memory_buffer_handle()); auto& orig_handle = data->get_gpu_memory_buffer_handle(); CHECK(!orig_handle.is_null()); // Clone the handle to support keep the handle alive after the callback auto gmb_handle = orig_handle.Clone(); OffscreenSharedTextureValue texture; texture.pixel_format = info->pixel_format; texture.coded_size = info->coded_size; texture.visible_rect = info->visible_rect; texture.content_rect = content_rect; texture.timestamp = info->timestamp.InMicroseconds(); texture.frame_count = info->metadata.capture_counter.value_or(0); texture.capture_update_rect = info->metadata.capture_update_rect; texture.source_size = info->metadata.source_size; texture.region_capture_rect = info->metadata.region_capture_rect; texture.widget_type = view_->GetWidgetType(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) texture.shared_texture_handle = reinterpret_cast(gmb_handle.dxgi_handle().buffer_handle()); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_APPLE) texture.shared_texture_handle = reinterpret_cast(gmb_handle.io_surface.get()); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) const auto& native_pixmap = gmb_handle.native_pixmap_handle; texture.modifier = native_pixmap.modifier; for (const auto& plane : native_pixmap.planes) { texture.planes.emplace_back(plane.stride, plane.offset, plane.size, plane.fd.get()); } #endif // The release holder will be released from JS side when `release` called texture.releaser_holder = new OffscreenReleaserHolder(std::move(gmb_handle), std::move(callbacks)); callback_.Run(content_rect, {}, std::move(texture)); return; } // Regular shared texture capture using shared memory const auto& data_region = data->get_read_only_shmem_region(); if (!data_region.IsValid()) { return; } base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryMapping mapping = data_region.Map(); if (!mapping.IsValid()) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Shared memory mapping failed."; return; } if (mapping.size() < media::VideoFrame::AllocationSize(info->pixel_format, info->coded_size)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Shared memory size was less than expected."; return; } // The SkBitmap's pixels will be marked as immutable, but the installPixels() // API requires a non-const pointer. So, cast away the const. void* const pixels = const_cast(mapping.memory()); // Call installPixels() with a |releaseProc| that: 1) notifies the capturer // that this consumer has finished with the frame, and 2) releases the shared // memory mapping. struct FramePinner { // Keeps the shared memory that backs |frame_| mapped. base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryMapping mapping; // Prevents FrameSinkVideoCapturer from recycling the shared memory that // backs |frame_|. mojo::PendingRemote releaser; }; SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.installPixels( SkImageInfo::MakeN32(content_rect.width(), content_rect.height(), kPremul_SkAlphaType), pixels, media::VideoFrame::RowBytes(media::VideoFrame::Plane::kARGB, info->pixel_format, info->coded_size.width()), [](void* addr, void* context) { delete static_cast(context); }, new FramePinner{std::move(mapping), std::move(callbacks)}); bitmap.setImmutable(); // Since update_rect is already offset-ed with same origin of content_rect, // there's nothing more to do with the imported bitmap. std::optional update_rect = info->metadata.capture_update_rect; if (!update_rect.has_value() || update_rect->IsEmpty()) { update_rect = content_rect; } callback_.Run(*update_rect, bitmap, {}); } } // namespace electron