import { ipcRenderer, contextBridge } from 'electron' async function getOcticonSvg (name: string) { try { const response = await fetch(`octicon/${name}.svg`) const div = document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML = await response.text() return div } catch { return null } } async function loadSVG (element: HTMLSpanElement) { for (const cssClass of element.classList) { if (cssClass.startsWith('octicon-')) { const icon = await getOcticonSvg(cssClass.substr(8)) if (icon) { for (const elemClass of element.classList) { icon.classList.add(elemClass) } element.before(icon) element.remove() break } } } } async function initialize () { const electronPath = await ipcRenderer.invoke('bootstrap') function replaceText (selector: string, text: string) { const element = document.querySelector(selector) if (element) { element.innerText = text } } replaceText('.electron-version', `Electron v${process.versions.electron}`) replaceText('.chrome-version', `Chromium v${}`) replaceText('.node-version', `Node v${process.versions.node}`) replaceText('.v8-version', `v8 v${process.versions.v8}`) replaceText('.command-example', `${electronPath} path-to-app`) for (const element of document.querySelectorAll('.octicon')) { loadSVG(element) } } contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronDefaultApp', { initialize })