import { BrowserWindow, ipcMain } from 'electron/main'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { once } from 'node:events'; import * as importedFs from 'node:fs'; import * as path from 'node:path'; import * as url from 'node:url'; import { Worker } from 'node:worker_threads'; import { getRemoteContext, ifdescribe, ifit, itremote, useRemoteContext } from './lib/spec-helpers'; import { closeAllWindows } from './lib/window-helpers'; describe('asar package', () => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); const asarDir = path.join(fixtures, 'test.asar'); afterEach(closeAllWindows); describe('asar protocol', () => { it('sets __dirname correctly', async function () { after(function () { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('dirname'); }); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false } }); const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'web.asar', 'index.html'); const dirnameEvent = once(ipcMain, 'dirname'); w.loadFile(p); const [, dirname] = await dirnameEvent; expect(dirname).to.equal(path.dirname(p)); }); it('loads script tag in html', async function () { after(function () { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('ping'); }); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false } }); const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'script.asar', 'index.html'); const ping = once(ipcMain, 'ping'); w.loadFile(p); const [, message] = await ping; expect(message).to.equal('pong'); }); it('loads video tag in html', async function () { this.timeout(60000); after(function () { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('asar-video'); }); const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false } }); const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'video.asar', 'index.html'); w.loadFile(p); const [, message, error] = await once(ipcMain, 'asar-video'); if (message === 'ended') { expect(error); } else if (message === 'error') { throw new Error(error); } }); }); describe('worker', () => { it('Worker can load asar file', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'workers', 'load_worker.html')); const workerUrl = url.format({ pathname: path.resolve(fixtures, 'workers', 'workers.asar', 'worker.js').replaceAll('\\', '/'), protocol: 'file', slashes: true }); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`loadWorker('${workerUrl}')`); expect(result).to.equal('success'); }); it('SharedWorker can load asar file', async () => { const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await w.loadFile(path.join(fixtures, 'workers', 'load_shared_worker.html')); const workerUrl = url.format({ pathname: path.resolve(fixtures, 'workers', 'workers.asar', 'shared_worker.js').replaceAll('\\', '/'), protocol: 'file', slashes: true }); const result = await w.webContents.executeJavaScript(`loadSharedWorker('${workerUrl}')`); expect(result).to.equal('success'); }); }); describe('worker threads', function () { // DISABLED-FIXME(#38192): only disabled for ASan. ifit(!process.env.IS_ASAN)('should start worker thread from asar file', function (callback) { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'worker_threads.asar', 'worker.js'); const w = new Worker(p); w.on('error', (err) => callback(err)); w.on('message', (message) => { expect(message).to.equal('ping'); w.terminate(); callback(null); }); }); }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async function expectToThrowErrorWithCode (_func: Function, _code: string) { /* dummy for typescript */ } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function promisify (_f: Function): any { /* dummy for typescript */ } describe('asar package', function () { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); const asarDir = path.join(fixtures, 'test.asar'); const fs = require('node:fs') as typeof importedFs; // dummy, to fool typescript useRemoteContext({ url: url.pathToFileURL(path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'blank.html')), setup: ` async function expectToThrowErrorWithCode (func, code) { let error; try { await func(); } catch (e) { error = e; } const chai = require('chai') chai.expect(error)'code').which.equals(code); } fs = require('node:fs') path = require('node:path') fixtures = ${JSON.stringify(fixtures)} asarDir = ${JSON.stringify(asarDir)} // This is used instead of util.promisify for some tests to dodge the // util.promisify.custom behavior. promisify = (f) => { return (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { f(...args, (err, result) => { if (err) reject(err) else resolve(result) }) }) } null ` }); describe('node api', function () { itremote('supports paths specified as a Buffer', function () { const file = Buffer.from(path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1')); expect(fs.existsSync(file)); }); describe('fs.readFileSync', function () { itremote('does not leak fd', function () { let readCalls = 1; while (readCalls <= 10000) { fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'default_app.asar', 'main.js')); readCalls++; } }); itremote('reads a normal file', function () { const file1 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); expect(fs.readFileSync(file1).toString().trim()).to.equal('file1'); const file2 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file2'); expect(fs.readFileSync(file2).toString().trim()).to.equal('file2'); const file3 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file3'); expect(fs.readFileSync(file3).toString().trim()).to.equal('file3'); }); itremote('reads from a empty file', function () { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'empty.asar', 'file1'); const buffer = fs.readFileSync(file); expect(buffer); expect(buffer.toString()).to.equal(''); }); itremote('reads a linked file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link1'); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('reads a file from linked directory', function () { const p1 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'file1'); expect(fs.readFileSync(p1).toString().trim()).to.equal('file1'); const p2 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); expect(fs.readFileSync(p2).toString().trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.readFileSync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); itremote('passes ENOENT error to callback when can not find file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); let async = false; fs.readFile(p, function (error) { expect(async); expect(error).to.match(/ENOENT/); }); async = true; }); itremote('reads a normal file with unpacked files', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim()).to.equal('a'); }); itremote('reads a file in filesystem', function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'file'); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim()).to.equal('file'); }); }); describe('fs.readFile', function () { itremote('reads a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(p, (err, content) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(content); })); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('reads from a empty file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'empty.asar', 'file1'); const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(p, (err, content) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(content); })); expect(String(content)).to.equal(''); }); itremote('reads from a empty file with encoding', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'empty.asar', 'file1'); const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(p, (err, content) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(content); })); expect(String(content)).to.equal(''); }); itremote('reads a linked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link1'); const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(p, (err, content) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(content); })); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('reads a file from linked directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); const content = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(p, (err, content) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(content); })); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>((resolve) => fs.readFile(p, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.promises.readFile', function () { itremote('reads a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const content = await fs.promises.readFile(p); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('reads from a empty file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'empty.asar', 'file1'); const content = await fs.promises.readFile(p); expect(String(content)).to.equal(''); }); itremote('reads from a empty file with encoding', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'empty.asar', 'file1'); const content = await fs.promises.readFile(p, 'utf8'); expect(content).to.equal(''); }); itremote('reads a linked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link1'); const content = await fs.promises.readFile(p); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('reads a file from linked directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); const content = await fs.promises.readFile(p); expect(String(content).trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.readFile(p), 'ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.copyFile', function () { itremote('copies a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { fs.copyFile(p, dest, (err) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); }); }); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); itremote('copies a unpacked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { fs.copyFile(p, dest, (err) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); }); }); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); }); describe('fs.promises.copyFile', function () { itremote('copies a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); await fs.promises.copyFile(p, dest); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); itremote('copies a unpacked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); await fs.promises.copyFile(p, dest); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); }); describe('fs.copyFileSync', function () { itremote('copies a normal file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); fs.copyFileSync(p, dest); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); itremote('copies a unpacked file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const temp = require('temp').track(); const dest = temp.path(); fs.copyFileSync(p, dest); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest))); }); }); describe('fs.lstatSync', function () { itremote('handles path with trailing slash correctly', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); fs.lstatSync(p); fs.lstatSync(p + '/'); }); itremote('returns information of root', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of root with stats as bigint', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p, { bigint: false }); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a normal file', function () { const ref2 = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', path.join('dir1', 'file1'), path.join('link2', 'file1')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(6); } }); itremote('returns information of a normal directory', function () { const ref2 = ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3']; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); } }); itremote('returns information of a linked file', function () { const ref2 = ['link1', path.join('dir1', 'link1'), path.join('link2', 'link2')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); } }); itremote('returns information of a linked directory', function () { const ref2 = ['link2', path.join('dir1', 'link2'), path.join('link2', 'link2')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); const stats = fs.lstatSync(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); } }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', function () { const ref2 = ['file4', 'file5', path.join('dir1', 'file4')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); expect(() => { fs.lstatSync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); } }); itremote('returns null when can not find file with throwIfNoEntry === false', function () { const ref2 = ['file4', 'file5', path.join('dir1', 'file4')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); expect(fs.lstatSync(p, { throwIfNoEntry: false })).to.equal(null); } }); }); describe('fs.lstat', function () { itremote('handles path with trailing slash correctly', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); await promisify(fs.lstat)(p + '/'); }); itremote('returns information of root', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of root with stats as bigint', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p, { bigint: false }); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'file1'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(6); }); itremote('returns information of a normal directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a linked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a linked directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const stats = await promisify(fs.lstat)(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file4'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.lstat(p, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.promises.lstat', function () { itremote('handles path with trailing slash correctly', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2', 'file1'); await fs.promises.lstat(p + '/'); }); itremote('returns information of root', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of root with stats as bigint', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p, { bigint: false }); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'file1'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(6); }); itremote('returns information of a normal directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a linked file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('returns information of a linked directory', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const stats = await fs.promises.lstat(p); expect(stats.isFile()); expect(stats.isDirectory()); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(stats.size).to.equal(0); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file4'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.lstat(p), 'ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.realpathSync', () => { itremote('returns real path root', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = 'a.asar'; const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'file1'); const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal directory', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'); const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked directory', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')); }); itremote('returns real path of an unpacked file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const r = fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.realpathSync(path.join(parent, p)); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); }); describe('fs.realpathSync.native', () => { itremote('returns real path root', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = 'a.asar'; const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'file1'); const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal directory', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'); const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked directory', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')); }); itremote('returns real path of an unpacked file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const r = fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.realpathSync.native(path.join(parent, p)); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); }); describe('fs.realpath', () => { itremote('returns real path root', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = 'a.asar'; const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'file1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')); }); itremote('returns real path of an unpacked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.realpath(path.join(parent, p), resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.promises.realpath', () => { itremote('returns real path root', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = 'a.asar'; const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'file1'); const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'); const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')); }); itremote('returns real path of an unpacked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const r = await fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.realpath(path.join(parent, p)), 'ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.realpath.native', () => { itremote('returns real path root', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = 'a.asar'; const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'file1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a normal directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'file1')); }); itremote('returns real path of a linked directory', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, 'a.asar', 'dir1')); }); itremote('returns real path of an unpacked file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const r = await promisify(fs.realpath.native)(path.join(parent, p)); expect(r).to.equal(path.join(parent, p)); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async () => { const parent = fs.realpathSync.native(asarDir); const p = path.join('a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.realpath.native(path.join(parent, p), resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.readdirSync', function () { itremote('reads dirs from root', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = fs.readdirSync(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('supports recursive readdirSync withFileTypes', () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = fs.readdirSync(dir, { recursive: true, withFileTypes: true }); expect(files).to.have.length(24); for (const file of files) { expect(file); } const paths = any) =>; expect(paths).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js', 'hello.txt', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ]); }); itremote('supports recursive readdirSync', () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = fs.readdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); expect(files).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3'), path.join('a.asar', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'ping.js'), path.join('nested', 'hello.txt'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file3') ]); }); itremote('reads dirs from a normal dir', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); const dirs = fs.readdirSync(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('supports withFileTypes', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = fs.readdirSync(p, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const dir of dirs) { expect(dir); } const names = =>; expect(names).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('supports withFileTypes for a deep directory', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir3'); const dirs = fs.readdirSync(p, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const dir of dirs) { expect(dir); } const names = =>; expect(names).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3']); }); itremote('reads dirs from a linked dir', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const dirs = fs.readdirSync(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.readdirSync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); }); describe('fs.readdir', function () { itremote('reads dirs from root', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = await promisify(fs.readdir)(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('supports recursive readdirSync', async () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = await promisify(fs.readdir)(dir, { recursive: true }); expect(files).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3'), path.join('a.asar', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'ping.js'), path.join('nested', 'hello.txt'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file3') ]); }); itremote('supports readdir withFileTypes', async () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = await promisify(fs.readdir)(dir, { recursive: true, withFileTypes: true }); expect(files).to.have.length(24); for (const file of files) { expect(file); } const paths = any) =>; expect(paths).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js', 'hello.txt', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ]); }); itremote('supports withFileTypes', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = await promisify(fs.readdir)(p, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const dir of dirs) { expect(dir); } const names = any) =>; expect(names).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('reads dirs from a normal dir', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); const dirs = await promisify(fs.readdir)(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('reads dirs from a linked dir', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const dirs = await promisify(fs.readdir)(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.readdir(p, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); it('handles null for options', function (done) { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); fs.readdir(p, null, function (err, dirs) { try { expect(err); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); it('handles undefined for options', function (done) { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); fs.readdir(p, undefined, function (err, dirs) { try { expect(err); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); }); describe('fs.promises.readdir', function () { itremote('reads dirs from root', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = await fs.promises.readdir(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('supports recursive readdir', async () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { recursive: true }); expect(files).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', path.join('a.asar', 'dir1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3'), path.join('a.asar', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'ping.js'), path.join('nested', 'hello.txt'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir1', 'link2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir2', 'file3'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file1'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file2'), path.join('a.asar', 'dir3', 'file3') ]); }); itremote('supports readdir withFileTypes', async () => { const dir = path.join(fixtures, 'recursive-asar'); const files = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { recursive: true, withFileTypes: true }); expect(files).to.have.length(24); for (const file of files) { expect(file); } const paths = any) =>; expect(paths).to.have.members([ 'a.asar', 'nested', 'test.txt', 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js', 'hello.txt', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ]); }); itremote('supports withFileTypes', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const dirs = await fs.promises.readdir(p, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const dir of dirs) { expect(dir); } const names = =>; expect(names).to.deep.equal(['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2', 'ping.js']); }); itremote('reads dirs from a normal dir', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); const dirs = await fs.promises.readdir(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('reads dirs from a linked dir', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link2'); const dirs = await fs.promises.readdir(p); expect(dirs).to.deep.equal(['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'link1', 'link2']); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.readdir(p), 'ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.openSync', function () { itremote('opens a normal/linked/under-linked-directory file', function () { const ref2 = ['file1', 'link1', path.join('link2', 'file1')]; for (let j = 0, len = ref2.length; j < len; j++) { const file = ref2[j]; const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', file); const fd = fs.openSync(p, 'r'); const buffer = Buffer.alloc(6); fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, 6, 0); expect(String(buffer).trim()).to.equal('file1'); fs.closeSync(fd); } }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { (fs.openSync as any)(p); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); }); describe('', function () { itremote('opens a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const fd = await promisify(, 'r'); const buffer = Buffer.alloc(6); await promisify(, buffer, 0, 6, 0); expect(String(buffer).trim()).to.equal('file1'); await promisify(fs.close)(fd); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve =>, 'r', resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); describe('', function () { itremote('opens a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const fh = await, 'r'); const buffer = Buffer.alloc(6); await, 0, 6, 0); expect(String(buffer).trim()).to.equal('file1'); await fh.close(); }); itremote('throws ENOENT error when can not find file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() =>, 'r'), 'ENOENT'); }); }); describe('fs.mkdir', function () { itremote('throws error when calling inside asar archive', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.mkdir(p, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOTDIR'); }); }); describe('fs.promises.mkdir', function () { itremote('throws error when calling inside asar archive', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.mkdir(p), 'ENOTDIR'); }); }); describe('fs.mkdirSync', function () { itremote('throws error when calling inside asar archive', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.mkdirSync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOTDIR/); }); }); describe('fs.exists', function () { itremote('handles an existing file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const exists = await new Promise(resolve => fs.exists(p, resolve)); expect(exists); }); itremote('handles a non-existent file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const exists = await new Promise(resolve => fs.exists(p, resolve)); expect(exists); }); itremote('promisified version handles an existing file', async () => { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const exists = await require('node:util').promisify(fs.exists)(p); expect(exists); }); itremote('promisified version handles a non-existent file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const exists = await require('node:util').promisify(fs.exists)(p); expect(exists); }); }); describe('fs.existsSync', function () { itremote('handles an existing file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); expect(fs.existsSync(p)); }); itremote('handles a non-existent file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(fs.existsSync(p)); }); }); describe('fs.access', function () { itremote('accesses a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); await promisify(fs.access)(p); }); itremote('throws an error when called with write mode', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.access(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('EACCES'); }); itremote('throws an error when called on non-existent file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); const err = await new Promise<any>(resolve => fs.access(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK, resolve)); expect(err.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); itremote('allows write mode for unpacked files', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); await promisify(fs.access)(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK); }); }); describe('fs.promises.access', function () { itremote('accesses a normal file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); await fs.promises.access(p); }); itremote('throws an error when called with write mode', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.access(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK), 'EACCES'); }); itremote('throws an error when called on non-existent file', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); await expectToThrowErrorWithCode(() => fs.promises.access(p), 'ENOENT'); }); itremote('allows write mode for unpacked files', async function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); await fs.promises.access(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK); }); }); describe('fs.accessSync', function () { itremote('accesses a normal file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); expect(() => { fs.accessSync(p); }).to.not.throw(); }); itremote('throws an error when called with write mode', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); expect(() => { fs.accessSync(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK); }).to.throw(/EACCES/); }); itremote('throws an error when called on non-existent file', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { fs.accessSync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOENT/); }); itremote('allows write mode for unpacked files', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); expect(() => { fs.accessSync(p, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK); }).to.not.throw(); }); }); function generateSpecs (childProcess: string) { describe(`${childProcess}.fork`, function () { itremote('opens a normal js file', async function (childProcess: string) { const child = require(childProcess).fork(path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'ping.js')); child.send('message'); const msg = await new Promise(resolve => child.once('message', resolve)); expect(msg).to.equal('message'); }, [childProcess]); itremote('supports asar in the forked js', async function (childProcess: string, fixtures: string) { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const child = require(childProcess).fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'asar.js')); child.send(file); const content = await new Promise(resolve => child.once('message', resolve)); expect(content).to.equal(fs.readFileSync(file).toString()); }, [childProcess, fixtures]); }); describe(`${childProcess}.exec`, function () { itremote('should not try to extract the command if there is a reference to a file inside an .asar', async function (childProcess: string) { const echo = path.join(asarDir, 'echo.asar', 'echo'); const stdout = await promisify(require(childProcess).exec)('echo ' + echo + ' foo bar'); expect(stdout.toString().replaceAll('\r', '')).to.equal(echo + ' foo bar\n'); }, [childProcess]); }); describe(`${childProcess}.execSync`, function () { itremote('should not try to extract the command if there is a reference to a file inside an .asar', async function (childProcess: string) { const echo = path.join(asarDir, 'echo.asar', 'echo'); const stdout = require(childProcess).execSync('echo ' + echo + ' foo bar'); expect(stdout.toString().replaceAll('\r', '')).to.equal(echo + ' foo bar\n'); }, [childProcess]); }); ifdescribe(process.platform === 'darwin' && process.arch !== 'arm64')(`${childProcess}.execFile`, function () { itremote('executes binaries', async function (childProcess: string) { const echo = path.join(asarDir, 'echo.asar', 'echo'); const stdout = await promisify(require(childProcess).execFile)(echo, ['test']); expect(stdout).to.equal('test\n'); }, [childProcess]); itremote('executes binaries without callback', async function (childProcess: string) { const echo = path.join(asarDir, 'echo.asar', 'echo'); const process = require(childProcess).execFile(echo, ['test']); const code = await new Promise(resolve => process.once('close', resolve)); expect(code).to.equal(0); process.on('error', function () { throw new Error('error'); }); }, [childProcess]); itremote('execFileSync executes binaries', function (childProcess: string) { const echo = path.join(asarDir, 'echo.asar', 'echo'); const output = require(childProcess).execFileSync(echo, ['test']); expect(String(output)).to.equal('test\n'); }, [childProcess]); }); } generateSpecs('child_process'); generateSpecs('node:child_process'); describe('internalModuleReadJSON', function () { itremote('reads a normal file', function () { const { internalModuleReadJSON } = (process as any).binding('fs'); const file1 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const [s1, c1] = internalModuleReadJSON(file1); expect([s1.toString().trim(), c1]).to.eql(['file1', true]); const file2 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file2'); const [s2, c2] = internalModuleReadJSON(file2); expect([s2.toString().trim(), c2]).to.eql(['file2', true]); const file3 = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file3'); const [s3, c3] = internalModuleReadJSON(file3); expect([s3.toString().trim(), c3]).to.eql(['file3', true]); }); itremote('reads a normal file with unpacked files', function () { const { internalModuleReadJSON } = (process as any).binding('fs'); const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const [s, c] = internalModuleReadJSON(p); expect([s.toString().trim(), c]).to.eql(['a', true]); }); }); describe('util.promisify', function () { itremote('can promisify all fs functions', function () { const originalFs = require('original-fs'); const util = require('node:util'); for (const [propertyName, originalValue] of Object.entries(originalFs)) { // Some properties exist but have a value of `undefined` on some platforms. // E.g. `fs.lchmod`, which in only available on MacOS, see // // Also check for `null`s, `hasOwnProperty()` can't handle them. if (typeof originalValue === 'undefined' || originalValue === null) continue; if (Object.hasOwn(originalValue, util.promisify.custom)) { expect(fs); } } }); }); describe('process.noAsar', function () { const errorName = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'ENOENT' : 'ENOTDIR'; beforeEach(async function () { return (await getRemoteContext()).webContents.executeJavaScript(` process.noAsar = true; `); }); afterEach(async function () { return (await getRemoteContext()).webContents.executeJavaScript(` process.noAsar = false; `); }); itremote('disables asar support in sync API', function (errorName: string) { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const dir = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); console.log(1); expect(() => { fs.readFileSync(file); }).to.throw(new RegExp(errorName)); expect(() => { fs.lstatSync(file); }).to.throw(new RegExp(errorName)); expect(() => { fs.realpathSync(file); }).to.throw(new RegExp(errorName)); expect(() => { fs.readdirSync(dir); }).to.throw(new RegExp(errorName)); }, [errorName]); itremote('disables asar support in async API', async function (errorName: string) { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const dir = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); await new Promise<void>(resolve => { fs.readFile(file, function (error) { expect(error?.code).to.equal(errorName); fs.lstat(file, function (error) { expect(error?.code).to.equal(errorName); fs.realpath(file, function (error) { expect(error?.code).to.equal(errorName); fs.readdir(dir, function (error) { expect(error?.code).to.equal(errorName); resolve(); }); }); }); }); }); }, [errorName]); itremote('disables asar support in promises API', async function (errorName: string) { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const dir = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'dir1'); await expect(fs.promises.readFile(file)), new RegExp(errorName)); await expect(fs.promises.lstat(file)), new RegExp(errorName)); await expect(fs.promises.realpath(file)), new RegExp(errorName)); await expect(fs.promises.readdir(dir)), new RegExp(errorName)); }, [errorName]); itremote('treats *.asar as normal file', function () { const originalFs = require('original-fs'); const asar = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const content1 = fs.readFileSync(asar); const content2 = originalFs.readFileSync(asar); expect(; expect(() => { fs.readdirSync(asar); }).to.throw(/ENOTDIR/); }); itremote('is reset to its original value when execSync throws an error', function () { process.noAsar = false; expect(() => { require('node:child_process').execSync(path.join(__dirname, 'does-not-exist.txt')); }).to.throw(); expect(process.noAsar); }); }); /* describe('process.env.ELECTRON_NO_ASAR', function () { itremote('disables asar support in forked processes', function (done) { const forked = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'module', 'no-asar.js'), [], { env: { ELECTRON_NO_ASAR: true } }); forked.on('message', function (stats) { try { expect(stats.isFile); expect(stats.size).to.equal(3458); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); itremote('disables asar support in spawned processes', function (done) { const spawned = ChildProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'module', 'no-asar.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_NO_ASAR: true, ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: true } }); let output = ''; spawned.stdout.on('data', function (data) { output += data; }); spawned.stdout.on('close', function () { try { const stats = JSON.parse(output); expect(stats.isFile); expect(stats.size).to.equal(3458); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); }); */ }); describe('asar protocol', function () { itremote('can request a file in package', async function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const response = await fetch('file://' + p); const data = await response.text(); expect(data.trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('can request a file in package with unpacked files', async function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'); const response = await fetch('file://' + p); const data = await response.text(); expect(data.trim()).to.equal('a'); }); itremote('can request a linked file in package', async function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link2', 'link1'); const response = await fetch('file://' + p); const data = await response.text(); expect(data.trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('can request a file in filesystem', async function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'file'); const response = await fetch('file://' + p); const data = await response.text(); expect(data.trim()).to.equal('file'); }); itremote('gets error when file is not found', async function () { const p = path.resolve(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'no-exist'); try { const response = await fetch('file://' + p); expect(response.status).to.equal(404); } catch (error: any) { expect(error.message).to.equal('Failed to fetch'); } }); }); describe('original-fs module', function () { itremote('treats .asar as file', function () { const file = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar'); const originalFs = require('original-fs'); const stats = originalFs.statSync(file); expect(stats.isFile()); }); /* it('is available in forked scripts', async function () { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'original-fs.js')); const message = once(child, 'message'); child.send('message'); const [msg] = await message; expect(msg).to.equal('object'); }); */ itremote('can be used with streams', () => { const originalFs = require('original-fs'); originalFs.createReadStream(path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar')); }); itremote('can recursively delete a directory with an asar file in itremote using rmdirSync', () => { const deleteDir = path.join(asarDir, 'deleteme'); fs.mkdirSync(deleteDir); const originalFs = require('original-fs'); originalFs.rmdirSync(deleteDir, { recursive: true }); expect(fs.existsSync(deleteDir)); }); itremote('can recursively delete a directory with an asar file in itremote using promises.rmdir', async () => { const deleteDir = path.join(asarDir, 'deleteme'); fs.mkdirSync(deleteDir); const originalFs = require('original-fs'); await originalFs.promises.rmdir(deleteDir, { recursive: true }); expect(fs.existsSync(deleteDir)); }); itremote('has the same APIs as fs', function () { expect(Object.keys(require('node:fs'))).to.deep.equal(Object.keys(require('original-fs'))); expect(Object.keys(require('node:fs').promises)).to.deep.equal(Object.keys(require('original-fs').promises)); }); }); describe('graceful-fs module', function () { itremote('recognize asar archives', function () { const gfs = require('graceful-fs'); const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'link1'); expect(gfs.readFileSync(p).toString().trim()).to.equal('file1'); }); itremote('does not touch global fs object', function () { const gfs = require('graceful-fs'); expect(fs.readdir).to.not.equal(gfs.readdir); }); }); describe('mkdirp module', function () { itremote('throws error when calling inside asar archive', function () { const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'not-exist'); expect(() => { mkdirp.sync(p); }).to.throw(/ENOTDIR/); }); }); describe('native-image', function () { itremote('reads image from asar archive', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'logo.asar', 'logo.png'); const logo = require('electron').nativeImage.createFromPath(p); expect(logo.getSize()).to.deep.equal({ width: 55, height: 55 }); }); itremote('reads image from asar archive with unpacked files', function () { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'unpack.asar', 'atom.png'); const logo = require('electron').nativeImage.createFromPath(p); expect(logo.getSize()).to.deep.equal({ width: 1024, height: 1024 }); }); }); });