asar = process.binding 'atom_common_asar' child_process = require 'child_process' path = require 'path' util = require 'util' # Cache asar archive objects. cachedArchives = {} getOrCreateArchive = (p) -> archive = cachedArchives[p] return archive if archive? archive = asar.createArchive p return false unless archive cachedArchives[p] = archive # Clean cache on quit. process.on 'exit', -> archive.destroy() for own p, archive of cachedArchives # Separate asar package's path from full path. splitPath = (p) -> return [false] if typeof p isnt 'string' return [true, p, ''] if p.substr(-5) is '.asar' index = p.lastIndexOf ".asar#{path.sep}" return [false] if index is -1 [true, p.substr(0, index + 5), p.substr(index + 6)] # Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object. nextInode = 0 uid = if process.getuid? then process.getuid() else 0 gid = if process.getgid? then process.getgid() else 0 fakeTime = new Date() asarStatsToFsStats = (stats) -> { dev: 1, ino: ++nextInode, mode: 33188, nlink: 1, uid: uid, gid: gid, rdev: 0, atime: stats.atime || fakeTime, birthtime: stats.birthtime || fakeTime, mtime: stats.mtime || fakeTime, ctime: stats.ctime || fakeTime, size: stats.size, isFile: -> stats.isFile isDirectory: -> stats.isDirectory isSymbolicLink: -> stats.isLink isBlockDevice: -> false isCharacterDevice: -> false isFIFO: -> false isSocket: -> false } # Create a ENOENT error. notFoundError = (asarPath, filePath, callback) -> error = new Error("ENOENT, #{filePath} not found in #{asarPath}") error.code = "ENOENT" error.errno = -2 unless typeof callback is 'function' throw error process.nextTick -> callback error # Create invalid archive error. invalidArchiveError = (asarPath, callback) -> error = new Error("Invalid package #{asarPath}") unless typeof callback is 'function' throw error process.nextTick -> callback error # Override APIs that rely on passing file path instead of content to C++. overrideAPISync = (module, name, arg = 0) -> old = module[name] module[name] = -> p = arguments[arg] [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return old.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive newPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless newPath arguments[arg] = newPath old.apply this, arguments overrideAPI = (module, name, arg = 0) -> old = module[name] module[name] = -> p = arguments[arg] [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return old.apply this, arguments unless isAsar callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1] return overrideAPISync module, name, arg unless typeof callback is 'function' archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive newPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless newPath arguments[arg] = newPath old.apply this, arguments # Override fs APIs. exports.wrapFsWithAsar = (fs) -> lstatSync = fs.lstatSync fs.lstatSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return lstatSync p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive stats = archive.stat filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless stats asarStatsToFsStats stats lstat = fs.lstat fs.lstat = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return lstat p, callback unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive stats = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath).stat filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless stats process.nextTick -> callback null, asarStatsToFsStats stats statSync = fs.statSync fs.statSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return statSync p unless isAsar # Do not distinguish links for now. fs.lstatSync p stat = fs.stat fs.stat = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return stat p, callback unless isAsar # Do not distinguish links for now. process.nextTick -> fs.lstat p, callback statSyncNoException = fs.statSyncNoException fs.statSyncNoException = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return statSyncNoException p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return false unless archive stats = archive.stat filePath return false unless stats asarStatsToFsStats stats realpathSync = fs.realpathSync fs.realpathSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return realpathSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive real = archive.realpath filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath if real is false path.join realpathSync(asarPath), real realpath = fs.realpath fs.realpath = (p, cache, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return realpath.apply this, arguments unless isAsar if typeof cache is 'function' callback = cache cache = undefined archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive real = archive.realpath filePath if real is false return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback realpath asarPath, (err, p) -> return callback err if err callback null, path.join(p, real) exists = fs.exists fs.exists = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return exists p, callback unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive process.nextTick -> callback archive.stat(filePath) isnt false existsSync = fs.existsSync fs.existsSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return existsSync p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return false unless archive archive.stat(filePath) isnt false open = readFile = fs.readFile fs.readFile = (p, options, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readFile.apply this, arguments unless isAsar if typeof options is 'function' callback = options options = undefined archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless info if info.size is 0 return process.nextTick -> callback null, new Buffer(0) if info.unpacked realPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return fs.readFile realPath, options, callback if not options options = encoding: null else if util.isString options options = encoding: options else if not util.isObject options throw new TypeError('Bad arguments') encoding = options.encoding buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless fd >= 0 fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, (error) -> callback error, if encoding then buffer.toString encoding else buffer openSync = fs.openSync readFileSync = fs.readFileSync fs.readFileSync = (p, options) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readFileSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless info return new Buffer(0) if info.size is 0 if info.unpacked realPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return fs.readFileSync realPath, options if not options options = encoding: null else if util.isString options options = encoding: options else if not util.isObject options throw new TypeError('Bad arguments') encoding = options.encoding buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless fd >= 0 fs.readSync fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset if encoding then buffer.toString encoding else buffer readdir = fs.readdir fs.readdir = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readdir.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive files = archive.readdir filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless files process.nextTick -> callback null, files readdirSync = fs.readdirSync fs.readdirSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readdirSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive files = archive.readdir filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless files files internalModuleReadFile = process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return internalModuleReadFile p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return undefined unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath return undefined unless info return '' if info.size is 0 buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() retrun undefined unless fd >= 0 fs.readSync fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset buffer.toString 'utf8' internalModuleStat = process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return internalModuleStat p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return -34 unless archive # -ENOENT stats = archive.stat filePath return -34 unless stats # -ENOENT if stats.isDirectory then return 1 else return 0 overrideAPI fs, 'open' overrideAPI child_process, 'execFile' overrideAPISync process, 'dlopen', 1 overrideAPISync require('module')._extensions, '.node', 1 overrideAPISync fs, 'openSync'