'use strict' const chai = require('chai') const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai') const http = require('http') const path = require('path') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {expect} = chai chai.use(dirtyChai) const {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron') const {ipcMain, webContents, BrowserWindow} = remote describe('ipc renderer module', () => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') let w = null afterEach(() => closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null })) describe('ipc.sender.send', () => { it('should work when sending an object containing id property', done => { const obj = { id: 1, name: 'ly' } ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, message) => { expect(message).to.deep.equal(obj) done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', obj) }) it('can send instances of Date', done => { const currentDate = new Date() ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, value) => { expect(value).to.equal(currentDate.toISOString()) done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', currentDate) }) it('can send instances of Buffer', done => { const buffer = Buffer.from('hello') ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, message) => { expect(buffer.equals(message)).to.be.true() done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', buffer) }) it('can send objects with DOM class prototypes', done => { ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, value) => { expect(value.protocol).to.equal('file:') expect(value.hostname).to.equal('') done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', document.location) }) it('can send Electron API objects', done => { const webContents = remote.getCurrentWebContents() ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, value) => { expect(value.browserWindowOptions).to.deep.equal(webContents.browserWindowOptions) done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', webContents) }) it('does not crash on external objects (regression)', done => { const request = http.request({port: 5000, hostname: '', method: 'GET', path: '/'}) const stream = request.agent.sockets[''][0]._handle._externalStream request.on('error', () => {}) ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, requestValue, externalStreamValue) => { expect(requestValue.method).to.equal('GET') expect(requestValue.path).to.equal('/') expect(externalStreamValue).to.be.null() done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', request, stream) }) it('can send objects that both reference the same object', done => { const child = {hello: 'world'} const foo = {name: 'foo', child: child} const bar = {name: 'bar', child: child} const array = [foo, bar] ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, arrayValue, fooValue, barValue, childValue) => { expect(arrayValue).to.deep.equal(array) expect(fooValue).to.deep.equal(foo) expect(barValue).to.deep.equal(bar) expect(childValue).to.deep.equal(child) done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', array, foo, bar, child) }) it('inserts null for cyclic references', done => { const array = [5] array.push(array) const child = {hello: 'world'} child.child = child ipcRenderer.once('message', (event, arrayValue, childValue) => { expect(arrayValue[0]).to.equal(5) expect(arrayValue[1]).to.be.null() expect(childValue.hello).to.equal('world') expect(childValue.child).to.be.null() done() }) ipcRenderer.send('message', array, child) }) }) describe('ipc.sendSync', () => { afterEach(() => { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('send-sync-message') }) it('can be replied by setting event.returnValue', () => { const msg = ipcRenderer.sendSync('echo', 'test') expect(msg).to.equal('test') }) }) describe('ipcRenderer.sendTo', () => { let contents = null afterEach(() => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('pong') contents.destroy() contents = null }) it('sends message to WebContents', done => { contents = webContents.create({ preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-inject-ipc.js') }) const payload = 'Hello World!' ipcRenderer.once('pong', (event, data) => { expect(payload).to.equal(data) done() }) contents.once('did-finish-load', () => { ipcRenderer.sendTo(contents.id, 'ping', payload) }) contents.loadURL(`file://${path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'ping-pong.html')}`) }) it('sends message to WebContents (sanboxed renderer)', done => { contents = webContents.create({ preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-inject-ipc.js'), sandbox: true }) const payload = 'Hello World!' ipcRenderer.once('pong', (event, data) => { expect(payload).to.equal(data) done() }) contents.once('did-finish-load', () => { ipcRenderer.sendTo(contents.id, 'ping', payload) }) contents.loadURL(`file://${path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'ping-pong.html')}`) }) it('sends message to WebContents (channel has special chars)', done => { contents = webContents.create({ preload: path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'preload-inject-ipc.js') }) const payload = 'Hello World!' ipcRenderer.once('pong-æøåü', (event, data) => { expect(payload).to.equal(data) done() }) contents.once('did-finish-load', () => { ipcRenderer.sendTo(contents.id, 'ping-æøåü', payload) }) contents.loadURL(`file://${path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'ping-pong.html')}`) }) }) describe('remote listeners', () => { it('detaches listeners subscribed to destroyed renderers, and shows a warning', (done) => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', () => { const expectedMessage = [ 'Attempting to call a function in a renderer window that has been closed or released.', 'Function provided here: remote-event-handler.html:11:33', 'Remote event names: remote-handler, other-remote-handler' ].join('\n') const results = ipcRenderer.sendSync('try-emit-web-contents-event', w.webContents.id, 'remote-handler') expect(results).to.deep.equal({ warningMessage: expectedMessage, listenerCountBefore: 2, listenerCountAfter: 1 }) done() }) w.webContents.reload() }) w.loadURL(`file://${path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'remote-event-handler.html')}`) }) }) it('throws an error when removing all the listeners', () => { ipcRenderer.on('test-event', () => {}) expect(ipcRenderer.listenerCount('test-event')).to.equal(1) expect(() => { ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners() }).to.throw(/Removing all listeners from ipcRenderer will make Electron internals stop working/) ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners('test-event') expect(ipcRenderer.listenerCount('test-event')).to.equal(0) }) })