import { expect } from 'chai'; import { app, contentTracing, TraceConfig, TraceCategoriesAndOptions } from 'electron/main'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { ifdescribe } from './spec-helpers'; const timeout = async (milliseconds: number) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds); }); }; // FIXME: The tests are skipped on arm/arm64. ifdescribe(!(process.platform === 'linux' && ['arm', 'arm64'].includes(process.arch)))('contentTracing', () => { const record = async (options: TraceConfig | TraceCategoriesAndOptions, outputFilePath: string | undefined, recordTimeInMilliseconds = 1e1) => { await app.whenReady(); await contentTracing.startRecording(options); await timeout(recordTimeInMilliseconds); const resultFilePath = await contentTracing.stopRecording(outputFilePath); return resultFilePath; }; const outputFilePath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'trace.json'); beforeEach(() => { if (fs.existsSync(outputFilePath)) { fs.unlinkSync(outputFilePath); } }); describe('startRecording', function () { this.timeout(5e3); const getFileSizeInKiloBytes = (filePath: string) => { const stats = fs.statSync(filePath); const fileSizeInBytes = stats.size; const fileSizeInKiloBytes = fileSizeInBytes / 1024; return fileSizeInKiloBytes; }; it('accepts an empty config', async () => { const config = {}; await record(config, outputFilePath); expect(fs.existsSync(outputFilePath))'output exists'); const fileSizeInKiloBytes = getFileSizeInKiloBytes(outputFilePath); expect(fileSizeInKiloBytes), `the trace output file is empty, check "${outputFilePath}"`); }); it('accepts a trace config', async () => { // (alexeykuzmin): All categories are excluded on purpose, // so only metadata gets into the output file. const config = { excluded_categories: ['*'] }; await record(config, outputFilePath); expect(fs.existsSync(outputFilePath))'output exists'); // If the `excluded_categories` param above is not respected // the file size will be above 50KB. const fileSizeInKiloBytes = getFileSizeInKiloBytes(outputFilePath); const expectedMaximumFileSize = 10; // Depends on a platform. expect(fileSizeInKiloBytes), `the trace output file is empty, check "${outputFilePath}"`); expect(fileSizeInKiloBytes), `the trace output file is suspiciously large (${fileSizeInKiloBytes}KB), check "${outputFilePath}"`); }); it('accepts "categoryFilter" and "traceOptions" as a config', async () => { // (alexeykuzmin): All categories are excluded on purpose, // so only metadata gets into the output file. const config = { categoryFilter: '__ThisIsANonexistentCategory__', traceOptions: '' }; await record(config, outputFilePath); expect(fs.existsSync(outputFilePath))'output exists'); // If the `categoryFilter` param above is not respected // the file size will be above 50KB. const fileSizeInKiloBytes = getFileSizeInKiloBytes(outputFilePath); const expectedMaximumFileSize = 10; // Depends on a platform. expect(fileSizeInKiloBytes), `the trace output file is empty, check "${outputFilePath}"`); expect(fileSizeInKiloBytes), `the trace output file is suspiciously large (${fileSizeInKiloBytes}KB), check "${outputFilePath}"`); }); }); describe('stopRecording', function () { this.timeout(5e3); it('does not crash on empty string', async () => { const options = { categoryFilter: '*', traceOptions: 'record-until-full,enable-sampling' }; await contentTracing.startRecording(options); const path = await contentTracing.stopRecording(''); expect(path)'string')'result path'); expect(fs.statSync(path).isFile())'output exists'); }); it('calls its callback with a result file path', async () => { const resultFilePath = await record(/* options */ {}, outputFilePath); expect(resultFilePath)'string'); }); it('creates a temporary file when an empty string is passed', async function () { const resultFilePath = await record(/* options */ {}, /* outputFilePath */ ''); expect(resultFilePath)'string')'result path'); }); it('creates a temporary file when no path is passed', async function () { const resultFilePath = await record(/* options */ {}, /* outputFilePath */ undefined); expect(resultFilePath)'string')'result path'); }); }); });