import { autoUpdater } from 'electron/main'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ifit, ifdescribe } from './spec-helpers'; ifdescribe(!process.mas)('autoUpdater module', function () { describe('checkForUpdates', function () { ifit(process.platform === 'win32')('emits an error on Windows if the feed URL is not set', function (done) { autoUpdater.once('error', function (error) { expect(error.message).to.equal('Update URL is not set'); done(); }); autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: '' }); autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); }); }); describe('getFeedURL', () => { it('returns an empty string by default', () => { expect(autoUpdater.getFeedURL()).to.equal(''); }); ifit(process.platform === 'win32')('correctly fetches the previously set FeedURL', function (done) { const updateURL = ''; autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: updateURL }); expect(autoUpdater.getFeedURL()).to.equal(updateURL); done(); }); }); describe('setFeedURL', function () { ifdescribe(process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'darwin')('on Mac or Windows', () => { it('sets url successfully using old (url, headers) syntax', () => { const url = ''; try { (autoUpdater.setFeedURL as any)(url, { header: 'val' }); } catch (err) { /* ignore */ } expect(autoUpdater.getFeedURL()).to.equal(url); }); it('throws if no url is provided when using the old style', () => { expect(() => (autoUpdater.setFeedURL as any)()).to.throw('Expected an options object with a \'url\' property to be provided'); }); it('sets url successfully using new ({ url }) syntax', () => { const url = 'http://mymagicurl.local'; try { autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url }); } catch (err) { /* ignore */ } expect(autoUpdater.getFeedURL()).to.equal(url); }); it('throws if no url is provided when using the new style', () => { expect(() => autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ noUrl: 'lol' } as any) ).to.throw('Expected options object to contain a \'url\' string property in setFeedUrl call'); }); }); ifdescribe(process.platform === 'darwin')('on Mac', function () { it('emits an error when the application is unsigned', done => { autoUpdater.once('error', function (error) { expect(error.message).equal('Could not get code signature for running application'); done(); }); autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: '' }); }); it('does not throw if default is the serverType', () => { // "Could not get code signature..." means the function got far enough to validate that serverType was OK. expect(() => autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: '', serverType: 'default' })).to.throw('Could not get code signature for running application'); }); it('does not throw if json is the serverType', () => { // "Could not get code signature..." means the function got far enough to validate that serverType was OK. expect(() => autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: '', serverType: 'json' })).to.throw('Could not get code signature for running application'); }); it('does throw if an unknown string is the serverType', () => { expect(() => autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url: '', serverType: 'weow' })).to.throw('Expected serverType to be \'default\' or \'json\''); }); }); }); describe('quitAndInstall', () => { ifit(process.platform === 'win32')('emits an error on Windows when no update is available', function (done) { autoUpdater.once('error', function (error) { expect(error.message).to.equal('No update available, can\'t quit and install'); done(); }); autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); }); });